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Re: Almost fell of my bike, wasps n' knickers, and a GREAT d

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 5:50 am
by MacV2

Re: Almost fell of my bike, wasps n' knickers, and a GREAT d

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 5:51 am
by bigtwinthing
kev64 wrote:Between you and me we could be the " Dynamic Duo" (or maybe the dopey duo :lol: )
I could F**k everything up and you could fix it !! :thumbup:

How about "The Dimwitty twins" :lol:

Re: Almost fell of my bike, wasps n' knickers, and a GREAT d

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 7:42 am
by TheGingerBeardMan
CRIKEY MAC! And talking of all things Mac related, gotta say "I'm Lovin' it!" (can't do the whistle on de internet) even got him with the right arm in the "PHWOAAAR gerrit-up-ye" position!.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Almost fell of my bike, wasps n' knickers, and a GREAT d

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 1:00 pm
by Pete.L
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Almost fell of my bike, wasps n' knickers, and a GREAT d

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 5:50 pm
by MacV2
What she saw...alegedly...


Re: Almost fell of my bike, wasps n' knickers, and a GREAT d

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:48 pm
by TheGingerBeardMan
Jesus Mac. :lol: Got home after a good run out on the bike, (and stopped for me Burger King on the way).

Was a good day all round. Sunny, dry, loads of traffic but spent most of me trip filtering on the way there.

Once at me destination, I was approached by a guy who wanted to pick me brains on the VTR, as he has the chance of once for mega cheap (Front CCT has gone). We chatted for a few mins, pointed out the forum decals on the screen, and said drop by if you do get it, as they're a great bunch o folk.

Then I gets home. Makes a coffee. Fires up me 'pooter to do the compulsory check in on de forum...

...and then see that 2nd pic! :lol: :lol: :lol: :clap: :thumbup:

I actually let out an unexpected overly loud laugh. A sort of: "the neighbours will wonder what the hell has happened" kind of laugh.

Seriously, that IS, f***ing funny.

Mega thanks for that. It's topped me day off nicely.

Re: Almost fell of my bike, wasps n' knickers, and a GREAT d

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:52 pm
by TheGingerBeardMan
Yup - I keep looking at it, and it's making me cheeks hurt.

The likeness is that uncanny, he's even hung the same as me!

If I showed this to my Mother, she'd just say: "where did you manage to find a red cape where you live?"

Re: Almost fell of my bike, wasps n' knickers, and a GREAT d

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:49 pm
by markbo
Well done GBM - a very funny read :lol:

my grandad wagon has salt, sugar, pepper, tomato sauce and a bottle of lime for the "boss's" lager ( oh and statins, dental floss and rennies too!!) but i don't have any vinegar - i should definitely add that to the inventory!

when i'm out on the bike i carry nothing except my phone and my wallet - now i know where i'm going wrong

it could only happen to you ....

Re: Almost fell of my bike, wasps n' knickers, and a GREAT d

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:37 pm
by TheGingerBeardMan
markbo wrote:my grandad wagon has salt, sugar, pepper, tomato sauce and a bottle of lime for the "boss's" lager ( oh and statins, dental floss and rennies too!!)
HULLOO - long time no hear from you. Hope yer doin' well (or as well as can be).

Thank gawd it's not just me then, that carries the little sachets of stuff. They come in handy for rallies as well, and it's amazing how many you can squish into a couple of little polythene bank bags (keeps em all together). Has no-one on an OP Storm ever sat with their chips and wished there was more salt or vinegar on their tea? Methinks y'all will have to visit McDonalds and the local café, and stock up on them. I can't guarantee any lovely lassies who will let you touch their legs though. :think:

Y'know, sometimes I wonder why it seems to be just me that these weird things happen to. But, I'm relieved to say that I'm not on me own, as some of the folk I aquaint meself with have equally bizarre happenings. It also a different world up here, where folk speak to you on the street just to see how yer doing, then they give you "the news" and walk off leaving you asking "who the hell was that?"...with the answer a lot of the time being: "no idea" :lol:

Re: Almost fell of my bike, wasps n' knickers, and a GREAT d

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:39 pm
by markbo
hi GBM
yeah doing ok thanks - busy with the band and not riding as much as i would like (and when i do have a free day it always seems to rain) hopefully will get out a couple of times next week.
i lived in Dunfermline for 6 years many moons ago and worked in a camera shop there, the boss was always saying "why do all the piggin nutters in Scotland come in here?" - we attracted them all for some reason, or maybe there's a bigger percentage of "unusual" people up there?
glad to see you're doing well and keeping it interesting!