How to find GrainStorm VIIIMay 27th 2023

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How to find GrainStorm VIIIMay 27th 2023

Post by MacV2 »

MacV2 wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:41 pm
No major updates just to say there are a set of tempoary traffic lights about 1/4 of a mile from the village. major construction site entrance being built... The road surface is still shite, bumpy, pot hole infested & patchy...

YAHH It's back no major updates to the pothols, the old ones have been filled new ones formed then filled then formed again :lol:

Only one I think worthy of mention is the left turn opposite the Firestaion as per normal... Thats been filled...

The main directions are fairly straight forward & are aimed at the bulk of Stormers who will be coming along the A2 from London & those joining the M25 & or coming over the Dartford Bridge. Any one who's not sure & has had the confirmation PM you have my numbers........

Join the A2 East bound heading for M2/Dover. Follow the A2 all the way until you see.........


The Esso fuel station on the opposite carriage way, you now need to be thinking of getting over to the left hand lane but still have a good mile or so to do so. Ignore the first gantry then you will see...
You now NEED to be in the extreme left hand lane....stay in it Dover is not a very nice place!

Stay left & just to remind you, see ......


Follow the slip road to the LEFT & join the duel carriageway & follow it until you reach a roundabout .....


As you turn left you will climb a hill, as you approach the crest you will see a JET fuel station on the opposite side of the road, just over the crest is another JET fuel station. Be careful as often there is an Artic turning in or waiting to get out.

If you need fuel, this is a good place to stop, you now have 9.6* miles to go or to put it another way 19.2* miles until you come back the other way & can fill up on the other side of the road.

* these figures do not take into account you getting lost on the way from this point onwards. It's not all flat but is a long way to push a Storm!
The Jet Station will be fuel stop on the way out at end of day. Fill up if you need to, remember that if you are working on your bike & it includes taking the tank off....Don't bloody fill it right up!
I've stopped using the Jet stations about two years ago as the started to require you to remove your helmet. There is another petrol station a bit further along after the last roundabout onto the Grain Road, It's on the right hand side when your coming in. Proper old school place that fill the bike up for you & dont care if you stay sitting on it & keep your lid on. It's a penny or so dearer so it's your choice. I have no idea if the Jet stations still enforce the rule as I have never been back in there.

Back to the directions then.

So after the JET station follow the duel Carriageway..... 1st Roundabout go straight over.....2nd Roundabout go straight the 3rd Roundabout again go straight over....the road now becomes single carriageway, drops down hill then climbs up hill & at the top is another roundabout........Now you take the SECOND exit........


Unfortunatley there are now new rear facing cams all the way from just after this roundabout all the way to the port...Fun Police have struck it's now 40MPH all the way...

The alternate petrol station is on the right about 1/4 mile if that on your right. Please remember if you are lifting the tank your better off not filling it up on the way in...It's aprox 7 miles from here to mine so factor that in.

Now it gets twisty :thumbup:

But you have one more bloody roundabout to go! Right turn Clyde

Its worth mentioning at this point that it is more than likely that you will have seen one or two Artic container lorries on the way, this is because just out side Grain is Thamesport Container depot. You all saw that on the signs didn't you? After the last roundabout the road is single carriageway & double white lines 40 mph almost the whole way. The good news is....there are opportunities to O/T & the speed cameras are the average speed ones that pick up front number plates. Due to the new cameras any overtaking is a bit pointless.

Just remember be careful in your over takes, you may see the odd roadside memorial! I do not condone illegal overtaking or speeding & it's your licence,don't blame me. There are unfortunately, often police vehicles parked up or on the road mobile. You have been warned!!!

So that last roundabout then, oh yeah SECOND exit again. Less than ten mins at 40 (cough, cough.)...I wish... :lol:

Now just follow the road, there are a few side turnings, the aforementioned artics, farm traffic, the odd cyclist & dog walkers to look out for.

Just after the village of Stoke you will go past a single white cottage on the right hand side, just after this is a new bridge.

As you go over the bridge you will get a lovely vista of all the tank farms & the port cranes! You will be going past all this, you wont see the stack for Grain power station as it was demolished last year but I cant be botherd to change the picture...


As you drop down off the bridge the road opens up nicely for good observation & is nice & smooth, as you come into the industrial part there is a tight left/right over a level crossing....this is a manned level crossing...Artics often swing out when coming the other way be careful !!

Only a couple of miles to go now......after the level crossing follow the road ahead & you will see the last speed camera which is just outside Thamesport on a black pole on the rigthand side, the road takes a 90* left, Artics turn right at this point......take the left hander & follow the road about a mile & you reach Grain. The last bit from the port to the village is poorly surfaced , there are also several side entrances to the large LNG site on the left, with lots of lost contractors coming & going!!


AVERAGE SPEED CAMERAS & yes they are all now rear facing so escape for bikes...

Some of the cameras have been moved about abit...

Firstly they are no longer on the huge blue gantry things they were mounted on previously. Now on shorter black poles, so harder to see, the cams themselves are much smaller so again harder to see... Thanks for that ...

Now the first cam is just after the roundabout of doom & dislocated shoulders at the top of the hill...


When before it was just before the last roundabout after the Gulf service station...

It's on a pole just on the left as you peel off the Roundabout...

Thats it now, 40MPH all the way down to the port left hand bend...

I have heard that there may even be another one to be installed closer to the village...

Utter utter bastids... It's so boring siting at 40 all the way along there...6 or 7 miles...chug chug chug...

Right I'm off to Farcebarf to clone some plates... :lol: :lol:

As you finally come into the village you will see a Fire station on the right with a practice tower out the back......

Opposite the Fire station TURN LEFT, as you turn left you will see PANNELL ROAD turn LEFT into it... Don't panic if you miss the turn into Pannell, follow it along, going past the co-op, or stopping to buy biscuits if you haven't got them already, go past the pub & take the 1st left, that is the other end of Pannell Road.

Assuming you not stopping at the co-op (to buy snacks & comestibles )...& have turned correctly into Pannell Road follow it around go past Fry Close, as you approach the second turning on the right, Levett Close, my house & home to GrainStorm 2023 is directly opposite.

If you have missed the turn or are stopping at the co-op (to buy snacks & comestibles )....turn in to the other end of Pannell & follow it around & opposite the first turning on the left is MY house.On your right of course......Simples.....

Welcome to GrainStorm 2023.

Are we there yet?

Remember anyone who can't follow simple directions or is coming from another direction please use the phone numbers provided & I will happily talk you in,or confuse you more, which ever is appropriate....

Last edited by MacV2 on Sat May 20, 2023 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Making up since 2007, sometimes it's true...Honest...
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Re: How to find GrainStorm VIII May 27th 2023

Post by MacV2 »

Updated a bit for GrainStormVIII May 2023... :thumbup:
Making up since 2007, sometimes it's true...Honest...
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