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Religion ??

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:05 pm
by leevtr
Ain't gonna disclose my beliefs at this stage, as I think it will influence the answers/quotes that get posted on this thread, but who's religious here, and why ??

This could be interesting !!

Re: Religion ??

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:08 pm
by agentpineapple
mac's the one to talk to.... :lol:
he worships the firestorm..... :wink:

Re: Religion ??

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:11 pm
by leevtr
I worship the furry cup, but thats not the question !!

Re: Religion ??

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:15 am
by VTRDark
I'm a pagan long-haired Buddhist :D


Re: Religion ??

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:29 am
by TonyW650
And I'm a darwinist, religion and god are just things that have been created to either control the masses or make money.
bit thats just my view.

Re: Religion ??

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:06 am
by BigVeeGrin
TonyW650 wrote:And I'm a darwinist, religion and god are just things that have been created to either control the masses or make money.
bit thats just my view.
+1 or use as an excuse for otherwise unjustifiable actions, or to abdicate personal responsibility to. no place for it in a civilised world. There's a More 4 prog coming up with R Dawkins abut sex, religion and society or something.

I do respect others' beliefs though.

Re: Religion ??

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:46 am
by Pyro
Religion is a very sucessful form of population control that only exists because people are afraid that after they die its game over, giving people hope that if they pay the holy men and perform rituals to an unseen/unprovable deity they can buy their place in paradise.
It has created far more harm than good, and has no part in a modern civilised society, being based on bronze age writings by flat earth believing primitives who tried to explain the world around them by telling stories.
When it really gets iffy is when the "believers" start saying that they have the monopoly on morals, as if without "faith" (which is the same as delusion) no-one would have any moral compass. well, i do, and i manage quite well thankyouverymuch.

Re: Religion ??

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:33 am
by scott02464
Pyro wrote:Religion is a very sucessful form of population control that only exists because people are afraid that after they die its game over, giving people hope that if they pay the holy men and perform rituals to an unseen/unprovable deity they can buy their place in paradise.
It has created far more harm than good, and has no part in a modern civilised society, being based on bronze age writings by flat earth believing primitives who tried to explain the world around them by telling stories.
When it really gets iffy is when the "believers" start saying that they have the monopoly on morals, as if without "faith" (which is the same as delusion) no-one would have any moral compass. well, i do, and i manage quite well thankyouverymuch.
Amen :lol:

Re: Religion ??

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:23 am
by VTRDark
religion and god are just things that have been created to either control the masses or make money.
Spot on mate. I usually just say to people that I'm an atheist or Buddhist as I don't see that as a religion but a way of life and philosophy.
because people are afraid that after they die its game over
That's not always true as there are some so called religions out there where they are not afraid to die and believe they go on to better things.


Re: Religion ??

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:44 am
by lloydie
I believe in my self ,
Dose that make me a Buddhist ?
True enlightenment is gained from walking the life's path and learning from it . And not imposing it on others .

Re: Religion ??

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:24 am
by scott02464
I support my legs because they support me :lol::lol:

Re: Religion ??

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:06 am
by benny hedges
BigVeeGrin wrote:I do respect others' beliefs though.
so do i to a degree.... but when i see some pompous clown in a purple gold lined dress and ridiculous kkk hat waving a bong and talkin gobbledegook i have to draw the line.
if you look back at the history and origins of catholicism and the church of england, it makes islam seem sensible lol.
if ever there was a religion based upon greed, pomposity, holier than thou and bloodlust, it is catholicism.

yes. the pope is nearer to god than me. cos he is about 95 years old and is on death's door.
yes, he will go to a better place than me.
he will be entombed in a gold lined marble casket in some cathedral, whereas my dead corpse will be burned in a plywood crate and my ashes flushed down the bog.

just as ridiculous:
buddhism.... worship a statue of some fat crouton who basically did naff all apart from eat everything.
hinduism... worship an elephant and a spider with a woman's head...
moonies... believe in some feller's dream and give him all your money.
mormons. as above but refuse to take paracetamol when your headache is twattin you.
scientology.... starts off quite logical but then goes off on the spaceship ark tangent and loses it a bit lol

i give up on religion a long time ago... imo its an absolute load of baldrocks :Beer Popcorn:

Re: Religion ??

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:11 am
by TonyW650
religion is and always will be a emotive subject, just on the grounds that there are so many people in the world that believe is some sort of Faith system.

but the definition of Religion is: any specific system of belief about deity, often involving rituals, a code of ethics, and a philosophy of life.

Belief about a Deity or God figure,God figure well that's been ruled out as Man kind evolved from complex amino acids. Darwinism.
but then again some people hold characters like, Genghis Khan, Hitler, Starlin etc as deities but that makes that fanaticism don't it?

I just dont get it really, you can't have a god figure, the universe is and was created from the Big bang, Mass from Zero mass, and that everything came from that point, planet, stars Mand kind, we are all made from the same things, particles, mass, matter how ever you want to say it but basically thats the way it works.

to say that there was a God figure that created it all, implies that this so called figure lived out side of time and space, and must have created everything, but as I have always been into science I cant subscribe to that.

God and Religion, its Man Kinds way of making the unbelievable, believable, Man needs answers as we are a naturally inquisitive species, and for a time God and religion filled that role, but with things going on like the LHC Large Hadron Collider and the theory of the Higgs field and Higgs Boson, dont that debunk Religion a little.
Ok I know finding the Higgs will open up even more questions, but religion is out dated.
but again this is my opinion, and I have no problems with any ones faith, its just at my core I'm a Darwinist and believe in Science

Re: Religion ??

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:30 am
by Rob
I've been an Atheist as long as I can remember. Maybe since I was about 8.

I like using this quote:-
"I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
...Stephen F Roberts

Re: Religion ??

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:51 pm
by leevtr
Looks like I'm in good company..

Never been able to understand how anyone in this modern world can believe in god.

And when the fcukers knock at the door, trying to convert me, Jesus Christ do they get a mouthful.

Its all fcuking just brainwashing, and IMHO, morally wrong !!