General election - which way will you go?

General Biker Banter

Who will you vote for in the election?

Liberal Democrats
Not sure yet
Won't be voting at all (would have voted Conservative)
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Won't be voting at all (would have voted Labour)
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Won't be voting at all (other)
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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by chric »

Miztaziggy wrote:
adyf wrote:Chris I think you are getting a little heated mate,to be a socialist is something we should all aspire to be ,it means caring for everyone and I agree it is an impossible dream but I think people have become much more selfish in my lifetime,this I do blame the Tories for they encouraged the boom and bust economy where the dealers and rich get richer,capitalism can work as long as the wealth is more evenly distributed,unfortunately I am also self-employed in my family business shopfitting etc. We hate the Tories they killed the building trade ,we are nearly bankrupt after 48 years , my father has seen it all in his time and will not vote now,this country is going to the dogs I wish I had emigrated,by the way the country is run by the civil service ,it's the government that fcuks stuff up.
Meh, politics and religion eh?

Always gets heated.

Don't get me wrong, I did say that socialism sounds GREAT in practice. The problem lies with the vast swathes of the population that are just total cnuts and will step on anyone to get ahead. There'll always be someone that's got more than you, there's always someone who wants what you've got, and give them half a chance, they'll take it from you.

You're entitled to your opinions, but I really don't think it was the Tories that encouraged boom and bust. What was it Gordon Brown said in the early years, something about him putting an end to boom and bust?
Well 2000 to 2007 was the biggest boom ever, and 2008 was the biggest bust ever. Absolutely nothing to do with the Tories. All to do with the de-regulation of the banks by the Labour government.

Watch this space, we're in another boom now, and the next bust will make the last look like a warm up.
The debt that caused the last one has multiplied, and it's now on the books of the governments around the world, not the banks.
The US has put in place a 'bail in' law where the bank's customers, i.e. you and me will have money taken away to re-capitalise the banks next time this happens. Remember Cyprus a couple of years ago? They froze everyone's account, rationed money supply, and anyone with over a certain amount had it taken away?
Well the next time it happens, it will be world wide - or at least western world wide.
Just watch what happens to vast numbers of small companies when their current accounts get frozen and then raided. Bear in mind small companies employ something like 90% of us in this country.
The next bust will see radical changes.

Where in a boom?
you sure about that in what sector or you just stateing what you have watched on telly or read in a paper.
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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by bigtwinthing »

chric wrote:
Miztaziggy wrote:
chric wrote:Quicker the tories and libs are out the better they dont build just destroy or sell what we already have.
And who can for get the milk snatcher thatcher
Care to back up what you say with any facts, or just spout more rhetoric fed to you by the opposition?
cybercarl wrote:Personally I think it is too close to call and will end up going the same as last time. We will end up getting another hung parliament. They will then decide who is in charge but it wont be the people's choice that's for sure.

Very true. We'll end up with a coalition, just hopefully not Labour SNP as that would really and truly be a disaster.
The thing is though, there is no 'people's choice' because the majority of people didn't vote for one party. If a coalition is formed from 2 or 3 parties and between them they have more than half the vote, then that coalition sort of does have the 'people's backing' in a weird way.
if you had lived where i live and see what the tories did and didnt do you would think different and im not going to say where i live on a open forum.
and yes we had free milk till thatcher snathed it i know as i did milk round at school got you out of lessons for a hour :thumbup:
immmm it says where you live on the right!!! under the pic :lol:
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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by chric »

Not village or street though :Tongue2: :lol:
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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by bigtwinthing »

chric wrote:Not village or street though :Tongue2: :lol:
no ones going there !!!
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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by grumpyfrog »

here we go again.....
the run up has just started and we're alltat each other.

i don't really have an opinion on who gets in as it will be more giving to those that don't deserve it at the expense of the vulnerable.
Scotland is booming in the construction sector now and for the next 5 years. All the parties are claiming the credit, but due to the bloody "we will conform police" 90% of the contracts are going to foreign companies and consortium's who are then screwing the life out of the local companies and workforce. New Bridge over the forth being prime example, only 5% actually being delivered by local company.
Due to the struggle over the last 10 years, severe lack of resources to deliver these projects resulting in more import of people. As for investment in locals, forget it. no training. apprenticeship schemes being offered.
as for the oil, a farce. none of the major companies are forcasting any profit warnings. none of the plants are being shut down, their using this as a way having a reshuffle and reducing the men on the grounds pay and conditions, screwing over the local small suppliers on cost and terms. also looking for bailout from the government! how can they justify this on the basis of their profits.
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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by chric »

Im just from the uk now
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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by Miztaziggy »

cybercarl wrote:accept if he gets into power what stops him doing something totally different. :Shrug: It's only words at the end of the day to try and win the race.
True, that's the same for any of them.

cybercarl wrote: 80 k a year is an absolute fortune...stinking rich to someone at the other end of the scale on a basic wage or unemployed and/or homeless, mentally ill or disabled and living off the state or whatever.
£80k combined income between 2 people isn't that much.
Well it may seem a lot to someone with nothing, but consider this...
I never missed a day of school. I tried hard and worked really hard to get good results. I didn't go out smoking pot and drinking white lightning in the park on a Friday night when I was 14 (I waited until I was 16 :D )
I spent 3 years at university then a further 3 working and doing post graduate course, sometimes over 80 hrs a week.

