any one got windows 10 yet

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Re: any one got windows 10 yet

Post by Pete.L »

sirch345 wrote:
Pete.L wrote:Just upgraded mine this morning.
All happened smoothly and so far it's working perfectly.
Much better than 8.1 first thing I noticed was the lack of silly side bars which kept jumping in every time I moved the mouse too quick.

budd wrote:Mine updated yesterday, no problems so far much better than 8.1 :thumbup:
Please do tell us what you're finding that's better with W10 over W8.1 :?:

Haven't really had time to investigate it properly Chris. Most of the time I'm still using my works laptop, which runs on XP.
I still prefer chrome over the new explorer and I haven't even played with Cortana yet. I do like having the start button back but that might just be we don't like change and it's a familiar feature.
I'm not too concerned about the T's & C's. There isn't a lot I can do about them and we all have to move forward, so I feel I have no choice but at least I'm informed and I can use it to a level I'm happy with.

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Re: any one got windows 10 yet

Post by sirch345 »

Pete.L wrote: Haven't really had time to investigate it properly Chris. Most of the time I'm still using my works laptop, which runs on XP.
I still prefer chrome over the new explorer and I haven't even played with Cortana yet. I do like having the start button back but that might just be we don't like change and it's a familiar feature.
I'm not too concerned about the T's & C's. There isn't a lot I can do about them and we all have to move forward, so I feel I have no choice but at least I'm informed and I can use it to a level I'm happy with.

Thanks for your reply Pete. You're right, you do need to give yourself time to adjust to a new O/S, I should know after taking the plunge and going for a new desktop pc around 18/20mths ago with W8 already installed. I have since upgraded to W8.1 which for me works very well. I disabled the Charms Bar at the top right hand corner, as I agree that was annoying when you go to close a PDF file for instance, that would make it jump out. The missing old style start button didn't really bother me either way, but yes I'm sure you're right, many don't like change and I'm probably one of those in many cases :lol:

I will upgrade to W10, but not yet, I'll leave it for now until some of the possible early problems/bugs have been addressed first.

As you say we can't really do a lot about the T's and C's if we want to run Windows, but it is, like so many other things, getting very Big Brother-ish IMO,

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Re: any one got windows 10 yet

Post by VTRDark »

!984 is here :eek2

I know this is borderline a political argument and it's not really something for this forum We all know where they end up :lol: but I need to explain my point of view on it. One post and one post only :wink: and then I shall go and hide back in the corner.

It frustrates me that so many users are having the piss taken out of them from these larger corporations that monopolise things. It's your computer and OS not paid for it. Nobody give me any bullshit that we pay for the license to use. We pay the cash it's then in our possession and possession is 9/10ths of the law. You take control of all incoming and outgoing connections and as to which ports you leave open. This is like world domination on a digital scale. Next they will disable your access if your a jew. A bit of an extreme point and no offence meant but I hope you get what I mean. A large part of of life is digital in this day and age so why allow a superior force (companies in this case) to bully and force their way into your life, control it and sell your soul.

Liberty of freedom and all that.

I understand that some folk don't have the fight in them and/or lack of technical know how and/or even understand or realise what's going on in a deeper level of what is happening here, the bigger picture. One would not think twice about installing an anti-virus software. Why not take control of other areas too. Start with you browsing habits. Block the likes (literally) of Facepop nosing on what you viewing if you want. Protect yourself from Flash LSO's if you want. Fix your privacy setting etc etc. Block unnecessary launch agents, Block apps from calling home to some servers, Block and /or disable access to forced upon you cloud services that nose around your machine and files. Yes this may be a slight inconvenience as it's not as straight forward to sync data across multiple devices. But what's wrong with the ways we done it previously "Oh but we have this new thing called Cloud" like heck it's new. It's false advertising labelled under a new fancy hip name to make money. It's a Network Attached Storage device, a hard drive connected to your router, nothing special...get your own. Take control of your own data. Don't be sucked in by the smokescreen of nicety's, new shiny features that are made out to be for your convenience, and then throw at you to suck you in.

This is one of the reasons I use OS X. It's a totally open system for me to do as I like. Yes some things are harder to get to but as long as one has root privileges then there is nothing you can't do or change. Saying that though, even Apple are starting to close the doors with some things getting harder and harder to access, even to the point of blocking root access in the el capitan beta with something called "rootless access". One can still switch it on via Terminal but it's tucked away from the regular user and quite rightly so. If they locked it so one did not have the choice then things would be different. We are not quite there yet unlike Microsoft that has always locked the user out of areas.

The I don't care, there is nothing I can do about it argument is like the ID card argument. I don't care because I have nothing to hide. I wonder what the world would be like today if Oliver Cromwell or Winston Churchill thought like that.

For all you Linux users have you seen the following :wink: ... ckout.html

More doors closing :roll:


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Re: any one got windows 10 yet

Post by Virt »

It's your computer, yes. But not your OS. You never own programs. Why would you? If you paid for it and it's in your possession, and then a groundbreaking bug is found that makes all of your data vulnerable, it's your problem and not theirs. Fix it yourself, it's not theirs and they have no legal obligation to keep you protected. That rule is there for your benefit. It would also mean you'd have constant access to source code for the Windows OS. Open Source software can be good, it's not always good. And why would you want the source for an OS anyway? You're not going to make changes and push them to github for Microsoft to incorporate, it's basically then only used for people like me to pry into and gain a better understanding of how the OS works... That's how you get crackers (not hackers, two entirely different words but the media are stupid), and that's how people get screwed over. You can choose whether to download the program or not, and that's good enough. If you don't like it you stay away from it.

