ebay thread vote!!!!!

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what to do with the ebay thread

Poll ended at Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:36 am

2.....get rid
3.....set post count before you access the ebay thread
Total votes: 45

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ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by agentpineapple »

after speaking to admin. its been decided that we have a vote on the future of the ebay thread.
there are 3 options to choose from....


2.....get rid

3.....set post count before you access the ebay thread.

only one vote each, now get voting ladies and gents....
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Re: ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by firestorm1997 »

Not a great buyer / seller on flebay myself but have followed the thread regarding this and feel setting a post count limit would be the best result for all. Set it high though. :thumbup:
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Re: ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by seb421 »

option 3 for me,

and 250 post count to even get access to view it so that the knowledge and goods are only shared between established members here


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Re: ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by agentpineapple »

if it was to be option 3, then it would be for admin to decide on the post count, they might suggest we put it to another vote, lets see how this vote goes first... :thumbup:
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Re: ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by VTRDark »

I would put the post count not just on the ebay thread but the whole sales and want section to stop it being abused by those that just come on here to sell. I wouldn't like to stop people from asking if anyone has this that and the other when they are in need as it's nice to be able to help fellow stormers out when they have had a spill or something or are struggling to find certain items. But as Mac said by raising the post count it just encourages people to ask elsewhere which I think we can live with.

Or maybe the sales and wants could be split into two sections which would also stop the Wanted etc etc and For sale etc etc in the heading malarkey. Kills two bird with one stone. I personally feel it's just cleaning that area of the forum up, it also gives us as forum members a bit of added security and confidence if purchasing something from an already established member. Leave what's there for now and let it just run it's course, as it's a lot of work for admin to go through the whole section and divide up what's for sale and what is wanted. Just change the title to Sales and then create another one with no restrictions to Wanted.

As for the post limit, 10 posts is pointless. But as Marty said that's for admin to decide what would be fair.

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Re: ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by ernie234 »

i think we should keep it, but u must at least 50 posts before u can view. to have it more than 50 in my view would be stupid. if it does go then anyone looking for something other members could pm them if they find something that they are looking for some have done this for me in the past and i was made up because i may have missed them ie the tool kit i bought of flee bay.
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Re: ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by seb421 »

ernie234 wrote:i think we should keep it, but u must at least 50 posts before u can view. to have it more than 50 in my view would be stupid. if it does go then anyone looking for something other members could pm them if they find something that they are looking for some have done this for me in the past and i was made up because i may have missed them ie the tool kit i bought of flee bay.
post a bit more and you will soon be there.

50 is way too low imo, i would like to see a higher count view than that, this way people that post and help the forum members with knowledge, humor, banter etc get help and and rewards back for their efforts

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Re: ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by AMCQ46 »

I think the whole sales and wanted should be locked so non members and new members can't see it and cant post in it. Was also a good suggestion from thumper that the 50 or 100 posts needed to qualify have to be of a value to the forum, so excluding dross posts from the general chat and welcome areas
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Re: ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by popkat »

50 post minimum before seeing the sales, wanted and ebay sections (which should all be seperate imo). when 50 posts reached a request access to admin to have that section added should be required, admin can then add the person (or remove !) at their discretion. Also i think the workshop knowledge section should have a minimum post count before access, headings could be up, ie, cct's etc but the how too's etc subject to minimum post count (maybe 25). people can still offer advice in general or bike chat
Last edited by popkat on Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by popkat »

AMCQ46 wrote:Was also a good suggestion from thumper that the 50 or 100 posts needed to qualify have to be of a value to the forum, so excluding dross posts from the general chat and welcome areas
That was the rules on the OSS site. 50 useful posts. that site had loads of different sections covering alot of different models of suzuki, therefore building posts in area's other than general wasn't too hard to do. this site is a one model site (with a little bit of SP too) i think it could take a very long time to build the post count on this forum for alot of users. the minimum post count is so we can get a feel for the person and can form an opinion as to wheather they're trustworthy, posts in general will allow us to form an opinion, so is usefull to the needs. Also OSS used to have a policy that posts could only be Suzuki related and general chit chat was not allowed, this was policed firmly by the mods and lots of posts were deleted, after alot of complaining they let up a bit and allowed a little general chat but not much, they would always state it's an info site. OSS has currently been off line for over 6 months, seems nobody want to fix it, shame as was good site (when the mods weren't being arses!) but it had it's flaws.

