Man down again FFS!

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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by tony.mon »

BigVeeGrin wrote: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:57 am
Solarboy wrote: Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:12 pm Have you tried an ice bath, or ice pack Mac? I broke my foot a couple of years ago before I went on holiday. Long story short I saw Col U’s physio and he put me into the ice treatment. It hurts like a SOB but really sped up my recovery. Not quite sure how you would do it but maybe ice packs?
Get a chest freezer, couple of cushions, good book, partially close lid.

May have seen these

Keep well :thumbup:
Is a chest freezer a lower form of chinchilla?
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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by BigVeeGrin »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: brilliant
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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by lumpyv »

shockin news mate!!

until I read the whole thread I thought the comments were about one of your previous capers !

hope things are moving on swiftly and your feeling better :thumbup:

Have you thought about a new hobby ?? :lol: :lol:
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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by MacV2 »

lumpyv wrote: Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:12 pm shockin news mate!!

until I read the whole thread I thought the comments were about one of your previous capers !

hope things are moving on swiftly and your feeling better :thumbup:

Have you thought about a new hobby ?? :lol: :lol:
Yes i might take up skydiving...cant be any more dangerous can it ? :lol:

Good use of the word capers... :lol: :lol:

Still a bit sore TBH but getting better, still in a sling more or less 24/7, it's even more comfy to sleep with it on...

Just take it off to shower, dress, undress & do me 'pendular' exersises 3x a day...
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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by MacV2 »

Another trip to the fracture clinic....

More xrays, (no pic as they wont let you snap'em any more data protection...blah blah blah...) when I went in to see the consultant... He did show me todays xray & then compared it to an earlier one, which i hadn't seen... 8O the fractue was worse than i thought...

Difficult to i won't bother but the fracture was basicaly from just below the ball joint coming down at an angle across the bone 45* ish...

Any hoo less sling, more physio, see you in 6 weeks...OK can i have a sick note please...thank you...

So 6 weeks today Sept 14th...The Friday of Op Storm Wales...bugger!

Looking very touch & go as to if i make that... :(
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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by Bezzer »

dude feel for you.
Im going to see my specialist on the 12th. i'm not convinced (as you were with your collarbone) its even halfway right. looks like a bloody twiglet under my skin). The cool thing is my son is studying radiography so i showed him your images and let him diagnose you. :lol: im back to work on light duties on monday (been losing too much overtime)
fingers crossed the six weeks doesn't send you too mental. :thumbup:
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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by cheekykev »

MacV2 wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:57 pm So 6 weeks today Sept 14th...The Friday of Op Storm Wales...bugger!
Looking very touch & go as to if i make that... :(
OK Mac sorry to hear that, on the plus side for what it's worth, if you can't make it it's OK we've enough money in the kitty to give you a full refund.
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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by VTRDark »

Dam Mac I was hoping for something posotive. OH well one can't rush the body into healling so take it easy mate. They wont let you take pics of the XRays because they want to charge you a fee for a copy if you want one. That's a nice little earner for the NHS. And as far as data protection goes you can have every little bit of data the NHS have on you if you want but yet again it will cost you a fee but this time to the goverment for accessing all the data under the data protection act. This does not mean that you can access the notes about you passed between the mediacal staff. There's your official notes and then there's ones where they talk amongst themsleves. They are very sneaky doctors and there are all kinds of conversations that go on behind the scenes and kept tightly hidden between medical staff when deciding who to prioritise and what treatment to give. This is why doctors handwriting is so bad and they use code (their own shorthand) so if anythng comes to court for whatever reason they can't be done for it. It's like an extra level of personal security for them. They most likely have a note somewhere saying that your smoker so use chepaer parts on you as you life expectancy is not as high as a non smoker :wink: Maybe you have some screws in you from a breakers yard. :lol: Just make sure they use Titanium in you and not Cobalt as Cobalt is bad for you if it breaks down and poisons the body.
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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by tony.mon »

Cobalt will be fine; it's only got to last until his next operation :lol:

Sorry to hear that, Mac.
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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by Wicky »

"They are very sneaky doctors and there are all kinds of conversations that go on behind the scenes and kept tightly hidden between medical staff when deciding who to prioritise and what treatment to give."

These doctors are so sneaky they even have a secret website that they don't want anyone to know about..

"This is why doctors handwriting is so bad and they use code (their own shorthand) so if anythng comes to court for whatever reason they can't be done for it."


CTD - Circling the Drain (A patient expected to die soon)
GLM - Good looking Mum
GPO - Good for Parts Only
TEETH - Tried Everything Else, Try Homeopathy
UBI - Unexplained Beer Injury

Doctor slang is a dying art >

Yes medical & care folk have a dark sense of humour - I recall the most commonplace acronym when I worked at hospital was 'DF' in regards to certain patients and their behaviour - i.e. male patient who kept wandering off to next door gynie ward where he felt he would be better treated or a patient who could happily remove their catheter without first letting out the water balloon retainer etc. which stood for 'dysfunctional' in much the same way that Superhawk forum uses the shorthand 'PVLIR' tp 'Petcock Vaccum Line Inadvertent Relocation'
It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by Wicky »

Here's Why People Believe In Conspiracy Theories -
Conspiracy theories often crop up during times of uncertainty and fear: after terrorist strikes, financial crises, high-profile deaths and natural disasters. Past research suggests that if people feel they don’t have control over a situation, they’ll try to make sense of it and find out what happened. <b>“The sense-making leads them to connect dots that aren’t necessarily connected in reality,</b>” van Prooijen says.

He and his team showed that the opposite is also true: feeling a sense of control is protective against believing conspiracy theories. In one of the studies, they split 119 people into two groups and told one group to write down times when they were totally in control; the other group was told to jot down a time when they didn’t feel in control. (This gave one group a powerful feeling, while the other felt helpless.)

