OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Get on yer bike and lets rumble!!

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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by AMCQ46 »

Not long now boys & girls. :D :D :D

2 more added (Pete’s brother and Kermit’s friend Steve who has been to the last 2 Irish events) and 1 more dropped out (Jake has hurt his back), but still looks like a good turnout.

Given my experience last Friday of the Sh1t fest that is the M6 on a Friday, and that I will be in the van this time not on the bike, I am now planning to go up on Thursday afternoon so will have the head start on you boys.

I will collect bbq and beer supplies for the Friday and we will have a sit down in the restaurant on the Saturday.

We will plan the direction and distance of the ride based on the weather, so see you there
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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by AMCQ46 »

Well that’s the Scottish weekend done and dusted for another year, and much fun was had.

I changed my plans and decided to go cycling on Thursday so opted for the early start on Friday to get ahead of the m6 traffic madness on the way up. It worked out well and I was in the supermarket in Dumfries by 11.30am stocking up on supplies for the weekend.
Another half hour and I was at the inn And I had my camp set up by the loch and chilling waiting for Budds group to arrive.
As with the Irish trip, the weather forecast was tormenting us for Saturday, but Friday was nice, so when Budds lot turned up about 2pm, they were up for a quick ride out in the sun.
Budds was on his KTM 1290 GT and his crew were:
little chis on BMW S1000R,
Sucki Chris on BMW S1000XR
mick on another Big KTM GT, who was a Scottish trip newbie.

They had brought the big guns out to chase that yellow VTR 😂 :lol:

We did a quick loop round lochken, out to Newton Stuart and back, then home via Corsock to get everyone acclimatised to roads and give Mick his first training on the 2nd man drop off marking system.
Back to the Inn with big smiles on our faces and crack open the 1st beer of the weekend.

most of the others had now arrived and were already at the bar.

PeteL was there on his Suzuki Gsx1000gt, he had brought big brother Richard on his BMW k1300 and they had expanded the Scottish weekend into part of a longer camping tour through Snowdon and the Lake District.

Also arrived was Kermitlefrog and his gang.
Kermit has missed Ireland as he had hurt his back a few months ago and he looked like he was still suffering… but he didn’t want to miss out so brought the big Aprilia V4 in the hope that it’s Ohlins suspension would give him a magic carpet ride over the bumps.
With him was Edward (BMW S1000r), Wellgroomed Andy (Ktm 890 duke) and another Scottish newbie Steve (BMW GS 12).

Only Husky Supermoto rider James was missing, and we hadn’t heard from him on WhatsApp since he told us about crashing hisBMX bike while trying to keep up with some kids (apparently they were part of the Irish youth national team), and that he had lost a lot of skin.

I packed this T-shirt just for him
T shirt
T shirt
Eventually we hear the big single arriving and we can get down to the piss taking about a grown man playing on a bmx. The fact that he had extensive dressings on both hands and both elbows and the struggle he had getting his gloves off got him no sympathy!!!!!!

So it was time to get the BBQ going back at the van, those cans of beer weren’t going to drink them selves.
So as usual now at the forum weekends the VTR bikes (1/12) and even owners or ex owners or forum members (4/12) were in the minority
We should just call it the Mates of ex VTR owners weekend ride :lol:

To be continued
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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by AMCQ46 »

Part 2…. Saturday…. Yes it was already wet all round, although it almost stopped raining as we got ready to set off it was still an easy decision to put the waterproof trousers on from the start, as we were expecting more rain throughout the day.
Setting off 1
Setting off 1
Setting off 2
Setting off 2
Eating off 3
Eating off 3
Off to Dalbeattie to gas up, and as i was on my storm, i knew I was needing petrol every 100 miles, i had planned the stops at that frequency…. So I should be the weak link …. But NO!

Off out of Dalbeattie with Little Chris as Back marker but when we get to Dumfries he is missing! Check the WhatsApp and he says he has broken down 2 miles out of Dalbeattie, so we turn round and go back.

On my way back i am thinking what could cause his bike to die so soon after filling up, and the thought that he filled with Diesel crosses my mind, but it cant be that surely ….. open the filler cap and yup, that’s what it is ….. OOPS :Richard: :Richard: :Richard:
Should i use the black pump?
Should i use the black pump?
Some piss taking as he arranges for BMW recovery to come and get him, then we abandon him in a lay-by where he was later adopted by a car full of women who were hoping he might have been a big rough macho biker. To cover their disappointment they fed him tea and cakes till the rain storm passed over and they kicked him out to wait 4 more hours for the tow truck.

