Day trips to France

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Day trips to France

Post by jpickup »

Anyone know what is the best (cheapest) way to get to France for the day? The online quotes tend to be car specific.

What sort of deal do you get if you just arrive at Dover without a booking? I don't really want to book in advance, I'd rather wake up to a sunny day and say "Let's go to France for lunch".
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Post by Stratman »

Ah, what a lovely idea - in Surrey I suppose its not too bad but in Norwich you need to book as you have a lot further to go, as would a lot of people too. Cheapest last year was Eurotunnel but still seemed exorbitant to me and if you stayed UK side you could get a bloody marvellous lunch for half the cost!
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Post by cupasoop »

Must be the only thing thats good about living in the south of England being that close to France. :wink:

Not that I,'ve ever done a day trip to France but MCN usually has loads of deals and offers listed. Another place I've seen info is on some of the other bike forums that deal with bike touring. BMW forums and the like. These guys are hardend travellers and usually if a deal comes up they share the info with everyone. Just an idea.

or try this

Do I sound like a frustrated traveller?

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Post by essexbloke »

MCN do a 30% off for P&O (or was it Stena - i dunno).........check out the half page advert, they list a website addy,

it's a direct link to a specific booking site. Is a good offer too. I booked me ticket for this years Assen GP 3 weeks ago, (OK i know it's not France) before i noticed the offer and found out i could have saved about £30.00 Doh...
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Post by Stormin Ben »

Try the tunnel
I know they were doing a silly cheap deal in december so you never know

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speed ferries

Post by captainkirk11 »

I have just booked my summer hols in Julyfor £50 return per bike with who operate from Dover-Boulogne .
They gave me two free crossings anytime except July August because I booked the summer crossing early .
For day trips they charge £50 but reinburse £25 when you return within 25 hours
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Post by Trojan »

Wait for one of these France for £1 offers in the Daily Mail etc. I got the bike across to see a friend, two days for £20. Stuffed meself silly on chocolate, waffles and Laffe beer on the Belgium border then went and sat of a beautiful sandy beach in brilliant sunshine that stretched for miles in both directions. Hmm, if you are doing it let me know when! :lol:
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Trips to France

Post by Biker-Bob »

Last year, P&O offered a 24hrs trip on their fast craft ferry from Portsmouth to Caen or Cherbourg, Rider/Pillion and Bike £10. The service took around 3-4hrs and if you planned it right you ended up with around 7hrs in France.

I am in the know here but everything can change! P&O because they are leaving Portsmouth will not run a fast craft again this year, but the rival company at Portsmouth, Brittany Ferries will be running a similar deal, probably £20 though. The service will operate to Caen and should offer an equal amount of time in France.

Last year the 24hr trip meant 24hrs in France so if you left Portsmouth at 7am ish on day one you do an overnight stay in France and then come back the next day on the boat around 10am.

Hope this helps, as I find out more and what deals you have to quote I will let you all know.

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