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Transfer no claims bike to car?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:50 pm
by vtryorks
Hey guys,

A lad I know, who's 32 but only ever had bikes, is wanting to get a car for the first time. He told me that he's getting quoted well over a grand TPO on even a 1 litre.

I am absolutely positive that in my previous discussions with insurers they have mentioned that no claims bonus is transferable from bikes to cars, but not the other way around. I told him this and he said they all just said no, its not. He has 6 years no claims on big bikes.

Am I going nuts, or do insurers exist that will actually consider your bike no claims when looking at car insurance? Carole Nash do, but any others?

He tried Carole Nash, who wanted him to move his bike insurance to them too in order to access a car policy so that wasnt going to work for him I dont think.

I thought this might be an interesting point to raise, even though it is not for a forum member directly.

Any input, guru's?


Re: Transfer no claims bike to car?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:10 pm
by cupasoop
Nope, it's not transferrable I’ve been told by previous insurers.

Re: Transfer no claims bike to car?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:44 pm
by Miztaziggy
No its not transferable either way...I have tried too :(

Insurance is a rip at the best of times, but over a grand?? That sounds ridiculous, tell him to try getting a multi car policy with his mrs or someone who has some no claims and that way he builds up his own no claims.

Re: Transfer no claims bike to car?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:17 pm
by benny hedges
some insurers will - ebike for example, if you insure your car with them as well...
and vice versa - also company car insurance counts with some insurers, you just have to ring around & see who does & who doesnt't.

Re: Transfer no claims bike to car?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:10 pm
by vtryorks
Cheers for the responses guys, eBike...that must be why I thought of it, I called them when I looked for my insurance for the VTR. I distinctly remember them saying only one way, bike to car.