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Haven't been doing too much riding lately

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:59 pm
by 8541Hawk
I just haven't felt like taking the bike out much lately, no health issues or anything, just not feeling it much.
So to keep busy I have reverted back to an old hobble........
Here is the new collection of toys that I have been building since getting back to SoCal.
Those 7 years at the Whisky a GoGo in the 90s has paid off in still having some contacts to wheel and deal with.
Which has led to these:


'01 Les Paul Standard and a '98 Ibanez AR200 Artist


and a '96 (Fender 50th anniversary) SRV Strat



Just to show they are the real
It has been fun getting back into it though damn my hand

Now I do hope I don't start as much controversy as the last time I posted a "Non-Bike" thread....... :Ball Kick: :lol: :lol:

Re: Haven't been doing too much riding lately

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:30 pm
by Pete.L
:x :lol: :lol:
8541Hawk wrote:I just haven't felt like taking the bike out much lately, no health issues or anything, just not feeling it much.

Now I do hope I don't start as much controversy as the last time I posted a "Non-Bike" thread....... :Ball Kick: :lol: :lol:
Oh I don't know. A guitar can be pretty deadly in the wrong hands :wink:

I've always wanted to learn but I've never made the time. I play sax and French horn but other than a few chords I'm pretty useless with a guitar.
I know enough to recognise those names though, I'm not a complete Neanderthal :D
Very nice!

Re: Haven't been doing too much riding lately

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:36 pm
by Jamoi
It's a very worthy hobby while away from the bikes mate.

Your Strat looks lovely, do you play much? I moved from Drums to Guitar but I'm missing my drum kit now, although once you pick up a few songs on Guitar I think the bug to keep playing never leaves you.

Re: Haven't been doing too much riding lately

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:16 pm
by 8541Hawk
I did play a lot but then quit for a long spell but now that I'm back to being single, well I have plenty of free time when you add in I am still unable to work.....
So it helps keep the sanity.....So I'm back up to a couple hours a day maybe more.....all depends on what the fingers can take.

I don't play the start as much as the other 2 but then again that one is my "Baby".
I didn't get it new but it only has one very small ding on the back otherwise it is still pristine except for some patina on the metal parts.
I even still have, what we call over here, the bag of "case candy" still sealed (which is the bag of extra "goodie" that comes with a new guitar.

The other 2 are the work horses and the Start is the "pretty" one...... though there are some things only a single coil pick up can do :wink:

Re: Haven't been doing too much riding lately

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:19 pm
by sirch345
8541Hawk wrote:I just haven't felt like taking the bike out much lately, no health issues or anything, just not feeling it much.
I find in general that interests and hobbies can vary in the amount of enthusiasm any of them get at different times. When you do come back to your biking you will enjoy it even more than you realised.

I'm not really musical, although the rest of my family is (brothers, sister and parents). Even so I recognise a good name or two there with your collection of guitars 8) 8)


Re: Haven't been doing too much riding lately

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:24 pm
by lumpyv
lovely guitars mate :thumbup:

and keeping you out of mischief :lol:

what sort of music do you play ? ?

Re: Haven't been doing too much riding lately

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:26 pm
by StormingHonda
Motorcycles aren't a hobby nor a tool to get to work, they are a way of life for me, as I am a ' bikie ' so to speak, I use my motorcycle every day regardless of weather ( except snow ), but I also attmept to play guitar so I could see why they are a major distraction :biggrin .

Now don't go getting paired up again, women are a pain in the butt. :lol:

Re: Haven't been doing too much riding lately

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:07 pm
by VTRDark
Stevie Ray was one of the best guitarists in the world, I got 4 of his albums on the shelf. I remember the day he died. He went down in a helicopter crash along with one of Eric Clapton's band members IIRC over here in Cornwall.


Nice collection you have there Mike. I had a dabble with a guitar in my younger days.


Re: Haven't been doing too much riding lately

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:25 am
by kenmoore
Way cool.

I like you have another distraction to motorbikes.

They are my surfboards.

I have been riding bikes since I was 10, so that's 47 years and surfing since I was 12.

Funny at the moment I have 14 surfboards, 1 motorbike and another one due to arrive this month.

Yes, bikes are important to me and I have many good friends and fond memories through bikes, however the same can be said about surfing as well.

I find that I get bored with one thing and always have needed other distractions.

This forum has many regulars and it would be interesting to see what other regulars do to entertain themselves apart from bikes.

I will post some pictures of my favourite surfboards when I get a chance. :beer: :beer: :beer:

Re: Haven't been doing too much riding lately

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:16 pm
by AMCQ46
nice toys Hawk :thumbup:

Kenmoore, you are right, we all get bored with riding the Storm every now and again......infact I didnt ride mine for 3yrs as I went off roadriding completely!!! I didnt sell it as I knew it would go full circle again.
As my other diversions mostly also have 2 wheels, so I was riding enduro and Trials instead of the Storm, and when I get bored with them I ride my mountainbike or road race bike. and if I get bored with riding I build something.