"Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by Stephan »

What does it say? If there are 60 000 radical muslims (potential terrorists) in france, are they all supposed to be well armed and attack in the same time on one place? I don´t think so.

Accidentally all the assholes were muslim terrorists working for islamic state ...
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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by bigtwinthing »

Steve97 wrote:
bigtwinthing wrote:
Kev L wrote:Sounds like a war zone over there

you shouldn't say that unless you have been in 1. i do get your point though.
Why is that, I have been in several, its just opinion dosent bother me

it pisses me off when reporters say that and haven't been in one thats all. you have and you said it so fair enough.

Its like people say "it was like a bomb going off" and haven't experienced that either. speculation from most people.

If you've been in that position and you say you have its not to be sniffed at or used casually in my opinion.
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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by Wicky »

Stephan wrote:What does it say? If there are 60 000 radical muslims (potential terrorists) in france, are they all supposed to be well armed and attack in the same time on one place? I don´t think so.

Accidentally all the assholes were muslim terrorists working for islamic state ...
This guy talked about a 'God' and is still equally an Asshole, and there's likely a few more like him in Europe just like Anders Breivik...

Profile: Copeland the killer > http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/781755.stm

Profile: Anders Behring Breivik > http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14259989
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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by Stephan »

Wicky: these are individuals, not members of organization trying to destroy all europian unbelievers. Note this is just beginning here.

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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by Wicky »

Anyone asshole can act in the name of ISIS - AFAIK they don't have a membership fee to join heck even redheads seem to be keen ISIS recruits so maybe we should deport all redheads... > http://www.breitbart.com/london/2014/09 ... cal-islam/

Thankfully Anders Breivik and David Copeland didn't belong to any such nihilistic and actively destructive 'organisations' that could be compared to ISIS but there are some asshole home grown organisations still about.

The neo-nazi British Movement demonstrate at Marble Arch in central London.
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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by Stephan »

Wicky wrote:Anyone asshole can act in the name of ISIS - AFAIK they don't have a membership fee to join heck even redheads seem to be keen ISIS recruits so maybe we should deport all redheads... > http://www.breitbart.com/london/2014/09 ... cal-islam/
We just need to find some island where to deport them, wait ... :D
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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by darkember »

Killing JJ won't change a thing they have 10 others trained to take his place. I blame the US and UK right from the start ever since the Iran Iraq war back in the 80's. We supplied Saddam with all the weapons to fight the Ayatollah, then we decide to oust him and totally destabilize the region. Why is the big question. GREED :Argue 1: :Argue 1: :Argue 1: :Argue 1: :Argue 1:
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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by kenmoore »

Don't forget folks,

You only know what they want you to know!

There will be some sort of reaction for sure, maybe just maybe this will make people in Europe look at what they have allowed to happen.

It's starting to happen here in Australia!

Our latest move is to take 12,000 refugees from Syria, integrate (Another word for let them take over)them into dying outback towns and feel good about it.

Everything is out of hand, borders no longer offer protection and people are no longer safe in their own homes.

All due to the Muslims wanting to take over the world with one rule, THEIRS!

And the irony of all this is that I am paying for this via my taxes in one way or another.

I hate the b8stard, they have an attitude that makes my stomach turn. Dirty stupid uneducated rabble in the most who are being manipulated by some very clever people.

Very soon we will be outnumbered!

It's a scary time, don't think I will be going to Europe anytime soon.
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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by fabiostar »

kenmoore wrote:Don't forget folks,

You only know what they want you to know!

There will be some sort of reaction for sure, maybe just maybe this will make people in Europe look at what they have allowed to happen.

It's starting to happen here in Australia!

Our latest move is to take 12,000 refugees from Syria, integrate (Another word for let them take over)them into dying outback towns and feel good about it.

Everything is out of hand, borders no longer offer protection and people are no longer safe in their own homes.

All due to the Muslims wanting to take over the world with one rule, THEIRS!

And the irony of all this is that I am paying for this via my taxes in one way or another.

I hate the b8stard, they have an attitude that makes my stomach turn. Dirty stupid uneducated rabble in the most who are being manipulated by some very clever people.

Very soon we will be outnumbered!

It's a scary time, don't think I will be going to Europe anytime soon.

can i join your team... im sure plenty of people will say. oh you cant say that. well im sorry you CAN say it, its your opinion and im glad we still have the freedom to say things like you have just said.

as for the do gooders of this world.

wombles of and live with these animals you try to stand up for. in fact il buy you the boat ticket :thumbup:
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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by kenmoore »

If I had my way everything that goes on inside a mosque would be scrutinised by Government Intelligence Agencies .

A lot of radicalisation/ grooming goes on there.

Vulnerable young men brainwashed to perform terrorist acts in the name of Allah!

With the attitude of Muslim men towards women I am surprised that Feminists then world over have not taken up the "cause"

We should have the right to live the way they want to without the fear of extremism , however the Muslim agenda of taking over the world is starting to impact on that in my country at all levels from the Government down.

They are very smart and make no mistake they are covert and subversive at the same time.

I hate what they are doing to the world as I know it.

Already it is becoming increasingly difficult here in my country to voice an opinion.

I don't hate individuals as such, collectively I hate what the Muslims stand for.