So off we go to Moffat where we will start the really fun roads, and just as we leave our Aprilia rider pulls up beside me and says he only has 30 miles left in his tank ….. I am going “why the feck didn’t you fill up when we all did!!!”, but he thinks he can get to Peebles where i know there is a petrol (or diesel if that’s your thing). So off we go up the A708 past where Edward crashed a few years ago and off up the great crests and curves through the valley going past the Grey Mares tail waterfall and St Marys Loch on initially dry roads. Knowing how much he likes this bit of tarmac, it’s no surprise to see that James has discovered that Adrenalin is a great pain killer and is playing “catch the VTR” like normal.
Although it started to rain half way along it was still a bloody fun ride :D

This time I turned left at the end and this was a new part of the route over a bit of a single track towards Innerleithen and then main road to Peebles. Iain didn’t even make it off the single track so Pete went back to keep him company and the rest of us went to Peebles where Steve bought a petrol can and took 5ltrs back to rescue the stranded Ape.

It looks like Innerleithen is normally a MTB Mecca with the one of the 7 Stanes Forrest parks on their doorstep, but this was amplified by the fact that the UCI cycle world championships were set up half way between there and Peebles for the cross country event, so it had a really cool vide as we had a bite to eat in the BP Forcourt.

Eventually Iain turns up and we are now all full of gas for the next bits off towards the A701 Devils Beef Tub road back into Moffat.
I keep forgetting how good that road is before you get to the actual beef tub, so there was a very fast run to our usual stop at the top of the valley. :thumbup: :) :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :D
Beef tub1
Beef tub1
Tub 2
Tub 2
Tub 3
Tub 3
From there it started raining properly and as we rode up alongside the m74 the rain got so hard it was hurting even through leathers! But as soon as it started it stopped, so we carried on to what I have decided is my new favourite road, the B740 down towards Sanquhar.

Even though the road was wet, the road crews had used a course gravel with the tar, so there was good confidence in the grip and off i went with the white husky in chase. I am not sure how best to describe the road, but the 1st half goes across open hill ground, almost full visibility of what is coming, and has a lot of elevation changes combined with relentless constant radius bends as it follows the hillside contours. The next 1/4 is fast, open visibility, flat sweepers beside the river (only marred by the sheep sleeping on the roadside and my fear that the VTR on open pipes is going to frighten the sh1t out of them as it flys past causing them to bolt under my wheels). The final 1/4 is now in the woods, so visibility is less and the curves can be more technical, some tightening up and some with bad surfaces so you have to be fully focussed.. my kind of road, and it sounds like I wasn’t alone when we get to the end.

A bit of a link stretch of the A76 to get to the next hill pass, the B741 over the hill to Dalmellington. Again a bit technical especially in the wet, but at least going SW direction I knew the crazy multiple manhole covers going into the bends were in the other lane ( I reversed the whole route direction to make sure we didn’t have to face them in the wet again this year).
A petrol and piss stop then we turned towards home down the A713 towards Dalry. I went slowly past Normans crash site and by the various bits of front grill there, it looks like an Audi had also come to grief at the same spot in the last few weeks.

From Dalry, the roads were dry and next stop was Corsock church to see Normans grave. RIP mate :(

Then a final razzz to Crockeford and back to base with 30 mins to spare before our table was booked for supper…… still no sign of Little Chris though!

At 9pm Chris arrives and get absolutely no sympathy from anyone even though he has had to spend 5 hrs at the road side, then when they couldn’t fix it, leave his bike at BMW in Carlisle and get a £95 taxi to come back to be humiliated by his mates.

We are not sure who should get the virtual d1ckhead T shirt (we are going to start bringing a pink T shirt with a D1ck head logo on it to be worn by the recipient till somebody else does something more stupid) for the day, it’s a close call between him and Iain. Who would you vote for?

To be continued
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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by AMCQ46 »

Sunday dawns and has the cheek to be sunny and warm …. Grrr

Most of the boys are heading home today, but Kermit, Edward, Steve and I are stoping 1 more night, and James doesn’t have to catch his ferry till 7pm, so the 5 of us have another day of fun planned today.
Although I was going to get to a lot of roads we didn’t do yesterday, there was going to be 3 that we would visit again, but they are good enough to want to do everyday :D

Lesson learned from yesterday, we all fill up in Dumfries and we all use the green pumps before heading out to Lockerbie and then onto the famous Logging road.
Again I can see James has recognised the start and has worked his way to 2nd man for his Adrenalin painkiller fix, and he and I take the rollercoaster up towards the Buddhist temple in Eskdalemuir. Although we got a bit of a shock when we caught the effects of a localised heavy shower that had passed about 10 mins before we got to one section, it was mostly dry.
Logging road
Logging road
Then the B road back to the top of the St Marys Loch road (which we would do in the opposite direction today). That B road is fun in the dry but a bit narrow and sketchy in the wet…..fortunately it was dry and the VTR got a lot of air under its wheels as we jumped the humpback bridge. Fun as it was I couldn’t help but worry that this followed by the up and downs of the St Marys loch road might not be what Iain needed for his bad back, and sure enough when we stopped in Moffat for gas he admitted that he was just not bike fit and would find his own way back to base for a rest.