The researchers then surveyed their attitudes on a building project in Amsterdam that accidentally destroyed the foundations of many houses, and which many people believed was a conspiracy of the city council. But those who had been primed to feel in control were less likely to believe the government was up to something evil. “We found that if you give people a feeling of control, then they are less inclined to believe those conspiracy theories,” he says. “Giving people a sense of control can make them less suspicious over governmental operations.”
It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by MacV2 »

It's all very well posting all that stuff Wicky but it wont help Carl, it wont get past the tin foil...


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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by agentpineapple »

MacV2 wrote: Sat Aug 11, 2018 3:16 pm It's all very well posting all that stuff Wicky but it wont help Carl, it wont get past the tin foil...


The Carlosettes, tribute groups world tour 2015 of GCHQ's not so secret listening post in North Devon.
great memories, golf, scaring a granny outside the supermarket, then worried about getting in trouble taking pics at GCHQ hahahahaha
don't rush your recovery mac, I did when I broke my wrist, I was supposed to keep the cast on for 6 weeks, but I was leading a group of vtr buddies around spain 3 and a bit weeks after the break.
I cut the cast off myself with a Dremel lol. we ended up riding well over a 1000 miles on that trip. and I was in agony for a lot of it.
note to self, give your body time to recover...….. :thumbup:
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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by VTRDark »

Conspiracy theory is just a fashionable term invented to create either denial or political diversion just like the term terroist. A member of the armed forces would not get called a terroist yet they go out and kill people. The only differance is that one fights for their own cause and one fights because of orders from thier goverments cause yet you wouldn't call a member of the armed forces a terrorist you'd call them a hero. You think when we drop bombs in the middle east that the inocent civilians are not terrified. You see its all a play on words to make one think or believe something. It's a politacal game.

The effects on bone cells of metal ions released from orthopaedic implants. A review

promoting the sustainable and responsible use of cobalt in all forms

Now go and watch The Bleeding Edge. If you think that big Pharma is a problem well take a look at medical devices and how they can slip through proper testing and research. This goes for the UK as well as the US. Thankfully some products have been dropped in Europe but unfortunatly they are still being used in the US.

The Bleeding Edge: behind the terrifying new Netflix documentary

Not everything is as Black and White so it's good to have an open mind on things rather than go along with what your told especially when money is concerned and lets face it the NHS is all about saving money these days. Healthcare is not necessarily the priority anymore so if a cheap quick fix is an option then that's what they are going to do unless you go private and pay for it yourself. Even then it's good to do your research first because doctors are sponsored to use some drugs and equiptment over others. It's big buisness the healthcare industry. It's a bit like taking your car to a garage and just taking every word the mechanic says. It can be very hit or miss.

A doctor has two patients requiring the same treatment, both the same sex, same age, live in the same area and do the same jobs. They could even be neighbours. The only differance is that one is a smoker and the other is not but the doctor only has enough money to operate on one. Which one do you choose. Well, these are the kind of decisions a doctor has to decide on daily basis. That my dear fellow is the reality of it.
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Re: Man down again FFS!

Post by MacV2 »

VTRDark wrote: Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:45 pm Conspiracy theory is just a fashionable term invented to create either denial or political diversion just like the term terroist. A member of the armed forces would not get called a terroist yet they go out and kill people. The only differance is that one fights for their own cause and one fights because of orders from thier goverments cause yet you wouldn't call a member of the armed forces a terrorist you'd call them a hero. You think when we drop bombs in the middle east that the inocent civilians are not terrified. You see its all a play on words to make one think or believe something. It's a politacal game.

The effects on bone cells of metal ions released from orthopaedic implants. A review

promoting the sustainable and responsible use of cobalt in all forms

Now go and watch The Bleeding Edge. If you think that big Pharma is a problem well take a look at medical devices and how they can slip through proper testing and research. This goes for the UK as well as the US. Thankfully some products have been dropped in Europe but unfortunatly they are still being used in the US.

The Bleeding Edge: behind the terrifying new Netflix documentary

Not everything is as Black and White so it's good to have an open mind on things rather than go along with what your told especially when money is concerned and lets face it the NHS is all about saving money these days. Healthcare is not necessarily the priority anymore so if a cheap quick fix is an option then that's what they are going to do unless you go private and pay for it yourself. Even then it's good to do your research first because doctors are sponsored to use some drugs and equiptment over others. It's big buisness the healthcare industry. It's a bit like taking your car to a garage and just taking every word the mechanic says. It can be very hit or miss.

A doctor has two patients requiring the same treatment, both the same sex, same age, live in the same area and do the same jobs. They could even be neighbours. The only differance is that one is a smoker and the other is not but the doctor only has enough money to operate on one. Which one do you choose. Well, these are the kind of decisions a doctor has to decide on daily basis. That my dear fellow is the reality of it.
Yeah but go on have a fag you might get run over by a bus tomorrow...

There is only one thing in life that is certain...your gonna die...everything else inbetween birth & death is subject to a whole host of improbabilities far to numurous to list here...if only I had slowed down a bit more entering that roundabout, I wouldn't have fallen off, then again if I had woken up that morn & thought fek it I'm not going in today, I wouldn't have been there to fall off anyway...but I didn't do either so I did fall off...

Go on have that fag... You feel lucky punk ? Well do ya ?

Carl stop spaming my post with your tin foil hat Conspiracy theory (or not) tosh...Seriously all this, goverment this, control that, big companys blah blah getting very, very tedious...You need to get a life...better still get that Storm finished & get out on it...Wind in ya hair, flies in ya teeth...
Making up since 2007, sometimes it's true...Honest...
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