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Back from the Grave

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 5:47 pm
by VTRDark
Back from the Grave

Hello people hope your all well I expect nothing much has changed around here, lots for me to catch up on though.

Most of you will have noticed I have not been around for a while. I have had so much going on in my personal life it's been a bit of a major eye opener. I lost a very close friend of mine Roy that I had known (had known sounds weird :( ) for close to 30 years. He was 75 years old and had been a smoker since he was 12, a heavy smoker at that. Capstan Navy cuts for many years for rolling joints so no filters involved. He got taken into hospital as he had breathing difficulties for what we thought was chest problems, emphysema he also had asbestosis of which he was compensated for many years ago and as a consequence had half of his intestine removed a few years back. Because of this he had problems keeping his weight on. Food was literally in one end and out another. It seems he went downhill from then Anyway I digress.

He basically got taken into hospital and when they done a scan they found he was absolutely riddled with cancer. How this didn't get caught sooner I don't know. We was told that there was nothing they could do at this advanced stage and he had between 3 weeks and 3 months to live. He passed away 3 days later. sh1t I can almost feel the tears wanting to creep out as I right this. It's not easy to write. I saw him him a couple of days before and all he wanted was to go home get stoned and listen to his music. This is how he wanted to die. He was simply waiting for the Hospital and the Macmillan nurses to sort things out and organising meds etc so that he could go home. He never managed to get home and died with all his dignity in tact with friends around him. The hospital, Chelsea and Westminster where really good and when the final moment came they had a nurse give him, shall we call it, pain relief which sent him out on a high.

It's been hard and really hit me and others hard. He was the Grandfather that my best friends 12 year old daughter never had. The noise from her when we told her he died I never want to hear that again. Absolutely heartbreaking. She was obviously devastated. I then had to help with arranging the funeral and gathering photo's for a sideshow at the wake. I have had to make the order of service and get them printed etc.. I also had to go to his flat and go through all his stuff. That felt weird. We where looking for his NI number for notifying the gov that he has passed away and came across real personal things we felt uncomfortable with like old love letters and other sentimental things he kept for years. We discovered a life of Roy before we knew him. Trying to workout what music to play at his funeral was hard too. 50\s 60's 70''s etc quite a few decades of tunes amongst his collection. His farewell song was Poetry Man by Phoebe Snow and then the closing music was Meet Me On the Ledge by The Fair pod Convention. he was by no means religious man so it wasn't a religious service and we had a copy of the Racing Post and a betting slip and pen on the coffin along with a big fat Green one. We have also had to clear his flat of all his possessions. It's strange....we go through life collecting things and when we are gone it simply means nothing to us anymore and what is left of our life's either goes to someone else or ends up in a Black bag. I have got his old dope weighing scales to remember him by. There's been quite a few hundred Kilo's weighed out on them over the years. :lol:

He didn't want any Black to be worn at the funeral and we was under orders for absolutely no flowers. Any money that would otherwise go to flowers should go to a charity for children with cleft lip. He watched a documentary a while back that got to him. We managed to make just over £500 at the wake for Smile We gave him a good send off including a small firework display in the middle of a common in central London. 40 Chinese lanterns a few large rockets and some Blue rookies. I'm surprised plod didn't turn up. I was expecting them on the scene as soon as I let the first rookie off. We certainly gathered a crowd of members of the public on the common.

OK that's enough writing for now got loads to catch up on including some PMs which I shall slowly get through. Got to get life back on track now. Oh yeh I'm supposed to be quitting smoking. I'm on the vape which helps and I have managed to cut down on my proper smokes. My friend and I are going to support each other through giving up. She can't give up if I don't and vica versa. One step at a time but it's defo time to knock it on the head.

A few piccies.

This was him when he was 23 years old. Got the pic from a photocopy of his old merchant Seaman's card.


and then a later one.



Re: Back from the Grave

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:12 pm
by alanfjones1411
Sorry to hear your sad news,but good to have you back giving advice. Knock them fags on the head,I did after around 45 years and been off them for three years now. I know it's difficult but keep your chin up and remember the good times.

Re: Back from the Grave

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:22 pm
by MacV2
Welcome Back Carl...You did well to give your friend the send off he deserved...Sad time in your life but remember the good times.


Re: Back from the Grave

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:46 pm
by Ckennedy
Sorry to hear the news Carl. Good to hear that some good can be passed on to others with the charity.

Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk

Re: Back from the Grave

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:52 pm
by geodude
wombles sucks when you lose someone you love. I feel for you matey.

On-wards and upwards!!

Welcome back!!

Re: Back from the Grave

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:08 pm
by bigtwinthing
Sad story Carl but welcome back. If it helps i can show you my Lung X-rays when i was diagnosed. and as you know I've never even had a drag of a fag. Give up and save the money you will feel healthier in weeks. Be good to see you soon. I popped up to see AP at his nans. We missed your crap :lol:

Re: Back from the Grave

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:10 pm
by darkember
Welcome back Carl. Really sorry about your loss and humbled for you been able to open up and share such an intimate moment with us all. Thank you

Re: Back from the Grave

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:36 pm
by AMCQ46
sad times, but your were clearly a good friend to him and him to you. that is something to hold onto and cherish.

oh and welcome back, we were getting worried

Re: Back from the Grave

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:41 pm
by Varastorm
Sorry to hear your sad news Carl, good to hear from you.

Re: Back from the Grave

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:39 pm
by fabiostar
hard times big man, sorry to hear of the loss... :(

welcome back.


Re: Back from the Grave

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:47 pm
by lumpyv
nice to have you back in fold carl and know you are ok ( there was a bit of concern :roll: ) your time away has certainly been well spent helping a good friend.

cheers :beer:

Re: Back from the Grave

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:15 pm
by stealthbomber
Sorry to hear of your loss Carl, chin up. If something positive can come from his passing it will be you giving up the fags. Stick with the vaping, it's worked for me for the last 18 months. If you need any pointers or help with suppliers etc, let me know and I'll pass you some links. Atb.

Re: Back from the Grave

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:18 pm
by BrianC
Sorry for your sad loss mate - we are currently going through hell with father in law and hospitals and nursing homes etc, but he is still batting

Re: Back from the Grave

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:50 pm
by Steve97
Been through the same 3 times now doesn't get easier, well done mate, sounds like you done him proud, good job

Re: Back from the Grave

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:30 am
by VTRDark
Sucking on the vape now as I type. Jeez this is one hard addiction to give up. Dehydration is a massive side affect of the vaping I don't like. I'm slipping between 3 and 6 real smokes a day at the moment which is bloody good going for me. I'm weaning myslef off as the shock to my system would put me in a box next.