From Moffat I broke my normal rules and just jumped on the motorway to make the transition up to my new favourite road, which would hopefully be dry for this 2nd visit, although the growing clouds were beginning to worry me.
It did start off spitting as we got onto the start of the B740, but the rain was staying on the M74 and as we went South West we found the sun, so we had it dry past the sleeping sheep.

Soon the sun and blue sky was all round us, it was like we had moved to a different land compared to the grey and cold on the other side of the M way, and as we turned right in the little village of Straiton I spotted a coffee shop……. I point and the rest give me the thumbs up, it’s coffee time.
Coffee 1
Coffee 1
Coffee 2
Coffee 2
From there we rode down some great roads back to Girvan where we stopped for an ice cream at the harbour in the sun.

Here is where we left James, who was still deciding if he catches his 7pm ferry or if he uses the flex option to stay Sunday night…. Turns out he chilled in the harbour for a couple of hrs, called his wife and got the OK to come home early Tuesday… so he got a B&B near Girvan and carried on chilling.
Girvan sunset
Girvan sunset

Now we are down to 3 and have perfect conditions for the endless twists and turns of the A714 down to Newtown Stewart and then a left turn onto the A712 through the Galloway forest park (the dark sky park) into New Galloway….. oh that was so much fun in the sun.

As we had already done the A712 to Corsock yesterday, I decided to turn right in New Galloway and go along the side of loch Ken …… oh that was a bad decision….. within 3 miles we hit the after effects of another localised monsoon that had just passed and we have water on top of mud brought out of the fields by tractors trying to get the silage done before the rain. Both Steve and I have slides as we cross the invisible hazard on the roads, but we made it home safe and the sun was back out again.
A few beers and a meal at the Inn and we are ready for an early night …… it’s like we are old!
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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by alanfjones1411 »

Great write up Al from an area I know fairly well as my stepdaughter and her family live in New Galloway.
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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by AMCQ46 »

Ask her if she heard some loud bikes Friday and Sunday?
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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by sirch345 »

A cracking write-Up Al 8) 8)

Despite the weather not being as good as it could have been it sounds like you had a blast :thumbup: :thumbup:

Many thanks for taking the time to write all of this up, and for adding the photo's, all of this has made for a great read :D :D

Adding the roads in had me looking some of them up on Google Maps :thumbup: :thumbup:

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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by fabiostar »

Brilliant story Al.. looks like the normal scottish fun was had :clap: :clap: :clap: . i really must get my ass back to those roads soon as i can....
the older i get,the faster i was :lol:
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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by alanfjones1411 »

AMCQ46 wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:00 pm Ask her if she heard some loud bikes Friday and Sunday?
She wasn't there .She came visiting us in Watford for the weekend.
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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by JSt »

Really enjoyed reading your write up Al. Thanks for organising the weekend and leading us around the most fantastic roads. I owe a lot to Fabiostar for introducing me to the ‘mates of firestorm owners weekend’ in Scotland. Hopefully we’ll be making the ferry trip together in the not so distant future. I’m not sharing a tent with him again though.

Thanks Al
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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by AMCQ46 »

fabiostar wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 9:26 pm Brilliant story Al.. looks like the normal scottish fun was had :clap: :clap: :clap: . i really must get my ass back to those roads soon as i can....
The fires have not been the same since you stopped coming over Rob :lol: :lol:
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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by AMCQ46 »

JSt wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 9:59 pm Really enjoyed reading your write up Al. Thanks for organising the weekend and leading us around the most fantastic roads. I owe a lot to Fabiostar for introducing me to the ‘mates of firestorm owners weekend’ in Scotland. Hopefully we’ll be making the ferry trip together in the not so distant future. I’m not sharing a tent with him again though.

Thanks Al
James, it’s now compulsory that you attend, I can’t ride round like that on my own…. There would be no fun in that!
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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by neil »

Enjoy reading about the meet up, some years since we went to Scotland but happy memories
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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by JSt »

AMCQ46 wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 10:37 pm
JSt wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 9:59 pm Really enjoyed reading your write up Al. Thanks for organising the weekend and leading us around the most fantastic roads. I owe a lot to Fabiostar for introducing me to the ‘mates of firestorm owners weekend’ in Scotland. Hopefully we’ll be making the ferry trip together in the not so distant future. I’m not sharing a tent with him again though.

Thanks Al
James, it’s now compulsory that you attend, I can’t ride round like that on my own…. There would be no fun in that!
Mandatory fun - sounds like a plan.
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Re: OP storm Scotland 4th, 5th & 6th Aug 23

Post by fabiostar »

would you all stop talking about it :lol: :lol: :lol: bad enough knowing what was happening and im sitting like a sack of here :lol:
the older i get,the faster i was :lol:
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