Too Many Odds Stacked Against Us

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Too Many Odds Stacked Against Us

Post by SILVTR »

I'm quitting biking.

I love my FireStorm. I only have it since Feb 14 - my first time back on bikes since Nov 1999 - and God knows I drove my wife mental whining on about it till she let me get it :oops: . I've been riding bikes since 1992. I stopped riding in November 1999, when my first kid came along. I'd had an 88 FJ1200 since Nov 95, and loved it - went all over Ireland on it, commuted 5 days a week rain or shine.

Between April 92 and Nov 99, I was hit by a car once (broken arm), dropped the FJ twice (once cos of deisel in rain, once hitting the gas too hard on gravel), and got caught & let off for 125mph :lol: (not recorded) on an empty motorway - they're the only incidents I had in all that time.

Since I got the FireStorm, Ive been cautioned for crossing a (inappropriately placed) white line & doing around 70mph past an unmarked cop car, I narrowly miss incidents with cars every morning I commute by bike.

But the real clincher happened a couple of weeks ago - a Volvo estate pulled out of a junction on me as if I was invisible - that really put the shits up me. It really was inches-close.

I've always thought of myself as a competent, safe, observant rider, and I'll accept that there could be a hint of "born-again" rough-around-the-edges failings in my bike control now, but I know that my observation & anticipation is still good - if it wasn't, I wouldn't have been able to veer left enough for that Volvo not to hit me. But it seems now that there are a lot more morons on the road since I was last riding.

Or maybe I have a greater sense of my own mortality now that I have two lovely kids. I certainly don't want them lumbered with pushing their Dad around in a wheelchair till he dies. That bike safely ad on UTV is very effective, with the Mam feeding the baby and the Dad their bottles...

There's a recent post on this forum about zero tolerance on speeding. That'll trickle into Ireland too. Compared to 10/12 years ago, is there any point in biking on public roads?

So I'm selling my FireStorm and buying a jeep. I like driving off-road, and I usually have to hire or share a mate's jeep when I go. I also windsurf and fish, and have a family, so a jeep is a far more relevant vehicle for me at this point in my life, and anyway, I love jeeps nearly as much as I love bikes. I think that even if I could afford both bike & jeep, I would only have a trail bike for off-roading, or a CBR400 or something for track days.

I do regret the decision :(, but the roads are getting ever more unwelcoming for bikers. But my passion for my kids, windsurfing, jeeps and fishing will compensate for my biking loss. I'm certainly not going to be a "I'll take bikes to the grave with me" biker.

I'm not passing judgement on those who will ride on, and I certainly don't want to dampen anyone else's enthusiasm - we all do whatever we want to do...

The Skerries races are on the first weekend in July (I live there), so I'll put her on sale after that...

Thanks to one and all on this forum for responding to the few posts I made, and for the true wealth of both fact & opinion already posted - it really is a good forum: great info, balanced opinions, a little attitude, and a lot of humour. Keep it up and good luck to you all.

Now I have to get on with whining on to my wife about getting a jeep :wink: ....
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Post by iggy1966 »

This is one of those times when I wish I could tell you that your talking B&llox and tell you that you've no need to worry etc. But there are elements of what you say that are so true and for that reason I wish you all the best with the Jeep idea and hope that you will stop by every now and then and lets us all know how you are getting on and post some piccies of you and the jeep up to goolies in mud.

Take care mate

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Post by RQ »

As Iggy says, there is truth in it, so can anyone really talk you out of it? I am single with no dependants, and, well, if I go, it will affect less people, I can understand the kids factor. Bikers are invisible to people on Irish roads, as the population of bikes is much lower than in comparison to the UK, Irish drivers simply don't even consider we are even on the road. :roll:

Mark, I'm sorry to hear you have been forced into that decision, but enjoy the jeep, PM me when you are selling, as there is a guy in Blessington that wants a Storm and I'll see if he can afford your price!

Don't forget that the Athea races are this weekend.

Best of luck, you can still wear the butless chaps in the jeep. :wink:
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Sil vitr

Post by MDJ »

With respect it is partially bollox. You dont have to give up and buy a Jeep! Get a track or off road bike mate. Don't make it seem worse for yourself, I respect giving up road riding but theres no need for the massive "im giving up" doomand gloom you CAN continue biking off the public road. Please consider it.

Again no offence intended Silvtr I just feel it doesn't need to be the END. :?
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Post by SILVTR »

None taken at all - all my mates and even my wife have been trying to dissuade me. To be fair, I have always liked jeeps - right since I was a kid. Biking only really hit me at around 20 (I'm 35 now).

Like I say, with a bit of luck in the future, I will get a dirt bike. For the adrenalin replacement till then, I'll still have windsurfing, so I'm not overly upset.

