Muslim Intergration??

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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by Richy85 »

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Patriotism may be the last refuge of scoundrels, but religion is assuredly the first.
baldrocks to ALL religion.

It's not so much that I have an issue with any actual given people, it's religion that I wombles despise.

If the same amount of effort was put into science, medicine, conservation and basic common wombles decency that is put into religion and all this silliness then how much better off the world would be...

But nah, instead of doing something that actually matters lets just believe in unicorns and fairies and blow each other up.

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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by StormingHonda »

I think the video lost total credibility the moment he said the word racist.

Islam is a religion that encompasses all races, so clearly this video is ignorant.

I do not believe all Muslims are out to get us, they can like most of other be people be good, honest, hard working and kind, however like any sect or community you will get a hardcore of people who will not integrate.

The problem with Islam is that by its very nature the religion finds itself in a hard position, it has literately got to go against its own principles to be able to integrate within a western democratic society, even the most hard core hope no hate reading prat knows that.

I have lived and worked amongst many different cultures and religions and even though I don't share the ' send em all back ' mentality of a BNP voter I can quite honestly say that life before a lot of eastern Europeans, Africans and Muslims immigrants started pouring into the UK late nineties and early 00s was much better, the communities were better, I have personally been in two areas before and after mass immigration and as I said it was better before, not that I have a problem with immigrants.

I find that Muslims can be very two faced as well, they come across as ' moderate ' but enter debate with them about Islam and you can quickly see the reality bubble to the surface, I think most of them would like nothing better than the islamification the UK, its not paranoid dreams but a reality, however I beleive most are apalled at the violence and do not support such people as ISIS.

Multiculturalism is a very nice notion, a bit like the EU appealed to me as a young man, however I believe in one culture no matter your colour or your country of origin is the key to successful integration in England.
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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by VTRDark »

I can't believe this thread is still running 8O
f the same amount of effort was put into science, medicine, conservation and basic common ferking decency that is put into religion and all this silliness then how much better off the world would be...
Medicine...No. Keeping people alive longer will not help the world unless we put a stop to births to balance things out. Over population is one of the reasons we are in this sh1t, especially on a small Island like ours.

Soon we will be going to war against the machines like in Terminator. They are taking over the world and will more so as they become more biological and start learning and thinking for themselves. We have gone as far as we can go with the silicon chip. Machines are already taking our jobs. Maybe medical science is building up the population in preparation for this.

Sadly I think we are coming to the end of the human race. Not that soon though, but give it a 500-1000 years, maybe less, maybe more, but we will be the demise of ourselves.

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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by Wicky »

I can quite honestly say that life before a lot of eastern Europeans, Africans and Muslims immigrants started pouring into the UK late nineties and early 00s was much better
Ah yes the good old days... "No Irish, no blacks, no dogs."
In 1960, Bristol's Caribbean community numbered about 3,000. Most had arrived from the Caribbean after World War II. The 1948 British Nationality Act meant they had British passports with full rights of entry and settlement to the UK.

Many had served Queen and country. Nearly all, like Bailey, had been schooled under the British education system. And at a time of virtually full employment, employers like London Transport and the National Health Service had actively sought their labour.

But the reception they received from their fellow British subjects was frequently less than welcoming.
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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by lumpyv »

well yes, there has always been people coming to this country, its nothing new . loads of dutch people around here in the 15th and 16th century. jewish people since about the 11 hundreds , Chinese people in limehouse since the 1840,s (I think) so its not a recent thing.

most of them overall, have had a positive input to the country/ economy

also I believe this thead should be called "brainwashed nutter integration??" .


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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by VTRDark »

I'm a nutter and proud of it. I'm sure Einstein was considered to be a nutter when he came up with his theory's. :plainsmile

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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by lumpyv »

cybercarl wrote:I'm a nutter and proud of it. I'm sure Einstein was considered to be a nutter when he came up with his theory's. :plainsmile

well that's fair enough but you arn,t the sort that goes around murdering cartoonist,s
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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by VTRDark »

Grease are on the alert now. The world has gone mad. There is of course one simple solution to it all. All grow beards. :biggrin

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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by lloydie »

lumpyv wrote:
cybercarl wrote:I'm a nutter and proud of it. I'm sure Einstein was considered to be a nutter when he came up with his theory's. :plainsmile

well that's fair enough but you arn,t the sort that goes around murdering cartoonist,s
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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by StormingHonda »

Wicky wrote:
I can quite honestly say that life before a lot of eastern Europeans, Africans and Muslims immigrants started pouring into the UK late nineties and early 00s was much better
Ah yes the good old days... "No Irish, no blacks, no dogs."
Now, now don't be so flippant Wicky, in the 90's we had moved well beyond that stage, and there was already a degree of immigration. Which you have pointed about below.

Is that a tactic they teach you in the UAF workshop :lol:

Next your be saying we are a nation of immigrants, that one's always my favourite.
In 1960, Bristol's Caribbean community numbered about 3,000. Most had arrived from the Caribbean after World War II. The 1948 British Nationality Act meant they had British passports with full rights of entry and settlement to the UK.

Many had served Queen and country. Nearly all, like Bailey, had been schooled under the British education system. And at a time of virtually full employment, employers like London Transport and the National Health Service had actively sought their labour.

But the reception they received from their fellow British subjects was frequently less than welcoming.
As I said before I am not against immigration, and yes their were treatment was bloody disgusting, I knew some of the people who came over here, most understood the xenophobia that was present, and were sensible enough to brush it off.....dare I say like proper Brits.

