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Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:25 am
by seb421
My dad had to get rushed to hospital monday with a suspected heart attack (turned out not to be one but they say hes very close)

He's at the doctors today for something and a four week sick note they said on the phone :eek2

got me thinking about all the memories i have with him

most of which i can only remember him in a fit of rage

i once watched him strangle the hoover

throw a spade through the back window of his Audi (he was aiming for my head and i ducked thank wombles)

throw a VCR outside and then proceeded to jump on it after it chewed up one of his old tennis videos

threw a laptop out of his moving car when the sat nav wombles up, around mid 90's before tomtom was big and all that

spitting at the TV and ranting during some hated Man U games (this is why i avoided football and went out when ever it was on tv)

kicked my door though and climbed through the hole he had made, turned out it was my brother he was after for something he had done and not me but can't remember

i can't remember many fun times other than watching F1 when i was a kid and a few bike races and a few the other year with him that was a pleasant day

my best memory of my dad was when we went for a bike ride (push irons) up the lakes last year, granted i thought my heart was going to explode but it was a great day

before he turned 40 he was like my best mate when i was young every year his job seems to get harder and he just gets more stressed and with my bother in the house every day is a struggle

he's still lying thieving and everything else hence the need for a camera in the garage as much for watching him as burglars lol

Re: Dads

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:42 am
by Eclectic
Families, eh. Arent they great...

But they are the only ones we have x

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

Re: Dads

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:15 am
by AMCQ46
It's time to get some new memories to balance the ranting rage. Getting out on your gixer and him on his blade and go for a tour of the uk :thumbup:

Reminds me I must phone my mum

Re: Dads

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:53 am
by agentpineapple
stress is a killer, how old is your dad seb, my old man died of a heart attack at 41, i was only 15, i still miss him, hopefully your dad will calm down after this scare. i bet you have some nice memories of riding together...... :thumbup:

Re: Dads

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:18 am
by popkat
can see where you got the idea of smashing your tv screen now :lol:

Hope he gets better and starts looking after his health, we're only here once.

Re: Dads

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:55 am
by VTRDark
can see where you got the idea of smashing your tv screen now
I was just thinking that. :lol:

My old man has been through a similar thing recently and is now wearing some device from the hospital that is monitoring his heart. I know heart disease is a killer but I do wonder how involved the hospitals are with the drug companies that are dishing out the meds. It's seems to me they are too quick to just dish out Simvastatin or similar which is a nasty drug with some awful side effects, I would rather smoke puff and de-stress. They dish out the meds all too easily.

Tell you dad it's time for a lifestyle change. Send him off to do Tai Chi, meditation or something. :lol: Seriously though that is the only answer and then he can turn things around. Watch what your eating, keep fit and find a way off dealing with stress and not fly off the handle so easily.


Re: Dads

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:06 pm
by Kev L
Have you ever thought of becoming a life coach or maybe motivational speaking!!! :lol:

Re: Dads

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:48 pm
by Virt
cybercarl wrote:I would rather smoke puff and de-stress

From what I hear you didn't even need a heart condition to do that :lol: Why would having one make any difference? Some people are so adamantly against narcotics they'd take anything but

Re: Dads

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:14 pm
by Whoa Nelly
Second Al's suggestion of getting him out on the bike. Sounds like spending time with him away from the things that stress him would be good for both of you. Good luck Seb, families can be hell.

I did wonder how long people had to own a Gixxer before they become completely furious. Have you got the shaved head & no neck yet? :D

Kev L wrote:Have you ever thought of becoming a life coach or maybe motivational speaking!!! :lol:
I was going to be a motivational speaker. But I couldn't be arsed.

Re: Dads

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:31 pm
by Kev L
Baboom Tish! :lol:

Re: Dads

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:36 pm
by darkember
Your lucky he he still here. Life is very fragile & once its gone, its gone forever. I would take this as a blessing & gives you time to get closer to the ones you love 8)

Re: Dads

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:52 am
by bigtwinthing
in 2003 i went to the "ace cafe" in london for a blast with some mates, they had some old pics of the late 50,s and early 60,s on show. I was most suprised to see a pic of my Dad on a Norton with a ducks butt hair do and leather kecs, when i asked him about it he had always had bikes but my mum hated them so he didnt tell me much about it when i was younger.We spent the last few years of his life discussing this at every oppurtuinity( yes spelt wrong) from then on until he sadly passed on. Still maeks me think on though.

Re: Dads

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:25 am
by AMCQ46
As my dad passed away 15yrs ago this there'd reminded me to do 2 things.

1) Phone my mum more often, as she lives 300miles away

2) make sure my kids have good memories of me as they are 21 and 16

So I called my mum and then took my youngest girl out on the back of my bike and went off to Stratford for an icecream, and we had a good natter on the intercom and it took her mind off revision for GCSEs :thumbup:

Cheers Seb