First ride on a VTR1000 - Im in love...

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Re: First ride on a VTR1000 - Im in love...

Post by tentman »

Well i dont know how your getting on Mick but ive been out and in the rain..... I was not wanting to be out in the rain but it happens and again this bike just keeps amazing me all the time. I was worried the power would be to much for me in the dry but im getting used to this (still have loads of power in reserve) but in the rain i thought i would be all over the place but it stuck like glue to the road, the tires are great.

I visited a bike meet in huntingdon the other day and i dont want to put other VTRs down but mine did look good. Being the Anniversary edition the paint looked much deeper and all the real carbon fibre looked great. The ohlins steering damper looks great but i dont really think it needs it but the adjustable Prflex shock works well.

Again dont think im knocking normal VTRs but i do like mine....

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Re: First ride on a VTR1000 - Im in love...

Post by Jbrebel »

tony.mon wrote:Or like the one on the Sachsenring MotoGP practice session yesterday, where (I can't remember who- Hayden?) highsided and then landed on the rider in front of
Yeah, I watched that too.

Must have been lovely for Canepa...just minding your own business, bumbling round...

Then a red clad, Kentuckian with a beard like a minge fires himself into you and your bike :Jaw Drop:

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Re: First ride on a VTR1000 - Im in love...

Post by headgear »

fritz wrote:ive just got me self another firestorm after selling my last one a couple of years back!!!!!

the grin is back!!! i sulked for two bloody years!! :( :(

as for the round abouts..... approach in what ever gear you like, and on the exit, give it a hand full!!!! your trusty steed will move into "thwaites dumper mode", it will make what you think is an odd noise and start to pull away!!!

its a vee twin.. its what they do best :D :D

im a very lazy rider and love the way they pull... cant stand having to go up and down the gear box always looking for the power like you do with an inline 4!!!

although i must admit my LC350 was a big bag of bonkers fun 20 odd yrs ago.

anyone else remember the "powerband" on the 2strokes we all tryed to kill ourselves on??

Mine was black cos black is the fastest, what colour was yours? :biggrin
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Re: First ride on a VTR1000 - Im in love...

Post by geoff996 »

Hi Mike, fully agree brought my bike in april and still makes my hair on the back of my neck stand up. Every time i think of the noise the art cans make, makes me smile, loads of fun and i only paid a thou.
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Re: First ride on a VTR1000 - Im in love...


Only recently got mine and i love it, the trouble is the weather is too dodgy to ride with any confidence in case i drop it. I'm either freezing cold and stiff as a board or just paranoid of ice. The mrs has already come off the SV at 5 mph on ice and i dont want to do the same to my bike. I have laid mine up until March when the weather improves so i can start enjoying the full capabilities of the bike again and i cant wait :D
Red (the fastest colour) 98 Storm, APE CCT's ART Titanium high level cans, Airblade smoked double bubble screen and the shopping list is still growing!
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