Europe - In or Out?

General Biker Banter

BRexit - In or Out of EEC?

Poll ended at Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:37 pm

Stay In
Get Out
Total votes: 29

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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by redpig »

Health care for non europeans will cost a hell of a lot more than they would be charged.
Try getting out of a hospital in Spain before paying them full wack.
People do take the piss with the NHS we all know this.
But this is not the issue.
We need to concentrate on IN or OUT
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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by Wicky »

"Unless we fundamentally shift from the socialist left"

Last time I looked the Tories had been in power for 6 years (?) and have been notoriously cutting disability benefits, and early on after reelection Dunan Smith, as Works and pensions said he wanted to save money by closing factories and getting more people into “proper jobs leaving 1,518 disabled workers out of work.

and 'More suicides' in government disability test areas >

and locally to me ... 1.display/
AN amputee’s specially-adapted car has been taken away after he lost a row over his benefits. Robert Oxley was told to hand the keys back to the charity, Motability, when a representative came to collect the vehicle.

He has used the car to get to work at Flakt Woods, in Colchester, since losing his right leg in a motorbike accident three years ago.

Mr Oxley has been forced to give up the car after Government officials took stopped his disability living allowance on the grounds he is able to stand.
and before then John Major in 1993 had in it on for single mums in his Back to Basics campaign - Intended as a nostalgic appeal to traditional values, it subsequently backfired when a succession of Conservative politicians were caught up in scandals.

Then there's the bedroom tax!!

Seems the Tories are being too soft!
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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by Wicky »

redpig wrote:Health care for non europeans will cost a hell of a lot more than they would be charged.
Try getting out of a hospital in Spain before paying them full wack.
People do take the piss with the NHS we all know this.
But this is not the issue.
We need to concentrate on IN or OUT
Did you have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and travel insurance?
A valid European Health Insurance Card gives you the right to access state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in another European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland.

The EHIC covers treatment that is medically necessary until your planned return home. Treatment should be provided on the same basis as it would to a resident of that country, either at a reduced cost or, in many cases, for free. For example, in some countries, patients are expected to directly contribute a percentage towards the cost of their state-provided treatment. This is known as a patient co-payment. If you receive treatment under this type of healthcare system, you are expected to pay the same co-payment charge as a patient from that country.

The EHIC also covers the treatment of pre-existing medical conditions and routine maternity care, provided the reason for your visit is not specifically to give birth or seek treatment. For more information about what is covered in each country, see our country-by-country guide.

The EHIC is not an alternative to travel insurance. It will not cover any private medical healthcare or costs, such as mountain rescue in ski resorts, being flown back to the UK, or lost or stolen property. It is also not valid on cruises.

It is therefore important to have both an EHIC and a valid private travel insurance policy in place before you travel. Some insurers now insist you hold an EHIC, and many will waive the excess if you have one.

If you are travelling for the express purpose of obtaining medical treatment, read the section on seeking medical treatment in Europe. ... -ehic.aspx
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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by Wicky »

Migration: Do we want to go forwards or backwards?
VOWING to tighten borders has become a vote-winner around the world. With memories still fresh of the murderous attacks in Paris and Brussels, calls to clamp down on migration have struck a popular chord across Europe. Hostility to migration is an animating force for many who want the UK to leave the European Union. Australia has taken a hard line and Donald Trump has exploited simmering tensions in the US – a country built by the world’s “huddled masses yearning to breathe free”.

Terrorism and economic insecurity are genuine problems, but hostility to immigrants is precisely the wrong response to them. If you look at the evidence – and there is plenty to look at – it is clear that clamping down on immigration will not solve the problems that its opponents want to solve. Quite the opposite, in fact (see “The truth about migration: Humanity is on the road again“).

Migration is part of what we are as a species. Humanity has been on the move for millennia and it is no exaggeration to say that it has made us what we are today: an increasingly globalised society in which communication and transport make it simple – in principle – to cross borders. Much of our economy and governance is shared across increasingly large chunks of the world, from standardised internet protocols and transnational payment systems to free trade agreements.

But while enormous efforts have been made to permit free movement of goods and services and capital, the third leg of the economic triad, labour, remains highly restricted under a patchwork of national controls.

