Dreaded CCTs - confusion

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Dreaded CCTs - confusion

Post by bluesman »

Guys, reading all CCT probs here - I still not getting it...

When I read about potential CCT problem right 2 days after I bought my Storm I just went to Honda, bought new CCts and changed them. Took me few hours to get new "updated" CCts in and THEN I started experimenting on Kawi CCTs etc. It costs just 3 average visits to a pub, WHY you are risking it???
My friends with Super Blackbirds simply changing CCts every 30 000 km no matter broken or not - why wont you do it and stop worrying?

Apologies for being a bit emotional - good pack of Belgian beer is the reason :) I started to feel for people who got CCT problem :)
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Post by zzr600e1 »

I think it could be because I don't expect to change my CCTs on a bike with only 3700 miles on it, you should be able to buy a bike and at least not have to worry over cct failings and £500+ repair bills, every other part of the Honda is so well built, why they seemed to skimp on a long lasting CCT is beyond me. I also think that if too much scaremongering goes on about CCT failure (I know that it is happening and genuinly failing ccts) but this will most likely put the person wanting to buy a firestorm off since the first thing he will be told by his/her m8's will be 'Get them CCTS checked otherwise you could be in a whole world of pain.) The average Joe doesn't want to know about these things, they just want a bike to ride that they love to enjoy riding on. I have had my storm just over 5 months, if I waited these 5 months after reading some of these CCT posts on here and on Superhawk forums, beleive me I would NOT have bought one, and the same could most probably be told of people visting sites like these and then changing there mind. I totally love my vtr, but sometimes we shouldn't have to deal with these issues so early on in its life, if at all.
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Post by bluesman »

Can't argue - you are right. It is just real life that goes differently from what we expect.
Here we go: my brand new car has been recalled 2 times. Second time - full engine change. Potential oil system failure. Luckily - not at my costs.
BMW bike of my friend - 2 recalls since bought new (2 years)
Hayabusa of my colleague - 2 recalls.
ZX10 of my colleague - 1 recall. Front wheel change.
Do not let me start counting failures of brand new bikes I saw. Anything starting from Ducati 998 chewing it's own generator on the way from dealer to home to GoldWing REALLY developing crack in frame at 1200 km with German dealer refusing to fix until few months later Honda recalled Goldwings to weld enforcing elements onto it.

I think there is bikes that really cope well - like Fireblades and R1s, indestructable CB750F, Hornet 600s, Bandits etc etc. Yeah, and cars - Honda Civic up to 1997 - I had one from 1993, bonnet lock got so rusty, I weren't able to open it. Because in 100 000+ km I only opened it 5 times to change oil. That's all I ever did to it until it was sold (got company car).

Contemporary bike buyer want bike to be reliable for 20, max. 30 000 km - then he selling it. It is almost epidemy as it looks to me - change GSXR every year new model comes, change Blade 2005 to 2006 because of what Performance Bike says etc. etc.

Everything became disposable nowadays....

Sorry - beer again :oops: Or I am turning old? :lol:
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Post by zzr600e1 »

think we are both turning old lol, yep, the age of disposable consumer products now seems to stretch to cars and bikes, warranty 3yrs at best, breaks down costs more to fix than buying new engine lol, its that mentality that has manufacturers not wanting things to last anymore, I have a 29" sony tv that is 11yrs old and has worked perfect from day1. Get a modern tele and you are lucky to even get 2yrs out of it before it goes bang.
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Post by sirch345 »

Excellent posts both of you (Bluesman and Zzr600e1) very well written indeed and so true IMO 8) :D

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Post by dookie »

Totaly agree , im glad i found this site after i bought my storm or i probably would have got something else and would be missing out on a bike that i love :D :D
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Post by gcs »

I agree with what has been said about lack of longevity in/of certain products.
Also agree with beer...yum yum :lol: :lol: :lol:
Craig from the land of the long white cloud. Teal VTR 2001.
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