Religion ??

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Re: Religion ??

Post by bigyincolin1 »

Religions were laws before laws as we know it began, but having said that I pray to the great lord HONDA lmao
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Re: Religion ??

Post by rollingthunderx2 »

I am a Tarvuist.all other religions are brainwashing. :crazy:
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Re: Religion ??

Post by Trainraider »

Well, there is always a possibility to became an pastafarian and worship the great Spaghetti Monster.

Heck. At least they have a stripper factory and beer volcanoes!

I'd choose that any day over harps and togas and boring hymns all day for eternity.
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Re: Religion ??

Post by chemomche »

Here is my religon...may be yours too :crazy:

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Re: Religion ??

Post by templ8 »

Pyro wrote:Religion is a very sucessful form of population control that only exists because people are afraid that after they die its game over, giving people hope that if they pay the holy men and perform rituals to an unseen/unprovable deity they can buy their place in paradise.
It has created far more harm than good, and has no part in a modern civilised society, being based on bronze age writings by flat earth believing primitives who tried to explain the world around them by telling stories.
When it really gets iffy is when the "believers" start saying that they have the monopoly on morals, as if without "faith" (which is the same as delusion) no-one would have any moral compass. well, i do, and i manage quite well thankyouverymuch.
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Re: Religion ??

Post by MacV2 »

Your all HEATHENS & will rot in hell when you die !! :twisted:

God is the one great trueness in your pathetic little lives.

Renounce all evils & join in prayer with me...

''Forgive me oh Lord for doubting your existence, for doubting the magnificent work of your creation's......

It's no good I can't keep this up...Your all correct all religion is sh1t.
Made up to keep people in check.
The funny thing about a lot of christianity, is that most of it is made up & bit's nicked from various ''Pagan'' beliefs to suit the church.
Xmas is the prime example of this, a pagan festival to mark the mid winter period, IIRC, as the christians could see that it was a popular festival, with much fun being had, they nicked it & made it ''the baby jesus'' birth day.
Shame it's turned back into a pagan festival these days then init ! Much quaffing of ale :beer: :beer: :beer: & unbridled capitalism usually starting with xmas stuff in the shops just after then end of the summer hols !

It's funny that as I type this, christianity, christians, jesus & even xmas come up as spell check, not spelt wrong just not capitalized, that's how ingrained it is.

Strange however that 'god' is not flagged up...

For what it's worth that's my two penneth worth on the subject, I'm off now to break at least one of the 10 commandments.

BTW I really still do think that you are all heathens & when you slip off this mortal coil you'll all be in Hell condemned to pushing a blue storm up a never ending 1 in 4 slope...enjoy!
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Re: Religion ??

Post by turbo_billy »

I`m going to hell anyway so what the f**k........ :twisted:

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Re: Religion ??

Post by VTRDark »

I hope I do go to hell. At least it will be nice and warm there. :lol:

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Re: Religion ??

Post by MacKrell17 »

Well they say he'll has all the best musicians! There's an advert.

So the only thing I believe in is myself. 100% unequivocal belief in me. That's not to say I'm not a misguided, delusional fool - but still Iam at least my own fool.

But here's an interesting thing. when I was a kid I went to a C of E primary school. I was also made to go to Sunday school every Sunday and read the bible. So looking at that book now there's little doubt it is complete and utter made up baldrocks. However, there are also 16,000 ish pieces of evidence to say that this Jesus character existed. So on the basis of the evidence I believe this guy existed, but not the son of god. He was just some bloke who had run out of patience with the corrupt society of the time and decided enough was enough and things had to change. Sadly somewhere along the line a few things went tit's up, delusions of grandeur, possibly just went plain nuts. Anyway then you get the twats who jump on the band wagon feast on the power and we end up with some old gimp called the pope who represents a bunch of dress wearing kiddy fiddlers!

Religion then and certainly christianity is just a bunch of weak minded fools who are looking for guidance because they're scared of life.

So whilst I agree with many sentiments here regarding respecting peoples opinions, I can respect the people as human beings, but I cannot respect their opinion as they are in my opinion acting like sheep and following an easy path, enjoying their ignorance, wIth a fairy storey that life will be better after death rather than standing up and embracing life for what it is.

So in answer to the question..... No I'm not religious!
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Re: Religion ??

Post by tasum »

TonyW650 wrote:...
I just dont get it really, you can't have a god figure, the universe is and was created from the Big bang, Mass from Zero mass, and that everything came from that point, planet, stars Mand kind, we are all made from the same things, particles, mass, matter how ever you want to say it but basically thats the way it works.

to say that there was a God figure that created it all, implies that this so called figure lived out side of time and space, and must have created everything, but as I have always been into science I cant subscribe to that.

God and Religion, its Man Kinds way of making the unbelievable, believable, Man needs answers as we are a naturally inquisitive species, and for a time God and religion filled that role, but with things going on like the LHC Large Hadron Collider and the theory of the Higgs field and Higgs Boson, dont that debunk Religion a little.
Ok I know finding the Higgs will open up even more questions, but religion is out dated.
but again this is my opinion, and I have no problems with any ones faith, its just at my core I'm a Darwinist and believe in Science
saw a prog the other night where they were discussing what came before the big bang. the new theory is that something existed before, but they don't know what, normal laws of physics didn't apply (my head hurt). science only gets us so far when it's theoretical, science and religion aren't mutually exclusive theories, look at Newton, etc., just my 2pence :D
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Re: Religion ??

Post by agentpineapple »

i thought friends came before the big bang, god knows what the next hit american comedy series will be :roll: , as for religon, its all a pile of poo, control the mass's and what not.
i'd like to believe i'll meet my dad and friends and family who have died before me, but in reality i'll just no longer exist, end of, thanks for coming, so lets make the most of the one life we have.....with some of the following... :beer: :Bike: :boobs: :sheep shagger: :wonker: :beer: :beer: :beer:
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Re: Religion ??

Post by VTRDark »

Nothing would have come before the big bang, just emptiness of space. Or maybe just a few gases :fart1: and the odd comet shooting past from another system. Or maybe there was another Sun that turned into a Supernova that created the current system as we know it. The Gold had to come from somewhere and the only place that Gold can come from is a Supernova. ... supernova/

You have a point about Religion and Scientific theory being pretty mush the same.

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Re: Religion ??

Post by agentpineapple »

have you heard about god gaps???
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Re: Religion ??

Post by VTRDark »

god gaps
Have you been on one of your fettish sites again. :lol:

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Re: Religion ??

Post by agentpineapple »

google god gaps, its about things like, before we had planes, religous people would say, god is in the sky in the clouds, then planes/balloons came along, but god wasn't in the sky, its how science proves the religous nut nuts wrong.... :lol:
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