Oh dear, Ronnie Pickering

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Re: Oh dear, Ronnie Pickering

Post by MacV2 »

Read the second question...''& who the F*** is...''

Making up since 2007, sometimes it's true...Honest...
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Re: Oh dear, Ronnie Pickering


Bonnie Richard :whatever
it may be clever, but its not big.
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Re: Oh dear, Ronnie Pickering

Post by geodude »

AMCQ46 wrote:it is funny as feck, and fair play to the moped rider for the way he handled it, I kept thinking that Ronnie was going to get out of the car and start a fight, but it never happened, as Ronnie was all talk.

also I read some reports where they are saying he is from a bit of a "gangster" family, who used to be the neighbourhood tough guys back in their day, so in his own mind he though his name commanded fear and respect............. truth in the video was that he didn't have the balls to follow through.

but is does remind me of Mrs McQ's dad [RIP Jim].
In is day he was a wild man, ex sailor and worked on the small fishing boats that did 5day shifts in the Irish sea, then they spent the next 5days drinking their wages and fighting..... and by all accounts he was very good at the latter 2 :D .

so bring this up to 7 yrs ago when he is in his late 60s, he has stopped drinking, he gave up the boats to drive the Library van, then retired, he is an elder at the church, and looks like your average Granddad..... So he likes to get his newspaper as soon as the shop opens at 6am, and he gets the car out to drive down the street to get the paper, but the milkman has got his van parked across his drive.

so old Jim tells your milkman to "move his van pronto",...... but young milky says "calm down old man, I will move it when I have finished delivering to these houses".

Jim says .."no, you will do it now".......... Milky says "OR WHAT!!".............. to which Jim walks up, Hits him with one punch and knocks him out :lol:

turns out Milky didn't know about Jims reputation as a hard man, but he wont forget now :D
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