Just had to share this for Martin

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Re: Just had to share this for Martin

Post by BigVeeGrin »

made my day today that has - great story, thanks :clap: :D
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Re: Just had to share this for Martin

Post by AMCQ46 »

nice one Kev.........lots of stories work their way back to those welsh camping trips.......we have to make sure the next one both celibrates Benny/bunny/Martin, and builds up the new stories for the future. :thumbup: :beer:

for me the funny thing about hooking up with Benny was the fact that the fewer plans the better......he would be late, miss the meeting point, ride his own route at his own speed anyway..........but by strange fate we would be on the same bit or road at the same time and it would all sort its self out.

The Welsh trip where Flatline crashed........Benny was supposed to meet us at the campsite, but never arrived so we had done 2hrs riding till flatline crashed, and guess who rides past the junction where we are all standing.........you guessed it....Benny!!!!!! I think there was almost half an apology but he wasnt that bothered, main thing was that there was a man down and he was going to fix his bike for him, and then get riding [followed by beer]:D
And when we did get moving he then went on to ride by his own rules as we were trying to run the rolling 2nd man marker system [he was supposed to wait for Geo who was last man on his GS 650 BMW, but when he saw the Scotsman on his GS12, Benny thought that was good enough and moved on leaving 3 or 4 of the group lost :lol: :lol: ].

then last time I took a small group into Wales for a day trip [CKennedy, His mate and Steve] I was waiting at the roadside for the group to catch up [a problem us Yellow owners have to learn to live with :D ] and I could hear a couple of bike coming from the other direction...........guess who.......yup it was Benny, he spotted it was me so he stopped and we had a chat and he had a quick ciggy.
Turned out it was a group ride into Wales he had planned with NWB group and had lost all but bar one of the group :lol:

And just dont ask about the time we spent over an hour filtering through Greater Manchester traffic in the city and on the motorway playing "catch Benny" on the hottest day of the year.
We might call that the M61 Mutiny ......... Cheekykev will remember:lol: :lol:

If you were going to ride with Benny you had to endorse random chaos theory and just go with the flow.

RIP Mate, dont think there are many people you met that wont remember you for some reason, good or bad :lol:
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Re: Just had to share this for Martin

Post by wiltsdan »

:Beer Popcorn: :thumbup: top bloke...
No I can't spell.
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