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Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:28 am
by Styler4077
Just read this and I'm shocked.

Met Benny once on they way back from the Moped run to Brands Hatch in my local garage.
Again he was helping others get home either with another repair or loading them in to the back up van.
Spoke for a while and conversed on this forum and via PM.

A sad lost for everyone who knew him and especially his family.

Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:43 am
by BigVeeGrin
i am stunnned. I never met benny, but way back in the early storm owning days he sent me a couple of bits with some advice. He then phoned me to make sure I was ok with them and it all worked out. That and his willingness to share showed to me what a great guy he is

my thoughts with everyone

Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:23 am
by cheekykev
As Tony has already mentioned i'm currently on holiday but will be home Friday. Anyone living a distance away that would like to attend the funeral are welcome to stay at my place. It doesn't matter how many, we have room in the house, a garden and a field behind the house so we can accommodate vast numbers if necessary. Just PM me to let me know then i can arrange things.

Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:51 am
by AMCQ46
cheers kev, when we know the date I might take you up on that even if I bring a tent to stay in your garden

Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:32 am
by Eclectic
No way! Only just seeing this.

So sorry for your loss. He will as other said, be missed.


Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 12:42 pm
by Boubepo
First time I've logged In for a couple of weeks, so was planning on playing catch up but this sad news has just stunned me

R.I.P. Matey

Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:58 pm
I was out of the loop for a little while dealing with family issues and just logged in to find out.... these sad news.
RIP Brother.. You will be missed

Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:47 pm
by kevg
I don't come by here very often but still shocking to find out someone has gone.
Benny joined and gave help and knowledge when the forum needed an injection of it.

a sad loss and condolences to family and friends.

Gone but not forgotten, plenty of posts and memories to keep us all going.

Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:28 pm
by Saintsman27
Hi All.. I brought myself to ride the VTR into Liverpool this afternoon and down
Lister Drive , West Derby to the scene of the traffic accident , parked up
near the momento's , flowers , messages and blue chalk Acc Inv marks on
the highway ... stayed long enough to take it all in..... came away felt
a little better for doing that and well it helps you get your head around this
but... why ? all so sad ... Martin was bloke. It lashed it down heavy all
the way home but that didnt matter... glad I went see and say few words ..

Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:22 pm
by Darknomad
very sad to of heard this through face book.
my only memory of martin was his legs sticking out of a tent and a sick back next to him. at one of the operation storms
he woke up green as kermit.
of course we all took the piss out of him but thats just how he wanted it.
great sense of humor held a great candle.
will be missed.
because of this news i feel motivated to get rid of my gsxr 750 k5 and go back to a vtr ive been reminded how much i miss the v twim torque and grin factor.
its that or im just thinking of the days having benny around

Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:24 pm
by storminateacup
I don't visit here that often now, just logged on and seen this post. Shocked and saddened, RIP mate, I didn't know you personally but followed your posts. A great loss :(

Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:05 pm
by hellride
Haven't been active on the forum so much so I've totally missed this. :(
My thoughts go to his loved ones. RIP Benny, the forum won't quite be the same anymore... :sad2

Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:40 pm
by MacV2
Two years on...still missed... :(

Whatever your doing or wherever you are today raise a glass to remember Benny...

Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:53 pm
by AMCQ46
thanks for spotting the date and reminding us, I would have missed it because I am an idiot with dates.................. and we were still talking about Benny last weekend, so he is not forgotten.

RIP mate

Re: Sad sad news

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:02 pm
by VTRDark
Two years and your already forgetting Al. What would Martin say :lol: Mmmm I'm not sure your should repeat what he would say. He had a way with words that always put a smile on my face :plainsmile