Besides, Apple are far from an innocent party.

You want to buy something on iTunes?
'Sure, have it. It's yours.'

Want to use it on all of your devices?
'Ooh, sorry. There's a limit to how many machines can use it.'

If you want to be truly unrestricted and free to do anything with your machine, get a genuine linux distribution. Mac OS is just a fork of it with a different UI and restrictions set upon it..

But, as the old adage goes. 'To each their own'. :thumbup:
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Re: any one got windows 10 yet

Post by bazzashadow »

just downloaded it and my touchpad is not working, but luckily I had an old mouse laying around and could not find internet explorer :x
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Re: any one got windows 10 yet

Post by bazzashadow »

bazzashadow wrote:just downloaded it and my touchpad is not working, but luckily I had an old mouse laying around and could not find internet explorer :x

can`t find nothing and nothing is working
just tried printing and nothing :x :x :x :x :x
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Re: any one got windows 10 yet

Post by Virt »

Internet explorer is now unsupported software. The new browser is called 'Edge'

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Re: any one got windows 10 yet

Post by bazzashadow »

Virt wrote:Internet explorer is now unsupported software. The new browser is called 'Edge'

Sent from my PE-TL10 using Tapatalk

yes but its what you get used to
fixed the printer not working :)
fixed the touchpad not working :)
fixed internet explorer :)

now to fix the bike :(
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Re: any one got windows 10 yet

Post by VTRDark »

But not your OS. You never own programs. Why would you? If you paid for it and it's in your possession, and then a groundbreaking bug is found that makes all of your data vulnerable, it's your problem and not theirs. Fix it yourself
You have to be kidding. You will find that lots of clever programmers, beta testers etc will be fixing things/finding work arounds only for the likes of Apple, Microsoft or whoever to introduce these fixes from the communities that use the software and equipment in the first place.

These fixes will then be introduced in their next updates or next major release. They will then have the cheek to possibly charge you for their next major release when in fact it should be the user charging them for finding their bugs and fixing them or coming out with a 3rd party software to give a feature that should have been included in the first place. I wouldn't put it past them to knowingly leave bugs so they can be fixed by others and then they can charge again and again as they bring out further releases. This is commercialism at it's best. And if they don't charge you for the software then they will charge you for the hardware to be able to run the software.

The same goes for printer drivers etc. How many times have you installed a later OS and the printer or any other peripherals stops working because that particular device is no longer supported. You either have to find a 3rd party, possibly open source drivers so you can continue to use your device or hope that the manufacturer will update their drivers. A lot of time they wont bother because they want you to purchase a newer model device. That is simply the nature of the game. It's not only a case of upgrading the OS it's upgrading the whole lot.

Raymond Chen (of Microsoft) always stated that "backwards software compatibility is not a game" - For a long time his philosophy shaped Windows development, and partly as a result, Microsoft dominated in the Platform wars.

Apple corporate basically killed a similar "backwards software compatibility is not a game" philosophy at Apple, and has marched to the tune of "discard" everything in many areas - which has also shaped how developers write.

Of course this creates a number of reasons to keep one's older machines and softwares, and not do the "discard" practice - i.e. so when you get a newer computer, it joins a collection of computers of different generations and Operating Systems, thus enabling one to open files, images, and data in older formats on your older machines and then convert them into formats that your new machine can actually read... ... atibility/

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Re: any one got windows 10 yet

Post by Virt »

cybercarl wrote:
But not your OS. You never own programs. Why would you? If you paid for it and it's in your possession, and then a groundbreaking bug is found that makes all of your data vulnerable, it's your problem and not theirs. Fix it yourself
You have to be kidding. You will find that lots of clever programmers, beta testers etc will be fixing things/finding work arounds only for the likes of Apple, Microsoft or whoever to introduce these fixes from the communities that use the software and equipment in the first place.
These fixes will then be introduced in their next updates or next major release. They will then have the cheek to possibly charge you for their next major release when in fact it should be the user charging them for finding their bugs and fixing them or coming out with a 3rd party software to give a feature that should have been included in the first place. I wouldn't put it past them to knowingly leave bugs so they can be fixed by others and then they can charge again and again as they bring out further releases. This is commercialism at it's best. And if they don't charge you for the software then they will charge you for the hardware to be able to run the software.
This is called white-hatting/grey-hatting/black-hatting (depending upon the moral compass and intentions of the developer/cracker doing it). A person will try and find a weakness, and let a company know about that weakness. They have no access to the source code used, just the machine code that their computer is running. They can make assumptions at what is happening to try and help the companies' developers, but ultimately they know very little. Source code is not something you often have on your machine, unless you're running open-source software in which case you can do whatever you want with it (all hail the mighty firefox and open office :thumbup:)
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Re: any one got windows 10 yet

Post by VTRDark »

(all hail the mighty firefox and open office :thumbup:)
Too bloody right :thumbup: yep messing with Hex editors is not much fun. :roll:

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Re: any one got windows 10 yet

Post by kev64 »

Both my Laptop and gaming PC now loaded with W10, Best OS yet, cant find much wrong with it,well done MS,
Your getting there (finally)
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