
General Biker Banter
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Post by Alienist »

Hi guys,

Been tripping around the place for a few weeks so haven't been on line, but as I sit here waiting to go home after nightshift I thought I'd have a moan about a little bit of weather I rode through the other week. :D

Over the years I've learnt never to trust a weather forecast, but for some insane reason I believed one that said isolated showers along the coast. Hmmm, sounds good I thought, easy ride home, not too uncomfortable. :wink:

Was doing my usually heading from Cairns to Townsville, which is 360km of highway fit mostly for cattle carts and little cars and there were a few factors against me. One it was about midnight. Two, the term isolated showers appeared to actually mean thunderstorms, lightning, heavy rain and 90kph gusting winds 8O

So, I rode out of Cairns in a little drizzle, which is not much of a worry and headed south. And then it started, the heaviest rain I've ridden through in my life, or driven through for that matter and the trucks hammering around the roads didn't help one bit. That rain last for 300 km. Aquaplaned the bike twice (an experience I totally refuse to experience again 8O ) and really couldn't see much and was not having the most fun, but had to work the next morning so I figured this is only nature, surely I can push through that minor detail, 8) even when the wheel depressions in the road started to fill up with water and I was riding in the middle to keep from drowning, i thought I can do this, just tuck down behind the windscreen a little more, easily done :D
The gusting winds made for an interesting experience as well. At 200 kg the VTR seems like a heavyish bike, but the wind didn't care for that and added its fun to my misery. :(
And the cracking of the rain drops against the visor was starting to drown out my music, so i fumbled around for the volume and turned it up. No way was a little rain going to stop me listening to my music. :D

Stopped for fuel about half way and the attendant was kind enough to let me know that it really wasn't the kind of weather to be out riding in, which, I guess, the humour was lost on me, even though he was smiling :(

The normal three and a half hour trip took me five and I was shattered when I got off the bike. My forearms were badly cramped from hanging on to the bars and I was walking like a broken old man. The poor VTR was coated in filth from the road and I was sopping wet from sweat, since my touring gear is waterproof and tired as hell. :(

I could have stopped I guess and tried to wait it out, but strangely that only occured to me once and it was quickly forgotten. I just turned the music up louder again to drown out any weak thoughts :D

But I count a fair bit of it to luck. I wasn't the only rider on the roads that night and not all of us survived. A few hundred km south of me a rider was killed in the same weather when his bike left the road and hit a tree. :( Not a cool night.

So there is my moan.

Have a great day :D
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Post by sirch345 »

Hi Alienist,
That was a fair old ride there mate, I think you were lucky also 8O Glad to hear you made it safely and in one piece, definitely not something you want to repeat hopefully :!:
Take there mate :!:

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Post by VTRgirl »

I owe you an apology Alienist... I laughed all the way through your post (except the bit about the other guy hitting a tree...). I've been on those same roads & done long trips (as all us Aussies have, in order to get anywhere) in similar weather. It's almost an initiation process. They say you're not a real horse-rider until you've fallen off & broken a bone. I say you're not a real rider until you've done crappy Australian long-distance riding in a never-ending, merciless, tropical thunderstorm and are not able to tell whether you're soaked in sweat or rain. Until you've been passed within a metre of some gigantic road train full of cattle, at least one of which decides to pee or worse, just at that very moment. Until you've ridden down one side & up the other some time later, of a pot-hole the size of those only found in Queensland. Until every inch of your luggage is such that it can only be stored in the bath.

Congratulations. You've earned your leathers. Ride with pride. 8)
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Post by droid »

And we poms complain about OUR weather!!!

Never again

Well, not much, anyway :roll:

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Post by sirch345 »

droid wrote:And we poms complain about OUR weather!!!

Never again

Well, not much, anyway :roll:

Very good point that Droid :!:

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Post by Alienist »

Thanks guys.

I'm with you there VTR girl. I regularly ride in crap weather on long haul rides, just part of life in the tropics :D Not bad fun when you get used to it and there is nothing like the experience of a road train going passed and the suction trying to drag you under it 8O
I'm in Cairns at the moment and you should see the roads, the weather has ripped them up and left massive pot holes all along the highway. Lucky I'm in my Hilux this time :D

Have a huge one
My other job is navigator on an Intergalactic
Spice Freighter

Red (of course) 99 storm. Vance & Hines SS2 cans, Dynajet kit and K&N filter.
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