I am crying, Martin's life is over

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Re: I am crying, Martin's life is over

Post by iggy1966 »


So sorry for you, Martin made a big impression with us all and he will be sadly missed.

Stay in touch and as many have said let us know if you need anything at all.

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Re: I am crying, Martin's life is over

Post by kevg »

Ah crap, i'm so sorry to hear about this.
Norma i know you will be strong, its in your nature and i'm sure Marty will now be watching over you, heckling from behind you.
i'm sorry for not phoneing or visiting since our last visit, time just flies by, but thats not an excuse.
it was an honour to name Marty as one of my friends.

oh and the SPORK will remain a long lasting memory!!

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Re: I am crying, Martin's life is over

Post by cupasoop »

Dont think I can add anything to what's already been said but my heart goes out to you Norma. I'm glad I met him.

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Re: I am crying, Martin's life is over

Post by Pete.L »

As soon as I read the title to this thread I felt a lump rise in my throat.
Norma, I'm so very sorry to hear your sad news. If I'm honest, it's almost one of those things which doesn't feel real until it actually happens. I remember Marty first sharing his news and distress about his illness and thinking, 'wow! fancy announcing that over the net, surely he's got to be over dramatising the situation'. And then the steady updates of the progression, and slowly reality slips in.
As much as I want to send my heartfelt condolences I would also like to add my thanks for letting us share in your lives a little more deeply than most people. I feel you have made me a better person by showing us your strength of character, honesty, and a wicked sense of humour through out. You humble me, You honour Marty, God Bless you both.
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Re: I am crying, Martin's life is over

Post by storminateacup »

I know from your previous posts we were all expecting the worst but it doesn't make it any easier when it happens. My thoughts are with you. Rest in peace Marty.
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Re: I am crying, Martin's life is over

Post by bob the builder »

Norma, so sorry to read your post. I send my heartfelt sympathy. I was one of the lucky ones who met Marty, if only briefly.

Sorry I never did manage to get up for a visit.

Please pm me if I can help you in any way, I'm only half an hour away.

Bless you both.

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Re: I am crying, Martin's life is over

Post by RedStormV »


I can't believe that I'm lost for words!

or at least have been for the past hour or so after seeing the sad news about Marty.

Having read the previous posts - just about everything has been said.

I still remember the day he posted "Want to cry. my life is knakered"

Being used to reading his exploits regarding his bikes and trying & succeeding, to wreck them; it was very moving to know that he could share such devastating news with us all and yet still manage to put a brave face on things enough to still have us in tears of laughter!

If ever there was an example of someone who could laugh in the face of adversity, surely our Zer0Zer0 was it.

I never got to meet him or your good self, which is my loss. However, I feel privileged that he touched my life, if even in a small way.

Marty I applaud your life and the enjoyment you have brought to your friends and family

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

May you rest in peace brother

Lest we forget I have added you to my sig - gone but not forgotten.
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Re: I am crying, Martin's life is over

Post by Seven Of Nine Firestorm »

Norma condolences from me also, not much I can add which the others havn't already wrote, Martin sounded like and is a decent fun chap michevous too in a good way.... but hey just remember the good times you both had, those fond memories and things.

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Re: I am crying, Martin's life is over

Post by theflyingpig »

Thank you everyone, I knew this would be the most difficult thing I had to do over the next few days, reading your posts. Yes they have made me cry, and I'm trying hard not to.

The funeral service will be held on Monday 7th December 2009, 2.45pm, at Dundee Crematorium. You are all welcome to come along, and if you can't make it, then please raise a glass that evening (driving permitting of course).

My sister has been with me since yesterday, and I've had to go through the usual phone calls. Just now I'm so exhausted, I've passed through sleep yet again, and I'm about to endulge in some puff to see if it will help me get off.

in the wee small hours today, I went through the songs that will be played at the service, as already discussed with Martin, some will make you cry and hopefully others will make you laugh.

Thanks everyone.
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Re: I am crying, Martin's life is over

Post by RedStormV »


I can really empathise with what you're going through now and what's to come in the days ahead. We all deal with bereavement in our own way, there is no right and no wrong way to do it, so I'm not about to throw my tuppeny worth in.

I'm not sure if I can make it, but will strive to do so.

If not, then you can rest assured there'll be a few drams o' the best malt to celebrate Marty's life drunk in my house that night and no doubt in most of the forum members dwellings and local hosterleries.

My thoughts are with you and the family.
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Re: I am crying, Martin's life is over

Post by VTRgirl »

Norma, I've been away from this forum for too long. Marty was a friend before I "vanished" & I still count him as one.

You'll have so many people telling you so many things. Here's my 2c... I'm just glad you had each other for the time you did.

Grieve in your own way for as long as you like and don't hold back from asking those close to you for whatever you need. Often they want so much to help, but don't know how. Those who seem to be falling away aren't. They just don't know what to say to you. If you can, let them know that's okay.

I can't quite make the funeral, but rest assured there will be glasses raised in Australia for you and for Martin. I'm heading to the Oz site shortly to notify the Down Under Stormers that a stiff drink is in order on Monday.

Thinking of you,
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Re: I am crying, Martin's life is over

Post by theflyingpig »

What a day. I decided to get ready for Martin's funeral at my Dad's and I remembered back to the day, I got married. I also got ready at my Dad's that day too. The memory of my weddiing day, helped me keep calm today and I managed to get through the service, without too much of a hitch.

It was good to see a few faces I recognised, and such a long journey for you all, the fact you took the time to come and see Martin off, he would have been extremely pleased and a bit pissed off.

Imagine driving to a funeral, when you've got such wonderful sounding bikes. Bloody freezing today, and I'm just glad you made it up to Dundee.

This will be my last post for a while. As you can imagine I've got a ton of things to do. For those of you who have my mobile number drop me a text from time to time, and anyone who wants it, ask someone who has it. :lol:

Much love
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Re: I am crying, Martin's life is over

Post by RedStormV »

Really sorry I couldn't make it Norma.

Sounds like he had a wonderfully funny send off though, The Ying Tong Song (a fav) & Porky Pig's Blue Christmas both good choices.

As promised, raised a few glasses of malt to celebrate his passing.

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Re: I am crying, Martin's life is over

Post by thumper »

deepest sympathies norma xxx
just because your breathing doesn't mean your alive
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