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Moan about gear - jackets/gloves etc.

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 7:51 pm
by Richy85
Why can I not seem to find a bike jacket that isn't completely annoying? :crazy:
I'm on the large side which kinda limits a lot of gear but anything that I find that fits always has something annoying about it.

Currently I'm using a spada jacket which fits nice enough (although the bottom of the jacket is cut too high and in the cold I get a pretty annoying draught) but the collar is bloody massive and so stiff that turning my head is a nightmare, especially for shoulder checks - it's near impossible!

Also the other thing that REALLY pisses me off is gloves... I have a matching set of spada gloves and jacket yet I cannot for the life of me get the gloves on because they won't fit under or over the ends of the sleeves!
And it's been the same for any jacket/glove combo I've ever had.
I either have to suffer with having scrunched up jacket sleeves or have the gloves halfway off my hand! :evil: Ends up getting right on my tits.

I've had people suggest leathers to me but I'm far too fat for leathers but I really need to get some proper gear sorted out because its annoying me to the extent that I often just can't be arsed to wear a jacket at all :problem:

Re: Moan about gear - jackets/gloves etc.

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 9:07 pm
by VTRDark
Why can I not seem to find a bike jacket that isn't completely annoying? :crazy:
I'm on the large side which kinda limits a lot of gear
The pineapple will be along shortly to advice :lol: Ask him about his experience in leather trousers :P

What annoys me about bike gear is the sizing. The same sizes from different manufactures will be different, meaning that one has to try before they buy.


Re: Moan about gear - jackets/gloves etc.

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 9:26 pm
by mattycoops43
I got a set of Weiss textile jacket and trousers and they are ace. I am a 'larger' (ahem) frame (it's pure muscle) .

6" length of zip to join back of jacket to trousers so no draughts, pockets everywhere, and the cuffs are way large enough to go over winter gloves, with velcro easy to tighten straps to tighten cuffs over gloves, which are easy to use with the gloves on.

Completely waterproof so far, despite being a nice flexible material which feels quite soft.

I used to use a spada one piece, loved it till a zip went, got a second one after 3 months wait on warranty, and two zip went within a week so I took it back and threw it at em. Won't buy spada again they seem to be scimping on quality-they used to be great.

Re: Moan about gear - jackets/gloves etc.

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 10:00 pm
by Flatline
You can get handroid gloves designed to go under cuffs

Re: Moan about gear - jackets/gloves etc.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:45 am
by Richy85
Those handroid gloves are a bit out of my price range tbh! :(

I've nothing against the spada kit per sé - I know it's entry/budget level kit but for f*** sake, at least make all the kit compatible!

Will have a look for those weiss ones as suggested though :)

I'd rather not change my gloves as I have gammy hands and its hard finding gloves that stop my hands from cramping up and getting weird 'buzzy'/pins and needles feelings after 5 mins riding :x
Even with these gloves though I still get it after 15 or 20 mins though.


Re: Moan about gear - jackets/gloves etc.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:49 pm
by vtrjock
The Handroid gloves do seem to come up on the tight side, fit wise.
With the Handroids themselves (as opposed to Knox's other models), I would need a 2XL whereas in my Held gloves I am a 9.5 which is kind of a gnats dangler over a Large.
They do look cool mind. 8)
Spada do some reasonable kit but is is not as popular these days as say Weise or RST.
RST gear is hugely popular and offers great quality for the price, it looks darn smart as well.
It sells that well that they struggle to bring sufficient stock in each year to keep up with demand. :roll:

Re: Moan about gear - jackets/gloves etc.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:01 pm
by bald_pig
Carl, I've seen different jackets from the same company come up different before!

As for gear, I'd suggest tryiung to find a jacket with a decent adjustable cuff, or going out and getting tailored leathers, I only trust textiles so much...

Re: Moan about gear - jackets/gloves etc.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:12 pm
by TheGingerBeardMan
MEH! - all this talk of fancy brands and costly clothing. I'm still biking in the same shitty gear I was wearing 20 years ago. Ex army boots, badly holed up Belstaff wax trousers. My Akito leather jacket, and cheap Ashmans gloves/gauntlets bought new back in 1990.

I got hold of some discounted Buffalo Textile stuff, which is too big for me, but the price was right, so I wear the trousers and look a berk - but I'm not assed!

I did buy me some used kangaroo leathers that matched the FJ1200 I ran for a while - but I looked like a Power-Ranger, and there's no meat on me to fill the trousers up. So, the jacket (4 inches chest too big) gets an airing on sunny days. You gotta wear thick jumpers to fill it out - and in summer...PHEW!

As for me lids - all used / second hand.

Waterproofs? Yer kidding....such a luxury. For my gloves getting wet in the rain, I wear latex gloves inside them so I don't get that "icky tight pull on feeling".

I get angry when I see bike mags these days with their kit prices. Who the hell would pay over 400 quid now for a Belstaff jacket?

And near 500 quid for a new Arai lid? (2 of my lids are ex 400 quid Quantum Fs).

It's hard keeping a bike on the road thesedays, what with Insurance and tax n all. Theres little left to spend on clothing. We have a "motorcycle clothing discount" store in the big City (45 miles away) called JS, and my gawd, they are more expensive for some bits than other local bike retailers!

That said - I have spent half decent money on Locks chains and shackles tho. (for the bike that is...not the weekend away kit)

I figure there's no point having all the fancy gear, if theres no bike to ride when you wake up...

Yeah - I know, typical tight assed Scots guy. Well, partly. But I'm on a shitty pension, and can't afford all this nice, stay dry kit with matching cow-hide whislte n flutes.

Ok. Gripe over. As you were.

Re: Moan about gear - jackets/gloves etc.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 5:17 am
by agentpineapple
hahahaha you cheeky sod carlos. being on the husky side myself, biking gear is a nightmare, I know I know, lose weight and it's problem solved, but as things stand, i'm yet to find a firm who supply decent gear for the larger rider, also because there's no standard size, each company is different, and what's with the sizing charts.... :eek2
what would be a 3xl in normal clothing can be anything between a 6xl to 10xl in biking clobber, bloody mad.
unfortunately if your on the large size, custom made gear is the only way to go, alastair of elsemade(the guy who makes the custom seats) has recently started to provide a service of Kevlar lining jeans, you go out and buy a pair of jeans that you like, make sure they're one size to big, and alastair will line them in Kevlar for a very reasonable price.
oh a the collar of my akito leather jacket rubs against the bottom of my hjc lid, making a squeaky noise that's slowly driving me crazy..... :lol:
and this summer I bought a pair of alpinestar short gauntlet gloves via ebay, they haven't got as much wrist protection, but they're so much easier to put on under the sleeves of my jacket.... :thumbup:

Re: Moan about gear - jackets/gloves etc.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:24 pm
Hmm I live on Lewis so cant try before buy (MacV2 aside) so have lots of gear that doesn't fit. Big shoulders slim lower half and nothjng bloody fits. Getting Knox Hemoroids for crimbo in xxl, hope they fit.

Re: Moan about gear - jackets/gloves etc.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:44 pm
by Gnarly
PARSLEYRIPPER wrote:Hmm I live on Lewis so cant try before buy (MacV2 aside) so have lots of gear that doesn't fit. Big shoulders slim lower half and nothjng bloody fits. Getting Knox Hemoroids for crimbo in xxl, hope they fit.
Those Knox Hemoroids sound painful :D