Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

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Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by Bleh »

Basically I'm trying to gather some information to help out the sister-in-law.

Whilst her and her partner were driving at snails pace through an estate, from nowhere some 12 year old punk came hurtling out on his bicycle and luckily, sis-in-laws partner came to a full stop but that didn't prevent the kid from smashing into the side of the car taking the wing mirror off and denting the door etc.
Luckily (and thankfully) , the kid was ok and his mother came running out initially implying sis-in-laws partner had run into the kid. When they corrected her and swiftly showed her the damage, her tune soon changed and attitude towards her son by shouting at him something along the lines of "told you that bloody bike was a death trap" and moving it to the rear of their house.
Police were called and arrived at the scene and after one officer went to inspect the bicycle, clearly stated that the kids bike had no brakes (what a f'king idiot... goes for the parent too!!!). The police left the scene providing an incident number and leaving sis-in-law with the names and address of the mother and child.

Unfortunately, my sis-in-law seems to be with a poor insurer/ broker (but that's another story) who don't seem to be providing viable options or advice. She also has a ridiculous excess of, wait for it.... £3000 :wtf:
The initial quote for repairs is £1500 and it's not the sort of cash that can be spent unnoticed or without worry!

So to sum up, driving at snails pace, perfectly legal through an estate. 12 year old comes from nowhere on a brake-less bicycle and slams into the side of the car which has successfully managed to stop prior to collision. Third party acknowledges incident and police statement could (hopefully) confirm that the bicycle can be deemed dangerous due to lack of brakes PLUS it's likely the 12 year old has no prior highway code/ cycling proficiency tutoring/ training (very common when I was a young boy, don't hear of it so much now!).

I feel my sis-in-law has more than enough evidence to be successful in a small claims court if the scenario evolves to that point and unfortunately, it very likely will (not usually one to stereotype but I am stereotyping on this occasion, shamefully :oops: ).

Just hoping that here there is someone who has far more experience in this sort of thing than I.

In my eyes, significant damage has happened to her car which is not the fault of her own and the person at fault is known. She should not be liable for the costs?! I have read that there are possibilities of claiming through the third parties home insurance through the public liability cover? But I doubt they have home insurance (Sorry, stereotyping again...)!

Thanks in advance for any help/ advice.
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by Wicky »

At best small claims court and the sprog's pocket money at a few quid a month for a few years…

Accidents caused by Children: Liability, Compensation and Negligence > ... bility.htm

Cheaper than solicitors would be get a replacement mirror & door from fleabay and if needed get it repsrayed to match, and drive through more upmarket housing estates with bull bars fitted.
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by rmh »

you could try

they normally pay if the driver is "uninsured or untraced", but you have nothing to lose.... they do not charge any fee (do not use any other site) for a claim and as long as your honest you could give it a try.

They paid out for e when i was hit by a guy who drove off but i dont know if they would cover this ...

As you are short of other options give it a go.. its just a simple form, but don`t expect it to be quick....
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by Bleh »

Both fantastic pieces of advice and very useful sources of information, thank you.
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by AMCQ46 »

Normally I would recommend holding the offending kid to ransom till the parents pay for the damage........... but in this case I fear they may call your bluff and tell you to keep it.
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by Miztaziggy »

I think if you go the solicitor route you're going to have to sue the child's guardians. You will likely end up with 50p a week.

My friend's dad had his car broken into by some kids. The police found them and prosecuted, however the damages the court awarded were based on what the children / their guardians could afford, and it literally was about 50p a week for something like 15 years.

You'll probably also incur solicitor costs and what not which will make it very costly for you.

As someone suggested you would be better trying to claim from the uninsured drivers fund.

Failing that, I would just get a repair done privately, ignore the quotes you get from the insurers recommended supplier, they will inflate the prices as they know it's the insurance company paying. I would eat my hat if you couldn't get it done for 30% of what they have quoted.

Personally, I would then take matters into my own hands by extracting the same value from the little scrote and his family. Perhaps a tin of paint stripper on their car or something similar.
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by Bleh »

Miztaziggy wrote:Personally, I would then take matters into my own hands by extracting the same value from the little scrote and his family. Perhaps a tin of paint stripper on their car or something similar.

As it happens, my brake fluid is in need of replenishing and that old stuff is a pain to get rid of (usually :shifty: )...

My thoughts through the day have been the uninsured bureau thingy... With it being a civil matter they may be willing but on the other hand, the address of the idiot kid is known and is local. Besides the police attendance, what's to say the whole thing wasn't staged in an attempt to repair earlier damage? I know 100% that's not the case but the bureau could argue that especially if a diplomatic approach is made to the parent to ask for assistance in confirming events which would likely be the preferred option to forking out cash and risking small claims court.

