Martins (BennyHedges) bench update

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Martins (BennyHedges) bench update

Post by cheekykev »

Just letting you all know me and cheekyads went round to Bennys bench on our way home from the VTR meeting in Wales, said a few word from all of us, and shared a can of John Smiths with him.
Good job we called, the new owners of the campsite have been trying to find out who the bench belonged too, apparently it is now part of the caravan and camping club, and due to new regulations they can only have approved equipment on the site.
The woman who came to speak to me and explain everything was really nice, and was really pleased to find out who it belonged to, she is a biker herself so was quite interested in why we had it made in the first place.
She figured it was a memorial bench, but unfortunately it has to go.
Anyway the upshot is, because she couldn't find the owner, she had to make a decision, so rather than get rid of it for it to end up just anywhere she has made arrangements for it to go next door in the local community park where it will be used and looked after, she asked if we would be OK with that, to which I replied yes, and thanked her for her efforts.
She has taken my name, phone nbr and email address and will keep me informed, she also said we're welcome to stay there anytime.

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Re: Martins (BennyHedges) bench update

Post by lloydie »

Looks like it’s ageing well
I’m glad it hasn’t been dumped somewhere and it’ll get used .
Thank you for the update
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