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not bike related....Petition to deport terror suspects......

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:54 pm
by VeetyR

Sign and pass on the link to the world :D

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 6:51 pm
by Stratman
Why does it lump terrorists and asylum seekers together, as if they are synonymous?

Should we have deported all the German Jews back to the Nazi regime just because they were asylum seekers?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:40 pm
by JAY.B
ss anyone?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:48 pm
by Seeker 77
Stratman wrote:Why does it lump terrorists and asylum seekers together, as if they are synonymous?
Open your eyes mate, of course they aren't synonymous but the controls in place that allow one to enter also permit others to enter just as easily. crouton me, how quickly the memory fades....... 7/7

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:52 am
by Wicky

Yeah throw em out and lay on a trolley for a while longer in A&E

"Over the last three years, the NHS recruited more than 22000 foreign doctors, including 900 from Iraq."

7th July Bombers

Mohammad Sidique Khan - Born in St James's University Hospital, Leeds

Shehzad Tanweer - born in St Luke's maternity hospital, Bradford

Germaine Lindsay - born in Jamaica, and had lived in Dalton, Huddersfield

Hasib Hussain - born in Leeds General Infirmary and raised in Beeston, Leeds

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:22 am
by Stratman
Well, I take your point entirely now. If 0.018% of the 22,000 may be terrorists, lets stop all immigration.

Amongst the indigenous population the percentage of rapists, paedophiles and murderers is nowhere near as high as 0.018%, and anyway these wasters are keeping our own doctors out of jobs aren't they!

We should have deported all the Irish between 1968 and 2004 because they were all terrorists too, because some were in the IRA

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:55 pm
by VeetyR
I started this petition to do exactly what has happened here, start debate.

I understand that i could have worded it slightly better with regards to grouping asylum seekers and terrorists together, but as was pointed out it is the controls that are in place that allow things to happen under our noses and even when we know what people are doing, we cant do anything about it because of some stupid european law.

As for the homegrown bombers(7/7), if they love their faith it so much that they would mame and kill citizens in a country that has kept their as*es safe throughout their lives, send them out to a country where for them to gain citizenship and live by the law to which they refer is acceptable and easy.If that means uprooting british citizens then so be it. Rather be rid than be bombed.

As for the arguement that we would be waiting longer for hospital treatment.... let us not forget that the suspects for the most recent car bombs in london and scotland actually came here to works as dr's/nurses.
This in itself is something to be looked at too.

As for stopping immigration we all know that that cannot be done and it is not something i object to, I really have no problem with anyone who wants to come here and do their bit for our economy( ie work for their money ) ....I do however object to how easy it is for that to happen. If someone wants to come and live here then they should A) bring enough money to sustain them for a period of at least one year, B) they should have been trained in a skilled trade/proffesion and C) they should be screened for security purposes before even setting foot on our soil.

Allowing Dr's to apply and get jobs only to find out further down the line after an event that they have also been trained in terrorist tactics in afganistan is just not on, and i think u will all agree to that.

The trouble is these people slip through the net and cause havoc, hatred and disaster in this country and when we find out what they are doing we still cannot get rid of em because of "human rights"....that in itself is bo**ocks. And they should be on the 1st plane back, no red tape or paperwork....just on a plane Simple.

Take that hook handed mofo Abu Hamza , Comes over here spends a million each year in handouts from "our" money..does his share of spreading hatred from his finsbury park mosque , including being one of the clerics our homegrown 7/7 bombers took advice from. We had been watching him for ages and not been able to do anything. We had seen the 7/7 bombers conversing with him and did not follow through, in the end we got him out on a technicality.....why was it so difficult, because we knew what was going on?

Because we are too fookin soft and PC about everything not wanting to step on peoples toes for fear of it being called "racial hatred".

I am slowly getting more p*ssed off with the situation in this country....I am not 100% english in my bloodline but i know what side my bread is buttered on yeah....Too many politician's pu**yfoot around in their bigwig houses and dont see whats going on in reality. They all need to fix up now and hard nose it on these people and not give a sh*t about what the minority think.

Another thing i think is that we should pull our troops out of iraq and afganistan....That in itself goes towards causing some of the acts that take place here and gives terror groups an excuse to carry them out.

My question to u is , do u think that if we changed our foreign policy and brought our troops back to ease the situation that the plots would stop???
I dont think it would make a blind bit of difference.

Anyway i feel i have ranted enough here, some of you will agree some of you wont but i am passed caring....shoot me down if u will, i will get back up know why? ..... coz even if i am not full english in my blood.....I am british and am proud of that!!

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:51 pm
by Wicky
Where exactly do you modestly propose to deport British citizens too exactly?

I last heard Australia would serve as a splendid internment camp for undesirables...

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:03 pm
by VeetyR
To wherever best suits their ideology. send em out and let them worry about where to lay their hat, as long as they dont get back in.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:12 pm
by Wicky
I agree an isolated Scottish island would be an ideal destination of those citizens with a BNF ideology

And for good measure chop their arms off so they can't swim back to the mainland - sounds reasonable to me :wink:

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:32 pm
by VeetyR
BNF ideology as in British national front??

If this implies that this is where my ideology lies i am afraid you are wrong my man......I am just average joe getting peeved with a government that says a lot and does nothing. . perhaps some of my views are a bit extreme or even silly , but i am in no way a racist or would even affiliate myself with such organisations as the BNP or BNF.

I grew up in a multicultured area( SE london ), more so than a lot of people.....I have nothing against any race , creed or religion and believe that all peeps should be able to get along peacefully..but they should also obey and live by the laws of the society in which they live. If they cant do that however then the best thing to do is live somewhere else that accepts those ideas as the norm. Thats all there is to it. :D

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:49 pm
by Kitch
Am I missing a fundamental point here?

WHERE would they be sent?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:54 pm
by VeetyR
I honestly dont know but i hear antartica is beautifull this time of year lol

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:53 pm
by Wicky
Would 'white' British citizens of a different ideology be deported without trial merely on suspicion of no good in your utopian vision?

Animal Rights extremists
David Copeland and his ilk "I don't like them, I want them out of this country"
Welsh Nationalists
Flat earthers
Jehovah's Witnesses

anyone else I forget off the list?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:54 pm
by kevg
I don't have a problem with people coming into the country if they can give something to our country, can enrich the culture and not sponge off everyone here and bring the country down...if you want in; learn english and live by our laws...we live on a F**kin island FFS, how hard can it be to keep undesirables out...i've nothing against second, third generation imigrants who are nationalised brits, the country is full of italians, spanish, indian, chinese and many others who are proud brits and even they want a stop to extremists coming into our country. it's these people i think VeeTyR is concearned about.

i'd expect to try and learn the language and about the culture of any other country if i was to move there, so why should it be different for here.

as for the scottish em down your way. i'm also a scot

Sniper patrols on Antonines wall anyone? Hadrians is to far south, lol.