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Xbox 360

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:46 am
by Flatline
Anyone play online?

I usually go online Friday evening after 8-9 o'clock

Look out for SadFlatLine or SadMugger part of the Sad clan :sad2

It's a Dutch based team

Usually playing VEGAS 1 or 2, COD MW2, COD Black ops

If you seen anyone with the Sad monicker, you can be assured of a good game

All the team are a friendly bunch

Will be on this friday, anyone up for it?

Re: Xbox 360

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:10 pm
by mad4it028
add me im johnsonsbikes 1
i play mostly mw2 free for all hate black opps but looking forward to mw3
im not in any clans but i do kick some butt

Re: Xbox 360

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:06 pm
by tony.mon
No. Tried Minesweeper once, but was blown up, so didn't bother again.

My son spends all his time online, I was hoping it was porn, but sadly he plays online games.

Ah well, as least his sister has a life, perhaps she'll share it when he grows up.

Re: Xbox 360

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:09 pm
by Steve97
Im with you tony ! at least the cops are not knocking at the door !

Re: Xbox 360

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:09 pm
by Miztaziggy

Well, my gamer side wants to call you a console fan boy now :lol:

I dont have an xbox or PS3 but do play a lot on the PC. I cant get used to the control pads and how the console games always have a degree of auto aim to help out with having to have a controller rather than a mouse.

I used to play BF2142 on the PC and in a clan, we were pretty good, used to play in ESL and to rank 2 but the team above us were pro and we couldnt beat them. They were getting paid about 70 euro per match per player. When we played them in friendly matches and their non paid team were playing we used to beat them so

Moved on to MW and MW2 for a bit, but that just went too 'console' when they got rid of dedicated servers on the PC. It was still fun to play but you couldnt play proper clan matches, it was full of noobs just adding clan tags to look cool. I had a few nukes with the 40 (or was it 25) kill streak thing, made a few youtube videos of it then quit. It got too easy with the 1887 shotguns, you could run around with a pair of those and keep firing one gun at a time without having to stop sprinting, just head shotting noobs who couldnt shoot fast enough to hit you.

After that I played BFBC2 for a bit, but that was a console version of 2142 and felt like a step backwards, so didnt play that for long. Now I play SC2 mainly, trying to get master league in that but stuck in diamond league for now :( Mainly though, im just playing that to waste time while I wait for BF3 to come out. That game is going to be immense. Graphics look top quality and seeing as how they are making it for the PC with console ports, it will hopefully go back to being 64 player with massive maps.

When that comes out, ill probably start to play in a clan again and try to get back into FPS games, but Sarah has already been warned not to expect to see me for at least 6 weeks when that game is released :)

Re: Xbox 360

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:59 pm
by marravtr
ps3 for me! black ops, mw2, mw3 on order, username shaunsp1 :wink:

Re: Xbox 360

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:16 pm
by Opel
I've not got one... a console that is 8O but used to play IL2 Sturmovic online. Best damn game/sim ever made. Have spent hours and hours and hours online with the 'squad' with that one, and they were from all round the world... and more often than not, their 'spoken' English was better than mine! :lol:

I was just clocking up my one hundredth post, it truth be known... sorry

Re: Xbox 360

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:37 pm
by crustydemon69
PS3 for me too

Username crustydemon69 and usually on MW2,Black Ops,Motorstorm & soon to be Battlefield 3..... :beer:

Re: Xbox 360

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:56 am
by griffo117
Mines GRIFFO117 and love playing halo reach
oh and tea bagging the enemy :D

Re: Xbox 360

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:00 am
by Flatline
Just got Battlefield3. Really good and very realistic

Xbox 360

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:10 pm
by Miztaziggy
Lol yea, mint game.

Got it for the pc on Thursday and have spent about 12 hrs over the weekend playing.

Are you on battlelog?

Are you playing with high res texture pack? Have you seen YouTube of how it looks on pc and the 64 player on metro? Fcking crazy!!!!!

Re: Xbox 360

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:48 pm
by Flatline
Anyone out there playing Forza 4 Battlefiled3 and COD4 on xbox?

Re: Xbox 360

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:11 pm
by seb421
Flatline wrote:Anyone out there playing Forza 4 Battlefiled3 and COD4 on xbox?
Yes mate, battlefield and Forza 4 on the xbox 360


add us mate, look forward to blowing sh*t up with you i'm usually on in the day, and in the early hours too (before and after work)

i have MW3 but dont play it, i liked black ops better than the new one, i have Moto GP 10/11 but not been on that for a while

Re: Xbox 360

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:08 am
by vtrnewb90
Xbox 360 battlefield 3 hands down love the game really fun, have ps3 but don't use it as prefer the xbox skyrim is a great game aswell bit need hours upon hours of free time.

Re: Xbox 360

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:11 am
by vtrnewb90
Add me tnathan01 for battlefield 3