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Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 9:40 am
by VTRgirl
My city even hit -9 degrees (-16.7 with wind chill) a week or so ago. Buckets lower than our previous record. Naturally, I spent that day out on the Storm...

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:50 pm
by grinner
I got caught in the later hailstorm on the 23.

Bloody hurt (but I was on a blackbird)! No entendres please Tony 8O

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:01 pm
by Wicky
No roadtax if you imported this beaut from the States ... C03005.jpg

Downside is that it costs £40,000 :?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 5:28 pm
by Zer0Zer0
All this Global warming bollox is just that Bollox...Does anyone honestly believe that in the hundred and fifty years since the start of the industrial revoloution. we have been able to seriously upset Mother nature with the piddling amounts of waste we produce..all this crap about Co2 emissions...
FFS how much carbon dioxide do you think 9billion + humans exhale every fkin day..and humans have been here what? 50,000 years? think of the billions of tons of noxious shite thrown up by volcanic eruptions. far more poisonous to the enviroment than a bit o carbon....Well how do you expect the billion dollar multinationals are going to get us to buy into the next gen of technology.. by scaring the crap out of the we believe everything you say brigade.. well we as a species might be fked. but mother nature and planet earth will go on ad the late great Bill Hicks said...
"Humans are a virus with shoes" and when mother nature gets itchy enough, she will shake us off like a wet dog shakes off water..we give ourselves too much credit,and are fooling ourselves if we think we can reverse a planetary warming up put another slab o lager in the fridge. rub in the sunblock and pass me my fkin helmet.....
OH and any of you greenie types that have aftermarket cans and zorst systems. you took off the catalytic converters present in the standard system but missing from aftermarket stuff..therefore pumping out more nasties into the air ...still feel good about you doing your bit???