Spam Mail

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Re: Spam Mail

Post by Wicky »

thomas111 wrote:What I have started to do when get spam email I look to sign up for offers using the spam email address they used to send me see how they flowers like it
More than likely spoofed and a false address so it won't bother the spammers or spoofed and belonging to an innocent third party. Spam is generally send out by infected compromised PCs / hacked websites operated remotely and so the spammers aren't getting any email bounce backs or replies.

Here's the background on a dodgy email I got this morning:
Peter Kruse Attention csis pretending to come from with a zip attachment is another one from the current bot runs which try to download various Trojans and password stealers especially banking credential stealers, which may include cridex, dridex, dyreza and various Zbots, cryptolocker, ransomware and loads of other malware on your computer. They are using email addresses and subjects that will entice a user to read the email and open the attachment. A very high proportion are being targeted at small and medium size businesses, with the hope of getting a better response than they do from consumers.

Almost all of these also have a password stealing component, with the aim of stealing your bank, PayPal or other financial details along with your email or FTP ( web space) log in credentials. Many of them are also designed to specifically steal your Facebook and other social network log in details.

All the alleged senders, companies, names of employees and phone numbers mentioned in the emails are all innocent and are just picked at random. Some of these companies will exist and some won’t. Don’t try to respond by phone or email, all you will do is end up with an innocent person or company who have had their details spoofed and picked at random from a long list that the bad guys have previously found.
It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Re: Spam Mail

Post by VTRDark »

+1 on that.

cryptolocker is a nasty one. It literally locks people out of their machine with a great big padlock symbol on the screen and details of how to get it removed involving paying a ransom to have it unlocked by the hacker. Even if people pay up there's no guarantee they will unlock it.

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Re: Spam Mail

Post by Furrybiker »

It may not be very clever or high tech, but for several years I have used Mailwasher

It lets you see what is on your mail server before it hits your machine, and allows you to delete it from there.
Friends who were being inundated with spam say that the amount has greatly reduced since using it.
I only see a couple of spams a week.
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