I guess it would be fair to say that my passion for bikes after the break isn't the same as it was... Whether that is down to my family situation or a compulsive-obsessive lust for a jeep or whatever, I don't know.

Anyway, we need two vehicles - we have a Corolla estate which both my wife and I use, and the FireStorm, which only I can use - not practical. Getting the jeep will address that AND still give me a buzz and I'll still manage to feel a little bit different to all the other box-drivers...

Again, I don't mean to bring anyone down - I just wanted to say bye to a good group of guys...
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Post by Pete.L »

Ya Gotta do What ya gotta do Mark.

Drop in and will let you know what your missing :wink:

P.S My older Bro has given up biking twice Now.(once with each Kid) and guess what 8O
He keeps coming back :lol:

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Post by Fester »

Sorry to hear of your decision. Did you ever consider taking some additional 'training', before making your decision to get rid othe VTR?

Yes the roads ARE dangerous, ever more so these days, but not SO dangerous as to give up surely?

I don't wish to preach, or teach folk to suck eggs, but riding safely is all about riding 'defensively', ie continually trying to predict what the vehicles (and pedestrians etc) MAY do next, and acting accordingly (changing position, slowing down, sounding the horn, whatever!). Taking so called 'advanced' training would help you with all this (I observe for RoSPA) and at least get you into the right frame of mind/equip you with skills that MAY just make the difference!

And riding the 'advanced' way doesn't mean slavishly sticking to 60mph in the GLF zones (I certainly don't!). :D

Take the training, then make your own judgement (may be too late for SILVTR, but some of you others perhaps?)

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Post by Orange Robbie »

Do wotcha gotta do, and get your kicks from wherever, wotever or whoever you can.
My wife is a Senior Staff nurse, nursed guys who have come off bikes, some died, some mended, she takes the view that when your numbers up it,s up, that,s nothing you can do will change it.
A good friend of mine is now in a wheelchair due to some jerk in a box just cutting him up, made all of us think, but we are still out there.
I can't find a better way of getting away from the stress of work, but
concentrating soley on riding home after a crap day. Then come weekends the buzz, the adrenalin rush, getting home after a rideout with mates, knackered, hot, sweaty but feeling fulfilled that made it through to live another day, and bonds have been strengthened.
I wish you every sucsess in the future, take care and be happy.
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Post by DD »

Silvtr, I enjoy 4x4 aswell but find that there aint enough time in the year to do everything, but hay you enjoy the family and other interests and i'll go for a ride for ya, so all the best man from way the ferk over here.
cheers Darryl
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family comes first, hope when time comes I'll make the right decision too.
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Post by grinner »

Good luck to you Mark, but don't forget, your licence will always be there!

At the very least, there will be one more car driver who will be aware of bikes and their presence on the road. That's always good to know.
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Post by delmeekc »

I've had the same sort of thoughts and stopped commuting last october, I have leased a car to get to work, sold/selling all me roads bikes and bought a ktm. Well a KTM Duke 2, and now just ride during the week, during the day and spend as little time as poss on the roads, just enough to get me to the petrol garage, then a burger then off road. And to be honest I've never had so much fun on two wheels.

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Post by Proudest Monkey »

All the best SILVTR!!!

I am but 24 and don't have any of the same concerns as you, so I don't see myself making a similar desicion for a while yet... come to think of it, I don't think i will ever be ballsy enough to be able to make that decision. Hats off to you!
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Post by Stormtrooper »

:cry: i can understand the sentiments behind you giving up the im sure we all know of somone who has payed the ultimate price for biking.. but i think if we considered all the "what ifs" that life throws our way we would all just die of worry!all the best mate..hey i know how about organising a stormers skerries racing farwell to biking weekend ?you never know it just might change your mind :wink:
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Post by SILVTR »

Hi All.

Don't know whether to shuffle back with tail between legs or with a fanfare . . .

I've got a goo again. :oops:

BMW R1150GS looks good.

I'll be saving hard with all the cash from my band's gigs.

Early 2008 - R1150GS - fingers crossed.

What's changed?

Nothing. Don't know. If anything, it's a worse time to want a bike - my insurance has lapsed outside 2 years and I sold everything but my Arai, so I'll be starting from scratch, but I just saw an 1150GS in the flesh recently and got Ewan & Charlie's DVD. Lovely bikes.

I don't think I'd bother getting back on a different bike. It's just the Beemer. Mind you, Suzuki's GSR & B-King are both pretty tasty too.

My 40th is coming up in July 08, so I might consider a trip to France or Spain or somewhere on my 1150GS . . .

The jeep is gone - got it out of my system. I'm commuting in my old Corolla and family (3 kids now) use our Alhambra.

My VTR is still with my mate who bought it from me - he comes down every July for the races.

94 Corolla and a big goo for an R1150GS
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