It seems that they can say and do what they like to a certain extent, Things like stopping schools from having Christmas decorations, saying openly that we are many things including dogs, that our women are scum and all the rest.

If an Australian was to say half the things some of the Muslim clergy have in my country , they would be persecuted and harangued

Scrutiny of their gathering places would to a certain extent help this by way of isolating the radicals among the faith.

It's time that the radicalists were outed and dealt with appropriately, I know that if I held a meeting and publicly said that we should carry out terrorist acts, I would be in hot water.

This is an example of the Muslim campaign already gaining traction in mainstream society all around the world.

I believe that we are already at war, it's just that most people don't realise it, or simply don't care.

Sorry for the rant, this is a serious problem in my country.
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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by Wicky »

Things like stopping schools from having Christmas decorations
Hoax designed to cause fear > http://www.nzherald.co.nz/wanganui-chro ... d=11352245

I'll pass on your fear and loathing to my muslim surgeon who fixed my leg up (how sneeky of him!) and muslim cricketers that play for my club and many other local teams.

They are very smart and make no mistake they are covert and subversive at the same time.
Best watch this one closely and put him under surveillance > http://www.espncricinfo.com/australia/c ... 15155.html

"Usman Khawaja needed plenty of patience and composure to qualify as a pilot ... Born in Pakistan, Khawaja moved with his family to Australia when he was a young boy, and in the 2011 Sydney Ashes Test became the first Muslim to play for Australia. Batting at No.3 in place of the injured Ricky Ponting, he made 37 and 21 and showed impressive poise, giving Australia a ray of hope in a series that had brought them little but doom and gloom"
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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by grumpyfrog »

Like 99% of all wars, religion is used as the excuse to start them by mad men.
Not 1 religion would back what's going on all over the world.
And I'm not religious in any way at all.
Unfortunately all the good doers have left us all exposed.

Should round up all the nutters stick them in that big diamond mine in Russia and let them sort it out.
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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by kenmoore »


That stirred up a hornets nest, just as I anticipated.

Radicals are the problem, do Gooders are another story.

What pisses me off is that I am expected to be tolerant and respectful of Muslims way of life when generally the same is not reciprocated.

What I visit certain parts of Sydney and am made to feel uncomfortable in my own country I believe that I have every right to be angry.

Adopt a moderate view in regards to radical Muslims and see what happens.

Next thing we will be observing Ramadan and all that goes with it.

I believe that in my country we are already at war , trying to save our identity and way of life as we knew it, not being told what is and isn't unacceptable to an immigrant minority that is infiltrating our society at all levels and whilst doing that changing ever so slightly the core values as they go.

Inch by inch! Day by day,

I am over the whole Muslim situation and believe that if they don't like the way our country operates they can feck of back to where they came from.

See who feeds, houses and clothes them then!

Won't be me.

Radicals are the problem, where does the radicalisation start? with young impressionable people in mosques.

Wonder what would happen if I built a church in any Muslim country around the world?
I have my opinions based on personal experience here and in other countries around the world.

That's it from me on this subject, live and learn I guess!
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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by Seeker 77 »

I feel mildly qualified to state that it was not like a war zone at all, in a war zone the aggressors and the defenders tend to both be armed. This was more like a slaughterhouse.

This has nothing to do with mainstream Islam, but we should not make the mistake of assuming that ISIS are all loonies. They have a clear mandate, a strong support base across the world and genuine resolve. They are far more dangerous than any of the other militant groups we have come across in the last 15 years becuase they galvanise support amongst those in the Muslim community who feel that they are being ignored and marginalised. If someone did the same with right wing paramilitary groups across the world, the answer would be the same. Having spent a modest three years of my life deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan I feel that I can say with some certainty that the values and society within which those countries exist is so far removed from our own (you note that I don't see it as wrong or backward) that we will never properly understand, tolerate or accept their motivations.

And whoever said that we are the root cause of all this mess is absolutely spot on. Just because some of us stand ready to do harm to those who the government decides we should do harm to, do not think that we are all blinkered to what is actually causing this disaster. It does however reinforce the point that if we caused it, it is beholden upon us to unpick it.
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Re: "Jehadi John" - Gotcha!

Post by Steve97 »

mellis wrote:I feel mildly qualified to state that it was not like a war zone at all, in a war zone the aggressors and the defenders tend to both be armed. This was more like a slaughterhouse.

This has nothing to do with mainstream Islam, but we should not make the mistake of assuming that ISIS are all loonies. They have a clear mandate, a strong support base across the world and genuine resolve. They are far more dangerous than any of the other militant groups we have come across in the last 15 years becuase they galvanise support amongst those in the Muslim community who feel that they are being ignored and marginalised. If someone did the same with right wing paramilitary groups across the world, the answer would be the same. Having spent a modest three years of my life deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan I feel that I can say with some certainty that the values and society within which those countries exist is so far removed from our own (you note that I don't see it as wrong or backward) that we will never properly understand, tolerate or accept their motivations.

And whoever said that we are the root cause of all this mess is absolutely spot on. Just because some of us stand ready to do harm to those who the government decides we should do harm to, do not think that we are all blinkered to what is actually causing this disaster. It does however reinforce the point that if we caused it, it is beholden upon us to unpick it.
Well said Mellis
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