Small claims court however would smash any suggestion of fraud out the window before it could be proposed. From how I understand it, you need minimal representation at a small claims court and can represent yourself, there's just a fee for filing the complaint and initiating the process.

It will likely result in my sis-in-law forking out from her own pocket because she doesn't like hassle in any form but at the same time, she does want to visit the family again to discuss the damage caused.
Prior to the links posted here today, I have suggested that she goes to a few garages for price work on the dents and paint to get the best possible costs and I have a mate who works for the manufacturer who will try and get the new mirror components as cheap as possible so there's hope the financial damage will be minimal!

Thanks again for advice (in all forms :thumbup: )
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by Shauned71 »

Think my first port of call before things got complicated would be to get some more quotes on the repairs because, and I know I haven't seen the car but £1500 of damage from a pushbike seems ridiculous... If you can get a quote at a reasonable price I would then confront the kids parents offer them to cough up before any further action is taken be it through courts/legal etc etc
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by ging500 »

I would suggest her seeing some at the citizens advice bureau!! Your sister will be trying to show negiligence of the parents and part of this question will be remoteness ie in this case how reasonable is it that a parent is responsible said action.

I would look at all options, speak to cab, get some quotes to have the repair work done. The problem is morally your sister is in the right to expect the parents to compensate her however the likely end up going through a lot of fuss and even if she's wins may not get compensation ie they may not have the money to pay her.

As I say, consider all options and take the most economically viable option not the one that she feels morally is right.
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by ging500 »

I was doing some light reading and your sister could take the parents house insurance and claim from them!
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by StormingHonda »

These situations have always angered me, when it comes to pedestrian, push bikes or kids who are fault for an accident and damage as a car driver or biker you may have righteous on your side but you're never get what is owed to you, but by god if an accidents your fault, you're insurance will get taken to the cleaners.
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by Bleh »

All very reasonable words of wisdom...

Fortunately, I have a mate who works for the main dealer so he will have a look at what discounts he may be able to get on the mirror which has a market price of £450 all-in (includes all three parts that make it up, glass, outer casing and electric unit with mounting plate) but may only need two.

Not so long back, I stopped at a body shop whilst passing to enquire about removing some dents and scratches on the passat in various places, he quoted me about £250 which I felt was very reasonable considering one of the dents is in quite an undesirable location (between flat surface and curve of the wing). Will probably advise her to go there or even take the car there myself so trying to better her current quote is underway but unfortunately, she's just berried her head in the sand for the moment.

She's the type of person to let everyone walk over her and that's exactly what she does. Compliment that with her not being the type to listen to anyone's words of wisdom from people who care for her, i.e. family, and she gets very easily frustrated or confused with scenarios such as this so would likely prefer to just pay for the work to get done and brush it under the carpet (which was probably her intention until she had the initial quote for repairs!). Her other half is just a waste of lard who has no ambition to work or get out of bed in the morning and reaps the rewards of my sis-in-laws financial commitments, i.e. the car (only he drives it!).
Apart from that, she's a hard working individual who's willing to pay her way so I really do feel for her in this scenario and just hope she follows the sensible options. At the moment, she's leaving time drag on and it's not as if she can roll up in three months time and ask for the cost of repairs to be repaid etc...
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by Shauned71 »

That's one expensive mirror... even with discount i'd say a pattern or secondhand mirror maybe a better choice. If you don't mind me asking... what car is it?
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by Bleh »

Shauned71 wrote:what car is it?
63 plate Nissan Juke - My mate is a mechanic at the local main dealer and the price quoted was without any discounts he may be able to get.

Personally, I advised against even buying the car form the offset. From what I can gather, they're more looks than substance and are over-priced. It's not as if she's in a well paid job either and her other half is a useless elbow who doesn't want to work yet alone look for work!

I have pick of the litter with my misses, she's intelligent, hard working, committed, an amazing mother amongst many other glorious forms of praise, and yes, she does drive me nuts and does my head in on a daily basis - but that's real life eh? But the rest of her family drive me absolutely F***ING INSANE :Rant1: .

Even now, my sis-in-law has asked the misses for help knowing my misses is going to rope me in and I've already pointed out that she's getting ripped off by her insurance company. Have already said that my mate, the nissan mechanic will try and get the original parts as cheap as possible and fit it for her and I know of a reasonable body shop we can go to... Haven't heard from her in 4 or 5 days...

MUG - (not sure if I'm on about me or her there)!
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Re: Car damaged by kid... legal boffings please!

Post by darkember »

Humm situations like this never conclude due to lack of funds on the guilty side and it would be cost prohibitive to chase. Your sis in law may have to live with the dent for a while....
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