Interesting call...

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Interesting call...

Post by MacV2 »

...So I'd just got in this arvo & the phone rings...''Hello may I speak to mr Macdonald please ?'' Nice polite sounding female voice BTW...

''ER whos calling ?''

''Oh my names PC Something-or-other from Kent road traffic department...''

Thinks...GULP WTF...!!! 8O ''Er yes speaking''

''Oh good afternoon do you have a few minuets to do some feedback relating to how your case was handled regarding the accident you were involved in back in April...''

Thinks... Phew their not after me then...

Anyway spent about 10 mins chatting to her about it & pointed out that I hadn't even been interviewed at the scene or even in the hospital & as far as I knew the Police were taking no further action. Told her that all I knew was a PC handing me my keys & the other parties details & saying we'll move your bike off the road & leave it here...Whilst I was being attended to by the paramedics. That was it until I got a letter some weeks later, saying no further action was to be taken.

Basically it was some sort off customer satisfaction feedback thing they have to do now... Bit strange but hey ho...
Making up since 2007, sometimes it's true...Honest...
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