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Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 9:38 am
by Stratman
agentpineapple wrote:
Wicky wrote:
I don't think your prescription of an easy solution is as quite as easy as you make out - but the Hungarians used a bacon sandwich test to sort out muslims from the population that had settled a few centuries back. Basically if they ate the pork they could stay and if not... well then the innocent vegetarians also got booted out as well! ;-)
I have a new found respect for Hungarians...... :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
So Jews and vegetarians have to leave Hungary too?


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 10:11 am
by Wicky
The bacon sarnie test was part of a series of 11th century laws imposed by the Catholic Church against non-christians but was directed principally at Muslims - folk could be put to death and/or the accuser get the property of those accused. Quite a few pragmatically 'ate the sarnie' and converted to Christianity but still secretly practiced Islam.

Didn't do Hungary much good as Ottoman Empire in 16th Century took over and ruled over Hungary - hence why Hungary today is relatively anti-muslim/anti-immigrant...

Hungary’s government says: Eat more pork, it’s good for you!


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:10 pm
by StormingHonda
Wicky wrote:
The solution is easy, we get these preachers or whoever are putting these twisted ideals of Islam and put them in prison and if they are a refugee we deport them straight away, no questions asked,
Effort has been put in over the years to do what you suggest with preachers and to get the muslim communtities to self-poilce what goes on. However with stopping them going to Syria it still doesn't stop indivuals using the the internet which is awash both indirect IS propaganda i.e what the news reports or indirect what IS releases on the interweb / social media. Do you shut down the internet? increase funding to GCHQ. MI5 & MI6 greater surveillance
then what we do we impose western cultures, value and ideals into these community and if they don't like it, then don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Define Western culture value and ideals and how would you impose them uniformly from John O'Groats to Land's End - some kind of Tebbit test of national sporting loyalty? Heck a few years back I went to see England v Hungary in a friendly footy match and I cheered every goal - should I be deported even though I was born here and have a British passport. Folk of carribean roots living (1st , 2nd even 3rd generation) here I'm sure still support the West Indies and cheer them on and wear their tops would they fall foul of your culture test...

Would the culture, values & ideals be maintained & enforced by Culture Poilce along the lines of the Iranian 'Morality Police' and would while they are at it stamp down on extermes like chav culture, fox hunting leaving white middle class culture, ideals & values as the accepted norm. (and is motorcycle culture acceptable as some sectors of society would like to do away with us with our dirty noisy motorbikes and non conformist lifestyle and heavy metal music...)
One country, one identity one culture, yes you can choose your religion but the rules are plain, if you don't like it go somewhere that suits you better. I think enough people have been divided and died in this country over the centuries because of religion, no more.
But Britain has multiple identities and culture - ask the Welsh, Scots and Cornish folk. But you won't stop anyone from being a practicing Muslim but you'd prohibit Muslim culture (do you know much about Islamic art and architecture?) Is St George acceptable (born in Turkey; his mother was Palestinian. He's so multicultural we have to share him with Lithuania, Portugal, Germany, Greece, Georgia, Moscow, Istanbul, Beirut - and Palestine itself)

I don't think your prescription of an easy solution is as quite as easy as you make out - but the Hungarians used a bacon sandwich test to sort out muslims from the population that had settled a few centuries back. Basically if they ate the pork they could stay and if not... well then the innocent vegetarians also got booted out as well! ;-)
I would never stop anyone from practicing their religion as much as I really do detest religions, however we may have Scots, English and Welsh, we do share similar traits, and that is freedom of expression, freedom of speech, Democracy, tolerance and fair play, but those have their limits, people have to understand and respect that our whole society is underpinned by the values of Christianity, we have a language called English, which is a mish mash of conquering cultures that settled in these lands. I will respect anyone's opinion but I will not tolerate some one acting out on homophobia, Racism or any other intolerance that is socially accepted, that includes preaching hate ( and yes that means the far right to ) , threatening to, or gender rights, if you think women are second class to you, fine, but I wont tolerate someone acting out on those, because in Britain women are equal nothing more, nothing less.

Immigrants need to understand that they cannot form enclaves and isolate themselves and impose their own laws ( sharia ), they have to speak English, and they have to see themselves as British citizens first, and if they cannon do that then like I said don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 7:32 pm
by VTRDark
Britain women are equal nothing more, nothing less.
Dam...and there was me thinking they should look after the kids and do all the washing up, ironing and cooking while the man went out to work. :lol: It's funny how times change and we adapt to what we are being told by the media, fashion and other sources.


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 7:56 pm
by agentpineapple
cybercarl wrote:
Britain women are equal nothing more, nothing less.
Dam...and there was me thinking they should look after the kids and do all the washing up, ironing and cooking while the man went out to work. :lol: It's funny how times change and we adapt to what we are being told by the media, fashion and other sources.
according to adverts, women mostly spend there time playing online bingo whilst be sporty during their periods.... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 8:22 pm
by VTRDark


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 8:24 pm
by Mav617
"Immigrants need to understand that they cannot form enclaves and isolate themselves and impose their own laws ( sharia ), they have to speak English, and they have to see themselves as British citizens first, and if they cannon do that then like I said don't let the door hit you on the way out."

Unfortunately that will never happen with harder-line Muslims. They are Muslims first, above all other considerations. Non-muslim, Liberal, lefties will never impose anything else (the same people who think giving up our nuclear deterrent will result in every other country agreeing to do so)


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 10:25 pm
by StormingHonda
Mav617 wrote:"Immigrants need to understand that they cannot form enclaves and isolate themselves and impose their own laws ( sharia ), they have to speak English, and they have to see themselves as British citizens first, and if they cannon do that then like I said don't let the door hit you on the way out."

Unfortunately that will never happen with harder-line Muslims. They are Muslims first, above all other considerations. Non-muslim, Liberal, lefties will never impose anything else (the same people who think giving up our nuclear deterrent will result in every other country agreeing to do so)
I'm a trade unionist, and a bit of a lefty in some ways on some things I am a bit right wing, if some Muslims can't even play the game they should leave and live somewhere else that suits them.


Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 7:56 pm
by Mav617
Germany now, and an RAF guy escaped a beheading by fighting them off over here recenty, yet they always say "terror" and never blame Islam, funny that:


Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:31 pm
by StormingHonda
Mav617 wrote:Germany now, and an RAF guy escaped a beheading by fighting them off over here recenty, yet they always say "terror" and never blame Islam, funny that:
Yeah but you see its alright, because there not real Muslims apparently and they follow a different version of the koran, which isn't really a Koran and anyway they don't represent Islam in anyway, because someone says there not real Muslims, but its alright because Christians from the west done really bad things 100's of years ago, and besides some of the people killed were Muslims to, so we can totally ignore any threat from Islam, because it doesn't exist and if you think it does then your a racist and a bigot, because James O'brian from LBC says so, and some other champagne socialists says so to.

And if you say its done in the name of Islam, then your a bigot, hold on did I say that already?.


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 2:06 pm
by VTRDark
The official story now is that the Munich shooting went on a killing spree i.e. a good chance it has nothing to do with Allah though the guy was half Israeli. It's likely to be motivated by anti-immigrant sentiments. Interestingly it's was on the anniversary of the Norwegian gunman that went on the rampage.


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 2:20 pm
by Wicky
the guy was half Israeli.

Iranian / German


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 6:27 pm
by VTRDark
That's what I meant. Easy to get the two mixed up :lol:


Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:21 pm
by redpig
Fookin Chermans, bombed our chip shop