Ferking Ugly.....or a Thing of Beauty ??

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Re: Ferking Ugly.....or a Thing of Beauty ??

Post by Virt »

cybercarl wrote:
Stick a couple of race cans attached to speakers and I would ride that.


It's an electric bike? There'd be no point?

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Re: Ferking Ugly.....or a Thing of Beauty ??

Post by tony.mon »

Ah, traditionalists- don'tcha just love them?

Hark back to the good olde days of split rims, drive belts and tank three speed gearchanges.

"Nostalgia" means "Our Pain", by the way.......

See, the thing is, I try to imagine what it looks like when I'm riding it.

You're gonna sit there wrapped round an engine with a good long reach to the bars- nothing else matters visually, really, because the only bots you can see are under your chest and in between your hands.
Everything else can be as functional as it needs to be, never mind what it looks like from behind or to the side- that's only going to matter to the people you've just passed, and onlookers.

And who cares what they think?

I know lots of you want the thing that you associate with part of your self image to be beautiful, a little dangerous-looking, worthy of respect and all, maybe I just look at things a different way, but I don't give much value to that.

It's a bit like cruisers, and some bits of the chop scene.
Maybe they look good, but if it's all show but don't go, I don't wanna know, personally.

Please understand that I'm not trying to convert you to my way of thinking; just to clarify my position, so to speak.
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Re: Ferking Ugly.....or a Thing of Beauty ??

Post by VTRDark »

Far more useable and with a fake sountrack, for safety sake you understand :whatever, yep I would have one.
Have they starting giving electric bikes a fake exhaust sound yet.

That's a very valid point Tony. I couldn't ride anything I didn't like the look off and was dog ugly IMO unless the ride was so exciting that it made the looks irrelevant. I like to try and get the best of both so compromise somewhere along the lines.

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Re: Ferking Ugly.....or a Thing of Beauty ??

Post by Bleh »

tony.mon wrote: I know lots of you want the thing that you associate with part of your self image to be beautiful, a little dangerous-looking, worthy of respect and all, maybe I just look at things a different way, but I don't give much value to that.
+1 on that
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