Now take Mr Dole queue. He spent his school life mostly truant, never did his homework, never bothered working for his exams. He got bad results and now can't get a job. He spends his time impregnating the local slappers.
He thinks that I earn too much, he's jealous and wants a piece of what I have, so he votes for higher taxes so that the government can increase his benefits.

In what world is that ever fair? What ever happened to getting out of life what you put in?

I make an exception for the disabled or mentally ill as they have no choice. But someone that's just a feckless lazy tw@t....I have absolutely no sympathy for.
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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by Miztaziggy »

chric wrote: Where in a boom?
you sure about that in what sector or you just stateing what you have watched on telly or read in a paper.
Well, it may not be that way for everyone, but I am seeing the effects.

I work in construction and it's absolutely mental at the moment, it's like our clients can't spend money fast enough.
Between 1st Mar and end of Apr alone, the total spent on the projects I am managing will be about £8 million, meaning about £240k in fees for our company.
Compared to 2008 to 2012, that's just on another planet. In the whole year my projects would normally only bring in £200-250k.

I just wish I got a percentage of it :(
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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by chric »

nice to see people doing well pity light haulage work in my van what i do as just flopped well for me any way last year i was doing between 600-1100 a week before fuel lucky if i do that a month since end of january.
Cant compete with the big boys and alot of the supermarkets are arrangeing or picking there own stuff up.
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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by fabiostar »

lmfao. and i thought we had problems over here in northern ireland lol.

lads please....take a step back and look at it, do you think for one min lab/con or any of them give two wombles about you ,your children or your jobs. NO they dont. if i lived in the mainland i wouldnt be voting ladour. they want to start borrowing again. thats what helped get us into the state we are in :redface .. the other side aint much better ... after saying that no i dont have an answer because there isnt one.. whoever you vote for will be richer than you and me, they will serve 4 years and get a full lifetime pension after it. 8O . so

dont get upset. your gona get shafted ,so just make the best of the little bit of the great big pie you can.

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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by lumpyv »

fabiostar wrote:lmfao. and i thought we had problems over here in northern ireland lol.

lads please....take a step back and look at it, do you think for one min lab/con or any of them give two wombles about you ,your children or your jobs. NO they dont. if i lived in the mainland i wouldnt be voting ladour. they want to start borrowing again. thats what helped get us into the state we are in :redface .. the other side aint much better ... after saying that no i dont have an answer because there isnt one.. whoever you vote for will be richer than you and me, they will serve 4 years and get a full lifetime pension after it. 8O . so

dont get upset. your gona get shafted ,so just make the best of the little bit of the great big pie you can.

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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by rollingthunderx2 »

Interesting that UKIP have more barred/awaiting court action candidates than they started with?
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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by adyf »

God I feel old saying this but you won't remember the Thatcher years Chris that's when the share dealing and bankers bonuses really went mental it was the start of a move away from socialism,that's the Tories I meen Cameron is just a thatcherite,have you forgotten what they did to the miners round me? It brought in all sorts of draconian laws over right to assembly and right to travel ,we were stopped from going to the car show at the NEC because we were from Yorkshire so I don't care for the Tories .
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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by VTRDark »

Ady scargill :lol: :lol:

All I keep hearing on the news this morning is that the leaders debate is on tonight. There must be more important news than that going on in the world somewhere. Crikey it's a TV show with a pre set bunch of Questions being answered so they have time to prepare their answers. Officials most likely do full background check on those asking the questions beforehand too. Could you imagine if a known political activist asked a question. Somehow I don't think they will allow them.

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Re: General election - which way will you go?

Post by StormingHonda »

I really don't like threads like these, I have my political views, some are left some are right I am a union activist, sometimes I upset people sometimes I help people, sometimes I stand up for peoples rights who I disagree with.

But I prefer to have friends than enemies even if I can't please everyone ( even Hungarians * ), I do not hate people, we are all human beings at the end of the day.

We Welsh, English and Scottish are stuck together unless they invent a way to spilt up land mass and move it, so lets start behaving as brothers and sisters and bury quirky backward ancient tribal differences and let the turd's up top fight.

Let face it all these parties when it came down to it couldn't give a stuff about ' The People ' .

* Wicky no offence intended.
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