Grassing up drink drivers

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Re: Grassing up drink drivers

Post by Watty »

MacV2 wrote:Some of the newer members wont remember this one.

Some time ago...

A member posted up that he lost his licence for DD. He had been to a bike rally got hammered & got pulled over the following morning on the way home.

He was a lorry driver (IIRC) so when he lost his licence he lost his job.

Then he fell into a depressed state & was on meds for that. Due to the DD, no licence & no job, tensions were a bit strained at home.

This he dealt with by drinking on the meds, further tensions at home resulted, so to relive the tensions he decided to go for a ride on his bike.

He crashed it. No licence = no insurance.

To me, that is self inflicted.

The old adage ''8 hours bottle to throttle...'' may be fine after a few sherbets but not when you get shitfaced hammered !

I had no sympathy for the above postee at the time & will have no sympathy for anyone who looses their licence for DD.

It's simple if your riding or driving, don't drink.
+1 :clap: , totally agree Mac
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Re: Grassing up drink drivers

Post by Mav617 »

It is different though - if riding the bike the "no bottle before throttle" rule applies. But one beer at 12:30 before driving home at 18:00..okay I'm justifying but don't think it makes me a worse driver.

Worse are tee-totallers who don't clean their shitty car, can't see sh1t out of their wing mirrors or back window (especially with winter sun) so cut you up to the inevitable "sorry mate, I didn't see ya"....
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Re: Grassing up drink drivers

Post by seb421 »

callam_nffc wrote:Would you/have you? Or have you had an experience with a drink driver?

some guy was just on the radio talking about his mum who was killed by someone doing 70 past a bus stop whilst pissed, was a real stomach churning story

my local force are now giving out £200 rewards for grassing people up before Christmas I think (not sure how it works)

I personally think its awful when people drive even after a pint and honestly believe the safe limit is none at all.

I've also known people who claim they can drive better stoned...yes honestly
100 percent with you on this,

i know a number of people that drive home from my place of work stoned, they clock off and then have a joint in their cars and then drive home, or go to someones house get 'blazed' and then drive about again, madness! this has been going on every night since i've been there for the last 5 years, non of them have been caught and ive watched them run red lights speeding at silly hours after work, what is 30 seconds of their life going to cost them.

some of them even have their drugs and then drive to work, wombles mental.

ive tried to explain to them that a stoned or drunk driver could one day run a red light and kill there loved ones or simply misjudge a situation but they never listen, ive herd the 'im a better driver when i'm stoned line to many times'

one lad got sacked tonight after he was caught boozing on vodka an hour before the shift finished, what a wonker!! he was so pissed he had gone to the toilet and was physically unable to climb back over a belt / callion at waist height he was that pissed, thankfully he has no driving license!

i flirt with the idea of grassing them up to the police most nights in my mind but wouldn't know how to go about it with out it coming back at me that i was the grass, snitches get stitches and all that

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Re: Grassing up drink drivers

Post by Saintsman27 »

Do not drink and drive .. hey watch out for the sober ferkin mad drivers... looooonatics
they are the ones to go for ... I was in a rear ender myself.. car wrote orf last month
keep seeing smashes now.... never really noticed many .....but there must have been
I just did not notice em .. take care.... watch the pop over the hols get someone to hide the car/bike
keys .. :thumbup: enjoy the break
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Re: Grassing up drink drivers

Post by callam_nffc »

Its insane isn't it, I have no problem whatsoever with people smoking jazz-fags but when they drive it pisses me off a treat
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Re: Grassing up drink drivers

Post by StormingHonda »

I am old school in the point that I do not grass, but I have taken peoples keys off them plied them with more drink then slung em in a bed.

I also have a breathaliser which I take the night after and if it registers over the limit I will not touch the bike or car, I take this to bike rallies as well and let people use it, last rally I went on I had to wait till 12 in the afternoon till I could leave as it was registering just very slightly over the limit in the morning.

There is no excuse and if you do drink buy a breathaliser and even if your close but under DONT DRIVE at the end of the day dont drink and drive.
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Re: Grassing up drink drivers

Post by callam_nffc »

plied them with more drink then slung em in a bed
Sounds like my pulling tactic :thumbup:
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Re: Grassing up drink drivers

Post by AMCQ46 »

callam_nffc wrote:
plied them with more drink then slung em in a bed
Sounds like my pulling tactic :thumbup:
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Re: Grassing up drink drivers

Post by thumperslaw »

Been pretty drink free and drugs

I think it's a good idea grassin' people up!
Should do the same for people on mobile phones...............
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Re: Grassing up drink drivers

Post by BigVeeGrin »

with you on that thumper. Some people are so blatant with it, one girl the other morning drove through several junctions and lights etc and was holding it away from her head in her right hand and it was obviously on speaker, as if she thought it was hands free and ok? :evil:
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Re: Grassing up drink drivers

Post by Wicky »

It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Re: Grassing up drink drivers

Post by Mav617 »

You see these knobs driving about in fancy cars (usually Range Rovers) holding their mobile on full view - one footballer got done recently and was asked whether the car had a hands-free kit, which it did but he was too thick to use it.
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Re: Grassing up drink drivers

Post by Xenocide »

I'd absolutely report anyone drinking and driving. Don't care who it was. No excuse for it. I'll have one pint and that's it (EG if driving is sprung on me) but if I know i'm driving, i won't drink at all. Just not worth it. There's enough fiddler on the road with sharp reactions.
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Re: Grassing up drink drivers

Post by bigtwinthing »

i shopped my Boss as he was an habitual DD he got sacked and i got his job lol it was some years ago but still makes me laugh. i would shop anyone, and anybody who does it aint a mate of mine, its bloody irresponsible and not at all necessary. i can sleep easy. :D
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