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This made me wince ...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:00 pm
by ging500
Watched this video and put simply ouch.... and what a douche!!

Re: This made me wince ...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:05 pm
by Virt
All I'm thinking is why did he try and get past?

We see him (the car) overtaking at the very beginning of the video, and then when the video-er catches up he's aggressively placed towards the middle of the road and practically tailgating the car in front..

Screw if I want to get past him, those people I don't even take the risk with!

Re: This made me wince ...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:13 pm
by Jamoi
To be fair, he's a nifty break dancer even at 60mph! :lol:

Re: This made me wince ...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:27 pm
by VTRDark
He should have anticipated that and quite simply taken a wider overtake and moved further across onto the opposite side of the road. I don't think the car meant to knock him off, the driver just done an overtake without checking mirrors.


Re: This made me wince ...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 6:33 am
by 2wheelsagain
This shows a lack of riding maturity in my opinion.
Sometimes you gain maturity by being lucky and sometimes you gain it by using your head.
I'm extra cautious if I'm a couple of cars back because of this situation.
Yes the car driver was wrong. Yes the rider contributed to the incident.

Re: This made me wince ...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:27 pm
by Pete.L
Well, if I was the owner of that bike I'd sure be posting in the "what pi$$ed you off today" section.

The sad truth is, no matter who's at fault the biker is always going to come off worse in those situation :sad2


Re: This made me wince ...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:34 pm
by AMCQ46
i had the same happen to me when overtaking a line of cars. only difference was that I anticipated the risk and was right over at the edge of the overtaking lane and that gave me just that bit more time to react when the huge black rangerover pulled out without indicating.

mind you I was still bloody close to hitting him as I emergency braked back down to his speed, and MrsMcQ wasnt too happy as the pillion either, as I shouted through the intercom and made her deaf

Re: This made me wince ...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 5:21 pm
by VTRDark
The sad truth is, no matter who's at fault the biker is always going to come off worse in those situation :sad2
That's a fact for sure.

Coincidently the same thing happened to me earlier today. I literally started an overtake and the car decided to do the same and overtake the car in front of them. I was far enough over for the car to miss me though and didn't need to swerve too much. I didn't even get a heart murmur or shout at the driver or anything. Just continued on with my travels. You get used to these things!
