tonyw650 the update

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tonyw650 the update

Post by TonyW650 »

Sirch has locked and in process of deleting my other profile and reactivated my old on.
Thanks Chris aka Sirch
It has bee a while since I was here and a lot ha gone on.
As you guys know I split from the ex from hell last year, I then had a incident when her he boyfriend and her came around my house an while I was talking to her, he forced his way in and passed her and backed me into a corner and verbally abused me an was asked to leave a number of times before the police arrived on my 999 call to remove them.
Police have taken no action against them for what happened, and don't seem to want to know about it either, I have complained.
It all went quite until Christmas day when she started texting me again. At the same time as all this I was having issues with my employer and my on going back problem, they decided to stop paying me in November and I was basically evicted just after Christmas, I.m currently living on friends and relatives Sofa's as according to the benefit agency I can't get any help as I'm still technically employed, as my company still don't know what they are doing with me. They have upped the offer for me to go, but its with solicitors who feel its not enough.
The company has this thing called I'll heath retirement plan and according to the solicitor I'm covered by that but employer says no, so as it stand with this bit, possible breach of contract, breach of disabled discrimination act and personal injury claims.
On the note of the ex from hell, she kept contacting me through out January, and I bumped into her a nu Ber of times, she followed me a few times and also appeared in places where I was when no one knew I was there lol.
As you guys saw in the post from the closed profile, she has been spreading rumours, come close to having my head kicked in a couple of times, its taken a few of her ex friends to defuse the situation.
And then the latest when I went to goto my local MAG meet and got warned not to go as her new boyfriend is mag rep, and he'd been spreading rumours as well.
So I complained to mag, the information that should have stayed with in mag was passed to her which cased a number of Facebook postings which as far as I'm concerned aimed at me and police agree but because she hasn't actually named me they won't do anything at this stage.
But she has threaten to do me harm or incite others to do me harm.
Police are monitoring it all, they have also said that mag and the reps have breached the data protection act and I should seek legal advice.
Its got to the point where I've had enough, have a tresspass claim in motion against him and small claims court action against her to recover my money.
Police have said if I go out on bike, go out with group of riders I know, to wear a hi viz so if I get knocked off my friends know and look for me, to set a speed dial 999 in case anything happens, and to drive and ride different routes.
Hey its all good fun, I've even thought of selling bikes and giving up with it all.
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Re: tonyw650 the update

Post by geodude »

8O omg

Well that certainly re-enforces your award from the forum awards dude.

I hope things get better for you soon. Don't give up biking though as that would mean she would win and it would do your head in. It's your freedom so keep it!!
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Re: tonyw650 the update

Post by neil »

sorry its still not sorted. Should you put all details about what you are up to on here as she may look you up and it might give ideas to her ad her cronnies?
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Re: tonyw650 the update

Post by Wicky »

From her modus operandi, her name wouldn't happen to be 'Mia' by any chance?
It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Re: tonyw650 the update

Post by VTRDark »

I don't know what to say. I know one thing for sure though. I would not be relying on or going down the legal route. Because one things for sure, the law is an ass. It mostly only ever benefits the crim's not the victims.

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Re: tonyw650 the update

Post by Saintsman27 »

I agree with Neil .. be cautious about what you say on a public forum to which your
adversarsies have access to... would not want to give them any insights about your future
or intended plans... but its good to talk get things off yer chest get my drift fella
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Re: tonyw650 the update

Post by TonyW650 »

I haven't named anyone in person lol, I shell say what the police officer said to me lol
It is all a bit rediculous and a tad of a farce.
Just want it to go away, I can't even goto my local pub or any of the ones in the area its great init.
Or my local Mag meet for that matter, used to be a member but not renewing for the moment, because of all of this, even been removed from the mag area page on face book, so has a lot of people that she(ex) don't like and a lot of people have complained about it.
Its all crap, really
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Re: tonyw650 the update

Post by Whoa Nelly »

Good to see you back on here Tony; sorry its not with cheerier news.
It won't stay crap forever - much as it must feel like it. I've suffered with chronic back problems and know that they are bad enough on their own, without all the other stuff you have on your plate. You'll get past it all, move on and look back on it knowing that at least you won't have to got through all that again.
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Re: tonyw650 the update

Post by Trainraider »

I share your pain.

Be strong and polite, that will drive your ex bonkers. And don't fell to her level - keep calm and professional. Play by the book (law book that is, not bible what says that you can stone people to dead...) and eventually you will become ultimate gentleman and your ex looks like a crazy babbling b**ch and no-one wants to deal with her anymore.

Don't forget - there are other pubs bit further away. :beer:
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Re: tonyw650 the update

Post by TonyW650 »

Trainraider wrote:I share your pain.

Your ex looks like a crazy babbling b**ch and no-one wants to deal with her anymore.

Don't forget - there are other pubs bit further away. :beer:
I like that lol that made me chuckle, I've got the joys of a spinal probe/discography today not looking forward to that, but its getting interesting with solicitors and my employer.
And people are all ready starting to think that shes a tad mental lol.

I've just got to cover my back, it mental what's going on.
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Re: tonyw650 the update

Post by BigVeeGrin »

TonyW650 wrote:
Trainraider wrote:
I've just got to cover my back, it mental what's going on.
literally by the sounds of it as well :wink: - spinal investigations are nasty, my ex had severe back problems so I wish you well in these times tony as it can be very unpleasant indeed
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Re: tonyw650 the update

Post by TonyW650 »

Wicky wrote:From her modus operandi, her name wouldn't happen to be 'Mia' by any chance?
What you mean wicky?
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Re: tonyw650 the update

Post by lumpyv »

sorry to hear all this mate. I,ve forgotten what her problem is ? did you do something to p1ss her off or is just an extreme case of lady madness.

try and keep cheerful and in my opinion any club (your local mag) that can be so influenced by these 2 aint worth being in.

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Re: tonyw650 the update

Post by TonyW650 »

The only thing that I possibly ever p1ssed her off with was, me not letting her have her own way.
Other than the I think its madness, she was meant to be having council long when she was with me but never one.
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Re: tonyw650 the update

Post by TonyW650 »

Well went out on storm last night, met up with a couple of freinds and went to a local bike meet.
They know whats been going on and have stood by me through all the sh1t.
Got introduced to a few other people that have had problems with my ex and her new boyfriend, couple of them have complained to mag aswell over his conduct.
They were all like, well done for coming out, dont let her or him beat you, dont give up biking (which I have thought about if im honest) if you do they win.
Didnt stop me from being extremely paranoid, everytime a bike came into the cafe I was checking to make sure I didnt have to leg it, everyone said I was extremely jumpy and nervous.
And ive lost loads of confidence in my riding, always checling to make sure I know whos around me, xhecking to make sure theres no silver focus behind me, just nervous. Freinds I rode in with said its really not like me, used to be a really good rider, couldnt even overtake a car yesterday on a clear section of road.

Just want to say to all you guys on here thanks for letting me rant on here and if anyone who knows or has anything to do with my ex as pointed out this is a open forum and its possible I spose, lifes a bitch and karma's a wonderful thing, you aint beaten me yet.

I will get there, again thanks guy!
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