This leads to absurdities. Industrialised countries with huge demographic challenges and consequent labour shortages are blocked from letting in foreigners desperate for jobs. That is because voters, often spurred on by politicians capitalising on fear and ignorance, think immigrants will steal their jobs, drive down their pay and hijack their social security. Yet none of that is true. Immigrants expand economies, innovation and prosperity.

However, few in power are prepared to acknowledge this. The UK government, for example, has vowed to slash immigration and balance the books. It cannot do both at once. Its own advisers say that avoiding a budget deficit requires an influx of young, hard-working and tax-paying immigrants.

Even if the economic case is clear, however, there is another factor fuelling hostility to immigration: tribalism. People accustomed to cultural uniformity fear the arrival of incomers who are different. Some of that fear derives from our evolutionary past: we are biologically primed to mistrust those we perceive as “other”. But the long, albeit complicated, history of cultural mixing demonstrates that this need not prevent peaceful coexistence.

That does not mean migration should be left to work itself out – although over time it often does. Nor should it be left to national governments on their own. An intergovernmental agency that can collect the relevant data, promote research and formulate global rules is long overdue. Such a body would help governments make and defend evidence-based decisions about sharing our planet’s human resources.

Like it or not, migration is a fact of life and politicians are powerless to stop it. The only question is: do we want to manage it using the best available evidence, or run the world on the basis of ignorant, insular tribalism? ... backwards/
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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by Demonic69 »

Such a body would also cost £billions and undoubtedly take decades to make any significant changes.
Our government seems to think that hitting the disabled is a great way to make it look like it's having an impact on reducing the welfare bill. It all but ignores the millions of unemployables and idleites that litter every town centre in the country.
Blair-led-Labour doubled the number of DLA recipients by allowing the obese and drug addicts to claim full disability allowances, instead of tackling the problems. Now the conservatives seek to punish those truly in need (via a 3rd party out-sourced company of course) instead of tackling the real problem.
When were job-seekers benefits last cut? Why is it a better financial decision to have a kid or 2 than to get a job? Why is a council-house for life still an option? Why are single women living in 4 bed houses and families stacking up in 1 and 2 bed flats? Because no government has the balls to admit they're crap and start dealing with real issues.
While ever we're in the EU the buck will always be passed. We can't help, it's the EU's fault.
I reckon anyways :D
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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by VTRDark »

fabio hit the nail on the head and Mav makes a very good point too. Figures and pie charts mean nothing. They are never accurate and often bent in such a way to favour one or the other depending on where it's from, it's like watching the news. What counts is what you witness with you own two eye's and experience for yourselves.

They already have the seats ready and waiting for Turkey in Brussels. Their just holding off until after our decision is made. They also have IIRC Serbia in waiting and a couple of other countries. Were spending IIRC 3.5 million a week on the EU. But....that was according to an anti EU party political broadcast so who knows if it's true or not. :shrugs shoulders

Check out number 5 in the following list. It's old but this is the kind of people we are dealing with here. ... /11105518/
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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by countrymick »

who gives a fec we have the strongezt economy in europe.we have been batting above are station for 500 years,the world still needs us. :thumbup:
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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by StormingHonda »

Wicky, you really are selective with your replies aren't you :lol:
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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by Wicky »

Here's what I'm voting for come Thursday...


It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by AMCQ46 »

that was the best answer in this whole discussion :clap:
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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by StormingHonda »

Wicky wrote:Here's what I'm voting for come Thursday...


That about right for me, at the moment I couldn't care less, I am more worried about my charging system on my Fireblade.
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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by Demonic69 »

For those worried about trade agreements ... ge-Osborne

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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by VTRDark »

European Tax ID number :eek2 that means more of our private info stored on more computers putting our privacy at higher risk and open to more data sharing/loss. Their throwing the terrorism crap as the reason. Terrorism created by this country back before Saudi was Saudi in Laurence of Arabia days when they created Wahhabism. Anyone watching BBC1. LOL
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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by Wicky »

My final say...

It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Re: Europe - In or Out?

Post by redpig »

I'll take the twigs
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