*OSS= Oldskoolsuzuki.

On another forum i'm on there's an ebay section (includes gumtree etc etc) people realize that an ebay item isn't exclusive. they just tend to post the ebay link up as a thread starter with a breif description in the thread tittle and a short comment, then others can comment as they want, if someone is going to bid they often post on the thread saying they are bidding on it, if someone else wants to bid they know, and can chat about it in open thread or PM, doesn't stop anyone else bidding but can stop an unnecessary bidding war which pushes prices up. It's not a rule on the forum it's just how it's evolved and works pretty well. If more than one person wants an item really bad then there will be a bidding war regardless, nothing can stop that.
Here's an example; I was looking at an exhaust, it was posted by someone else in the ebay section, another member also wanted it, he contacted me and said he really wanted it and would i mind not bidding, He offered me some other stuff that was usefull to me at a silly cheap price, I had the parts off him and he won the exhaust, both parties happy. I wanted the exhaust but wasn't desperate, if i had really needed it to keep my bike on the road then i'm pretty sure he would have backed down, but at the time he needed it more than me. Just simple conversation but based on trust which i felt was there through his and my forum posts (I have never met the guy).
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Re: ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by turbo_billy »

Have voted to keep it. Personally can`t see what the problem is. I have come across a few items that I would not have seen had they not been posted in the thread. Now this doesn`t mean that I suddenly wanted to outbid everyone in the world for them. Whether you approach the seller directly for an off ebay deal or you go through the bidding process, surely you must know what the parts are worth to you and if someone is willing to offer more then good luck to them.
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Re: ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by MikaelJ »

I understand where you guys are coming from when the part you want all of a sudden jumps in price or gets sold to someone because they offered more, but jacking the numbers of posts it takes to access the section isn't really fair. For someone like me who doesn't post all that often but visits the site everyday and reads the posts, of all a sudden being locked out of the classifieds or ebay threads isn't fair in my opinion. But thats just my opinion and it affects you guys more than me as usually the items won't ship out of the UK or the shipping prices are astronomical, still née to be able to see what is out there and still available for our bikes.

Hope you guys find a good solution to this as its not fair for people to use this site to jack up the prices or out bid a fellow member that might really need the part. Saying that I do like Popkat's idea as well.
popkat wrote:On another forum i'm on there's an ebay section (includes gumtree etc etc) people realize that an ebay item isn't exclusive. they just tend to post the ebay link up as a thread starter with a breif description in the thread tittle and a short comment, then others can comment as they want, if someone is going to bid they often post on the thread saying they are bidding on it, if someone else wants to bid they know, and can chat about it in open thread or PM, doesn't stop anyone else bidding but can stop an unnecessary bidding war which pushes prices up. It's not a rule on the forum it's just how it's evolved and works pretty well. If more than one person wants an item really bad then there will be a bidding war regardless, nothing can stop that.
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Re: ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by Whoa Nelly »

No strong opinion on the ebay thread - if I'm after something I'll just be looking on ebay anyway, or if I'm stuck I'll post on the Wants section.
If I'm buying or selling from someone on the For Sale/Wanted forum, I'd want to have an idea of what they're like, so I like the idea of a higher post count requirement for that. As for only counting 'value' posts - well I think thats me scuppered right there :roll:
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Re: ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by agentpineapple »

so far theres only been 36 votes, is this an indication of active members :(
3 more days of voting left......
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Re: ebay thread vote!!!!!

Post by geodude »

Whoa Nelly wrote:As for only counting 'value' posts - well I think thats me scuppered right there :roll:
Agree with Nelly. Valuing something is difficult with physical objects let alone words on a screen. One mans trash is another mans treasure.
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