You can't say the good ole days my friend in one hand then go back to what you think people perceive as the good ole days, its a bit of an oxymoron.
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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by MacV2 »

Upto now I've kept out of this thread...

I deal with loads of different people from different cultures & religions every working day.

Most are fine to deal with & you can even have a laugh with them...bearing in mind what I'm in there to do & why I'm having said contact with them.

Some however have a massive fecking chip on their shoulders & can be quite a pain to deal with But that's not the point.

When it comes to dealing with any Muslim you need to understand this little gem they are taught as part of their religion...

Question: Are Muslims permitted to lie?

Summary Answer: Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to "smooth over differences."
There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

Can you really believe a word they say ?
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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by bigtwinthing »

MacV2 wrote:Upto now I've kept out of this thread...

I deal with loads of different people from different cultures & religions every working day.

Most are fine to deal with & you can even have a laugh with them...bearing in mind what I'm in there to do & why I'm having said contact with them.

Some however have a massive fecking chip on their shoulders & can be quite a pain to deal with But that's not the point.

When it comes to dealing with any Muslim you need to understand this little gem they are taught as part of there religion...

Question: Are Muslims permitted to lie?

Summary Answer: Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to "smooth over

There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

Can you really believe a word they say ?
Thats a great analogy Mac.
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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by StormingHonda »

MacV2 wrote:Upto now I've kept out of this thread...

I deal with loads of different people from different cultures & religions every working day.

Most are fine to deal with & you can even have a laugh with them...bearing in mind what I'm in there to do & why I'm having said contact with them.

Some however have a massive fecking chip on their shoulders & can be quite a pain to deal with But that's not the point.

When it comes to dealing with any Muslim you need to understand this little gem they are taught as part of there religion...

Question: Are Muslims permitted to lie?

Summary Answer: Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to "smooth over differences."
There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

Can you really believe a word they say ?
This is always in the back of my mind sadly when talking to Muslims, I have been very disappointed recently when I entered debate with a friend who is a Muslims with his points of view on things like the recent shootings and women, for reasons I won't go into he hypocrisy was blinding, and it sounded like it came from a religious nutter.
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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by Big_Jim59 »

For some perspective on the Muslim world I think it is best to look back on the bloody history of "Christianity" prior to the 18th century. That conflict, that engulfed Europe and at times part of the new world and the colonies of the world powers, killed untold millions before it burned itself out, more from exhaustion than from finding a clear winner. Central to this peace that over came the Christian world was the notion that "Faith" is a personal rather than a corporate experience. The nations of Islam are just getting started. As has been stated before, there is no leeway in Islam for mutual understanding or living in harmony with ones neighbors of different faiths. In a world in motion, with communities ever growing smaller this is hugely problematic. I fear that Islam will have to undergo some type of reformation and it could engulf the whole world in bloodshed.

I also feel that radical Islam is a dead end. It can inflict terrible damage but can't build a stable society with trade, products and services and stability based of pure fear. People, even Islamic ones don't like that type of tyranny. It must be supported by others with access to capital.
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Re: Muslim Intergration??

Post by Wicky »

Next your be saying we are a nation of immigrants, that one's always my favourite.
At a fundamental level it can be surprising the background of folk who think of themselves as true Yorkie Brits...

Seven men from the North of England sharing Revis as their surname can trace their DNA to Africa. Blonde (though now mostly bald and gray) and blue-eyed John Revis is one of them. After tracing his family history to the U.S. and England, he donated a DNA sample to Leicester University. Researchers found that portions of his Y chromosome could be linked to Africa.

It was a shock to find out that, because I was so blond and blue-eyed when I was younger, people thought I was Nordic or German.

But the researchers said that if my DNA were examined then people would assume they were looking at a North African man.

I suspect there must have been some big Berber tribesman who came to Britain with the Romans and spread his seed all over Yorkshire.

Before you gasp, have a look at these images of the Berber people at the William Coupon Gallery. It is easy to see that most if not all could pass as white. Also, African slaves arrived in Europe during Roman Times around 1800 years ago allowing plenty of time for population admixture.

Mr. Revis, however, might be just a tad confused. According to the King et al. study published in the European Journal of Human Genetics, Mr. Revis actually has an hgA1 Y chromosome that has a West African origin. Of 18 Yorkshire men who have the Revis surname, seven have the same chromosome and their most recent common ancestor lived in Yorkshire in the 18th century.

The researchers conclude:

Our findings represent the first genetic evidence of Africans among ‘indigenous’ British, and emphasize the complexity of human migration history as well as the pitfalls of assigning geographical origin from Y-chromosomal haplotypes.

Statements like this one made by Mr. Revis’s wife is just plain silly in light of the fact the environment and culture in which you grew up and live determine much of the food you like to eat and what you like to do.

I can hardly believe it. John has always seemed very English to me. He likes his roast beef and Yorkshire pudding on a Sunday. He has never asked me to cook anything unusual. My friends think our news is hilarious.

The closest John ever came to the traditional Berber life was when he went camping with the Scouts. I don’t think we’ve been in a tent since we got married.

The Berber people had a particularly interesting role to play in the Maghreb. They alternately resisted and accepted new beliefs and political regimes, and yet remained ethnically a coherent group. They are found as far south as northern Nigeria and as far north as Morocco. They range in colour from dark to fair.

Many Berbers became the mainstay of the Arab armies, indispensable for their riding and fighting skills.

The faces of modern North Africa.
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