Anyone who works for insurance

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Anyone who works for insurance

Post by sirch345 »

At work today we were on the subject of vehicle insurance renewals, one of the guys now recons all our insurance details for vehicles is linked to a central data base network which all companies have access. He said this will mean that every new quote you've applyed for will be there on the data base for them to see, so its no good saying you've had a cheaper quote than you actually have (not that I would do that myself of course) because they be looking at your quotes from the other companies on their screen!!!! is the guy from work correct??
cheers Chris.
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Post by essexbloke »

Can you elaborate,

are you talkig about a company vehicle situation, or do you mean everyone (ie, general public)?

If it's the latter, then rest easy, your details will only ever appear on a database so as insurers can track who a specific vehicle is insured with.

It's a system called "Midcheck", and only holds registration number details, not premium details. There are currently no databases connecting to other insurers in relation to pricing.

MIDCHECK is able to confirm who your vehicle is insured by, & only that. At the present time, this only has details for commercial vehicles, and private car schemes. Not company/fleet vehicles, or motorcycles.

There are other databases, but these only get used when you make a claim.

ie, MIAFTER, (motor insurers anti fraud & theft register), this is used if you write a vehicle off, it records ALL your/the vehicle details so the insurers can track the history of dodgy motors. THis extends to all vehicles on UK roads.

There are some other ones but they are more complex, and are related to other fraud schemes etc....

Hope this helps, if not gis us more info.....
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Post by sirch345 »

Thanks essexbloke, spot on with the info, brilliant,
cheers Chris.
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Post by essexbloke »

Anytime........ :D
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Post by canuck »

Just bought a new 04 vtr! (of course it snowed the day I took delivery,
but that's a different topic.

I am an insurance adjuster in Canada and can verify the information
posted sounds just like how it works in Canada. I can see your old claims
(especially if there was something dodgey about them) but definatly
can not see quotes. That would be a nightmare, probably be against
(at least in Canada) various privacy laws and likely abused by some brokers to get buisness.

Thanks also to eveyone on here, your enthusiasm for the vtr swayed me heavily while deciding on the latest model to purchase! Now if only the two feet of snow would melt...
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Post by essexbloke »


i dont think the world of claims changes much where ever you are.....

i get to see premium details for our policyholders, but only if i have to access the specific policy details. (usually dont have to though)

Who do you work for in Canada?
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Post by canuck »

I work for Allstate.
mostly doing auto theft claims and some injury but auto theft is the big one.

How about you?

I can see all about peoples policies and premiums and claims but not quotes.
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Post by essexbloke »

I work for Ensign Motor Policies, part of the Lloyds market.

dealing with PI only, but did 6 yrs on theft/damage claims first.

We've just been bought out by QBE (you mat haver heard of them).....

by all accounts, they're a big player across the water.....just waiting for that transfer to a warm sunny country now...... (may take some time though :wink: )
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