binned it yesterday... first ever spill

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binned it yesterday... first ever spill

Post by Hanuman »

:evil: :roll: :cry: :? :lol:

Here me out sports fans.

Yesterday at about 3.30pm I threw the bike down on a verge.

I had a mental block and came to in a predicament.

I haven't been keeping in touch on this forum. Basically of late over the last week I've had absolute hell with the first X wife :roll: regarding my kids. The feckin bitch has a history of paedophilial in her family and is gripped by a hysteria and paranoid fear, wont let the kids play out etc and sexualises my kids dressing my daughter in knee high boots mini skirts and skimpy tops while seriously neglecting my son - they're only 7 FFS (twins)... she basically accused me of abusing my kids and I've had a week from hell with solicitors, police, school, social services etc etc... She made malicous allegations in the past and it took me 3.5 years of fighting in court just to get to see them and prove her allegations false and I've had regular contact since.

I threatened her a week and a bit ago of going for custody and she threw this smoke screen in the way.

So my head has been in tatters.

Yesterday it all concluded really and I went off on the storm to post a letter to her and go see my best mate. IThe letter was an edited version of a very angry letter I wrote last week but held on to it til I had calmed down. I hadn't been on a bike for about 3 weeks.

Basically I had a mental block and froze up on the bike overtaking downhill approaching a left hander - I had been pushing it a bit too hard, all the rules went out of the window - long sweeping curve all open and in view. I got past 2 of 3 cars and then just went gagga, fixating on a car sweeping rounf the ben in the distance. I had all the time in the world to make it, by the time I came to I had backed off and had cars undertaking me with their horns on warning me of my predicament - I couldn't get back in for being clipped and when I tried to accelerate away I had no grunt - fluffed gears, oncoming car wasn't slowing down.

I quickly realised what was happening and like a dam breaking all my senses came to me. I looked to the right and saw a junction/entrance/exit to the pastures which was very wide and had large grass verges either side - better than a car or wall - I decided my best course of action was to head into it and slam on the anchors. I over ran by 10ft onto the grass at low speed, the front turned in and the bike flopped on its left hand side breaking off indicator.

I got up and picked the machine straight up - these storms are light. Took it to the path and stood it over. picked up the indicator. Checked myself, not a scrape, bump or mark on me. Wing mirror and peg, gear selector were covered in clarts and grass. Inspected the bike and headed on straight away to the garage and filled up.

I jet washed the bike down at the garage to look for damage. The clutch lever/bar end etc are all fine, I just saw some tiny scratrches on the mirror and side of fairing, a small hairline crack in fairing... that was all - everything looked ok.

I continued on unperturbed to my mates 35 miles away.

When I was fitting the disc lock I noticed that the fall had pushed the fairing on the r/h side and it was spit by the radiator. I checked the Rad, no damage. I checked the L/h rad and it was a 1" small dent in the fins.


So anyways I stayed with my mate for arouynd 5 hours then rode home. The ride home was grand, sweeping the cornerd and shifting right over - I was doing everything right and it felt great.

So what have I learned?

Well for one during times of stress I'm walking.

I've booked some time in at croft.

I've contacted the local ROSPA guy for some advanced training.

I need l/h & r'h fairings and an indicator. The rad is cosmetic but if i sell it will have to be replaced to avoid pounters walking away.

I'll take pics as the week progresses.

No point saying I could have, should have done so and so. It happened and it's real, could/should have isnt real.

Hopefully some advanced riding will show me how to react differently. Nothing however will dehumanise me and keep stress at bay.
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Post by yellowtrev »

Blimey 8O

Well i hope the old adage of ' a trouble shared is a trouble halved' and everything gets sorted out for you.

I'm sure it will.

I for one have never taken the bike when stressed or upset, for whatever reason.

A wise rule me thinks :)

All the best mate, keep your chin up :)
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Post by LotusSevenMan »

Good luck mate.
Sounds like you could have easliy become a statistic. Frightening how quickly it can all come unstuck when your mind is elsewhere.

You have just reminded me of an incident long gone from my direct access memory. Had an arguement with the wife (an ex now a long time ago) and took the Honda 250N SuperDream I had out one night for a long thrash to forget about it all. Luckily for me I knew the roads well and it was very late/early morning so little traffic. Can't remember much about the ride other than it was very very fast for me but I do remember a) the calm coming back into my road. I'd forgotten about 'her-and-her-petty-arguement' and b) How well the bike went the next day having been thrashed to an inch of its (and my) life and got all hot and cleaned out!!!!

Hope things get better for you soon Hanuman. :wink:
Last edited by LotusSevenMan on Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kitch »

I like reading your woes man...

Reminds me my life could be worse.


Best regards for quick and happy resolutions for your troubles.
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Post by KarlosVTR »

mate, get custody of your kids and give them back a childhood. they dont need that sh1t from a spun out bitch

sorry for speaking out of terms, just be the best dad you can be to both kids and give them something they probably wont get otherwise.

dont worry about the bike mate as long as you are still intact. its only a bike
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Post by dookie »

Hope things get better with the kids m8 and take thanks that you and the storm came out the other side ok.
In fact mine came of worse tipping of the sidestand :roll:
There was a time i used to care
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Post by Seeker 77 »

8O 8O 8O 8O

Mate, what can i say? Sorry to hear of your troubles but at least she still runs and more importantly you are!

All the best mate, won't pretend it's gonna be quick or easy but keep smiling :D
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Post by Hanuman »

New fairings at D.Silvers for £135 + vat + P&P...... Dunno if its worth trying breakers, the bike was immaculate.. 8.5K miles only so I'll only settle for immaculate parts.
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Post by sirch345 »

As harsh as this may sound, the best advice I can give you (as for transport) is stay off your motorbikes :!: :!: :!:
The state of mind you are in at the moment means, you are a danger too your self and other road users :!:

You are riding your bike faster than you normally do, taking silly risks just to let off your pent up anger, trust me, I've been there :!:

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Post by iggy1966 »

Good advice Chris.


Take it easy fella, all will come good in the end.
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Post by Zer0Zer0 »

I'll eat her for £30.000 no evidence and one of your problems solved :twisted:
Have a sweetie and stop crying........
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