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Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:15 pm
by dave-sp2
cheers guys

well she finally got a CT scan this afternoon at 3, then it was 8 before they gave her any results which came back all clear so now she has to wait until the morning to see the doctor again, but at least she can have somethng to eat and drink instead of just drinking morphine

Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:30 pm
by Snoogle
Hope everything comes back alright fella.
dave-sp2 wrote:drinking morphine
Got out on my bike today fella, bet your itchin to get out on yours!! 8)

Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:17 pm
by dave-sp2
I tried to get hold of my rother so i could take his blade for a spin to the hospital yesterday but he was working, been gorgeous weather for it. can't wait to get it finished.

Mrs is stll in, they seem to think that it is ow related to her back and hips and mayb nerve related. ope she comes home this weekend.

on a better note i took me nipper down to snetterton this morning before she went to play school and we had a walk around the paddock for the bemsee series. there some mega bikes there and a lot of BMW's out this year. did come across a guy with a storm mind, he was running in the power to weight ratio class and his bike was a bit strange, took me a min to notice the back end of an SP1 welded to the storm frame, the rear swingarm pivots where cut off a sp1 frame and welded onto he storm frame so he could run the full sp1 swingarm etc.

also got to meet up with a couple of guys i'm helping out this year in the rookie 600 class. hope they do better this weekend than they did at brands last month.

Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:08 pm
by dave-sp2
God i have been busy, finally got half hour before i hit the shower so will try to update on what i have been doing the last week,

the misses came out of hospital last sunday afternoon still none the wiser on what was wrong, touch wood she seems much better, I went back to work on the monday but helping her around the house and taking care of the kids kept my evenings busy, but progress has been made.

a few painted brackets fitted and the mirror mounts arrived.


mirrors fitted and wire up.


got the front wheel final sanded on friday and sent off to my mate for polishing.


Had a welcme break at the weekend helping my bro fix his ZX9r ready for hte 11th and then got my R6 out of the garage and gave it the once over and a wash ready for monday the 11th.


but then back to it on monday, Matt brought the front wheel back on monday so i set about painting it and baseing up the panels. could't use the orange(ford focus electric orange) i wanted as it's a 3 stage paint and a Pain in the butt to colour match so a different pearly orange was picked.

masking the wheel took ages


then i cleared the wheel.


then last night i fitted the wheel to set up the front speedo sensor so i could finish the wiring and mount the headlight.


today i layed out the tape for the pinstripe and painted the white.


tomorrow is more masking then time to get the air brush out for the custom stripes!

Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:06 pm
by Snoogle
I hate you in the nicest possible way lol :wink:

Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:15 pm
by Beamish
Looks very nice :cool2 You are packing some skills my friend.

Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:34 pm
by dave-sp2
had another productive day today, not much on at work so made the most of it and got the panels finished.


i did plan on laying some graphics into the black stripe but it just was't working as i had planned so i gave up this time, i'll save that idea for another day.


so that's all tha panels finished, just need to get them home from work friday without scratching the bloody things!!

tomorrow will be getting stuck back into the rear wheel so that can be polished.

my list of things to do is getting a lot shorter!!!!!!!

Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:41 pm
by wabbithunter
lovin the paintjob mate, ive got a similar job on my tl, black white white racing stripe.

Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:56 pm
by tinysmall
Loving that paint :thumbup:

Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:48 pm
by dave-sp2
that little garage is what i borrowed from work, can fit a 40ft trailer in there as well as dropping the door in the middle to make 2 smaller booths, very handy. but it's a down draft which sucks all the sh1t in the air down and onto the panels, no matter how much cleaning i do it still gets full of dust and sh1t!!!

Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:56 pm
by dave-sp2
got a few more jobs done today,

rear wheel got some teddy at lunch time today, upto 1000 grit now and n the home stretch, 2000 + 4000 tomorrow then it will be ready for matty(polishing) next week.

done a few jobs this evening,

all the wiring and headlight all on now.


then fitted up the exhaust that i have cleaned and painted and the new bottom radiator hose, (sp2 bottom hose,) has the ali pipe in the middle and pushes the radiators out so there square to the floor instead of leaning in at different angles.
Glad i drained the coolant to as it stunk and was obviously very old.


checked the mot today and it does't run out until mid may as i had previously thought it had already run out so that means i can give it a good shakedown before the mot is due.

my aim is to have it all finished by the end of next weekend. 9 more days!!

Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:48 pm
by Snoogle
As I've previously stated. I hate you lol lookin mint.

Mine ain't gonna be done for a while yet, how dare my life get on the way lol

Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:04 pm
by dave-sp2
bought the fairings home today, sat the tank on and the front mudgaurd to get an idea of the finished article :thumbup:

your gona have to wait now, no teaser pictures!!

8 more days

thought yours was pretty much finished sam??

Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:48 am
by sirch345
She's looking really good Dave, great paint job, which is going to pull it all together very nicely :thumbup:


Re: storm to fighter!

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:22 pm
by Snoogle
dave-sp2 wrote:bought the fairings home today, sat the tank on and the front mudgaurd to get an idea of the finished article :thumbup:

your gona have to wait now, no teaser pictures!!

8 more days

thought yours was pretty much finished sam??
As I said, my life is getting in the way lol can't seem to get F all done. Managed a couple of hours today, but that consisted of standing me front mudguard, painting me fuel flap and top yolk. Going to pick up my new risers tomorrow so that'll make it MOTable...cant see me bein back on the road til June to be honest. Misses wont be happy with me spending money on it til we've got the holiday out the way lol

Yours is looking pretty sweet now tho Dave. Are you painting the headlight surround white to match?