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Swimming the Channel

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:56 pm
by knuckledragger
Calling all fellow stormers - Bikers - petrol heads. This is a blatant prod for a money donation.

I am swimming the channel the last week in July.......along with 5 other likeminded loonies. We have formed a relay team and will be rotating on an hourly basis. The team has spent a personal combined contribution of 2.5K (Boat & Skipper hire - crossing fees etc). Of course we are doing it for charity and have decided on Jane's Appeal (Jane Tomlinson who had cancer, was told she had months to live and went on for years, running marathons and cycling around the world etc) we have individually set up a Just Giving page and are targeting friends families and the general public. I'm a firm believer of 'if you don't ask you don't get' so I am calling on your kind and generous natures to make a donation to the following link:

Any donations of any amount would be gratefully received and appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your time - support - and any piss taking that may occur as a result of this post.


AKA Jack