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F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:49 pm
by parkergb6
Well today I'm out and about minding my own business when Muppet lady pulls out from a side junction causing me to try and avoid her whilst she just carries on (she didn't even look)where I then collide with the rear nearside quarter of her car making a right mess of my bike and leaving me (luckily) with a bashed swollen knee and no breaks.She did stop and it appears she is insured so thats something. Now got to get the bike back and see what the full extent of the damage is. Only bloody wish I wasn't only third party fire and theft. now goes the battle with insurances companies etc. Guys hopefully Ill be in a position to fix and will be in the market for parts.

Ill upload some photos in a bit.....

Re: F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:06 pm
by MacV2
parkergb6 wrote:Well today I'm out and about minding my own business when Muppet lady pulls out from a side junction causing me to try and avoid her whilst she just carries on (she didn't even look)where I then collide with the rear nearside quarter of her car making a right mess of my bike and leaving me (luckily) with a bashed swollen knee and no breaks.She did stop and it appears she is insured so thats something. Now got to get the bike back and see what the full extent of the damage is. Only bloody wish I wasn't only third party fire and theft. now goes the battle with insurances companies etc. Guys hopefully Ill be in a position to fix and will be in the market for parts.

Ill upload some photos in a bit.....
Oh bolloxs !

Sorry to hear that, glad your not broken too bad...Bike can be fixed.

Did she admit fault ? if yes sue her for bloody everything you can...Bike, lid, clothing, loss of earnings the bloody lot ...Dozzy cow !

Re: F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:09 pm
by Dr B1G
Sorry to hear about your off m8, riding on the roads today is a lottery with drivers like that.
The good people of this forum will look after you im sure.
Really hope everything works out ok for ya, :wink:

Re: F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:13 pm
by parkergb6
Her statement to police was "The car flashed me out and I went I didnt see the bike" So bloody mad.




Re: F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:25 pm
by MacV2
Oooh that looks nasty !

Have a good look at the lock stops they are soft as shite, check the clock bracket hasn't pulled off the headstock, both of these will write off the bike as far as Insurance Co's. are concerned.

Whip the forks out & make sure they are straight, also the lower yoke it bends very easily !

Sorry for being so down about it but all the above were reasons my Storm was written off after a 30mph impact.

If she has said that a car flashed her, she has broken a rule in the highway code ! ( yes it's a rule/guide only not a law unfortunately...)

Flashing of headlight means ''Danger I am here'' not bloody ''you can pull out.''

Take some advice from a solicitor these lot come highly recommended ...

Good luck.


Re: F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:27 pm
by lumpyv
does my nut in. people are so cosy in their cars they don't realise the potential harm they can do by pulling out without looking. any side roads I slow right down. also twitchy when im bashing down fast b roads with entrances to cottages/farms etc.
I once made eye contact with a woman sitting in her drive waiting and she still went out in front of me at the last minute, luckily I missed her but she got a fair bit of abuse she most likely could not hear.
hope you get an insurance payout and glad to hear nothing broken . bet you are stiff tonight though. (oo err missus)

Re: F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:30 pm
by lloydie
wonker , glad your ok

Re: F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:43 pm
by simo
Stupid Bitch. Hope her insurance pays out. May be not as you've got an Arai helmet sticker on the back panel.

Re: F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:55 pm
by VTRDark
Someone flashed me to go... WTF is wrong with people.

As long as the bits Mac mentioned above are OK then the rest looks like it's just superficial.


Re: F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:58 pm
by agentpineapple
there seems to be a hit going out on yellow storms, i know i know, most of us can barely tolerate the colour but still.....
i hope your ok dude, lets hope the police do her for driving without due care and attention.
that way your insurance will pay out without to much hassle, and i've said it before so i'll say it again, when possible we should go for fully comp insurance.
good luck with the claim buddy.

Re: F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:39 pm
by ging500
Like people have said, I'm glad your ok. There seems to be a number of us going down.

Re: F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:56 am
by Teach72
Didn't see you. On a bright yellow bike when wearing a hi viz jacket! Should have been breathalised and given a sight test on be spot

Glad your ok with nothing broken. Hope you still have transport to get around if not save your taxi receipts too.

Re: F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:20 am
by Wicky
*Ouch* How did you take the self-protrait getting carted off? Hopefully you've got witnesses to the accident and what the daft bint fessed up to.

Try and get the bike out from where its being stored back to your place even if you have to pay for it up front (you can claim it back). And make a list of the damaged parts (use ron ayers for the part no.s and copy&paste them into David Silvers for the price) send that off to your local garage/dealers as reference for them to print an official estimate. Her insurance company will send an engineer to asses and confirm the claimed damage.

As mentioned keep all your receipts for expenses you rack up (you can even claim £50 for office out of pocket expenses i.e phone calls letters etc), Forward the ambulance bill to her insurance company.

Heal quick! but not before your pain & suffering racks you up some useful spondoolies.

PS Mac has for sale some yellow plastics.

Re: F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:28 am
by parkergb6
Thanks Guys
Going to get the bike back out of the recovery agent tomorrow just sourcing a trailer/van today. Buggers charge you a days storage even though they are not open today. I'm hopeful that I can get her repaired without writing her off as she was spotless condition and only 22000 on her. Just know the insurance company will undervalue her they always do. I had just done a full service etc. Did the manual tensioners at the workshop day a couple of years ago. I'm hoping that she is stuck on for careless driving. Bloody knee is hurting me. Big bonus though really hot nurse at the hospital looking after me!!!!!!! Should be in the market for some yellow fairing and tank soon.
Cheers I'll keep you posted.
Geoff :thumbup:

Re: F.....!!!!!!! Car drivers not looking

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:37 am
by MacV2
parkergb6 wrote:Thanks Guys
Going to get the bike back out of the recovery agent tomorrow just sourcing a trailer/van today. Buggers charge you a days storage even though they are not open today. I'm hopeful that I can get her repaired without writing her off as she was spotless condition and only 22000 on her. Just know the insurance company will undervalue her they always do. I had just done a full service etc. Did the manual tensioners at the workshop day a couple of years ago. I'm hoping that she is stuck on for careless driving. Bloody knee is hurting me. Big bonus though really hot nurse at the hospital looking after me!!!!!!! Should be in the market for some yellow fairing and tank soon.
Cheers I'll keep you posted.
Geoff :thumbup:
Lucky you re the nurse. When I was in most of them were Nigerian except the one British nurse...& he was gay... :lol:

Cant help you with the fairings but I do have a Yellow Tank, mud guard & tail fairing in Y-124 paint if any use to you. Oh & several screens if that's fubard. Drop us a PM for any parts you need.
